This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
Looking for someone who is decent at coding for a quick job.
Title basically send me a DM, must be decent at french and english too ! Bonus points for speaking darija hehe.
Why does Morocco require approximately $1 million daily for its monarchy when it governs a significantly smaller population and land area compared to the British monarchy, which costs $1.4 million daily? Any experts?
“What System Can Fill Morocco’s Ideological Void?” “أي نظام يمكنه ملء الفراغ الأيديولوجي في المغرب؟”
After the Arab Spring, it became evident that political Islam has not brought stability and development in many cases. At the same time, secularism struggles to gain acceptance in predominantly Muslim countries, as it often contrasts with traditional Islamic views on social issues. For example, Islam emphasizes complementary roles between men and women, with men given responsibility over women (e.g., “الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ”) rather than advocating for strict equality as in secular ideologies.
In recent years, Morocco has adopted a hybrid approach that combines elements of a social welfare state with neo-liberal policies. This reflects attempts to balance economic and social challenges while responding to international pressures. However, these measures have not fully addressed the deeper ideological and systemic void in governance and society.
In Morocco, populist rhetoric, used by politicians like Benkirane, has fueled divisions and hindered real progress. So, what is the solution? Should we return to applying Islamic law as it was during the golden age of Andalusia, or is that no longer possible in today’s context?
We also cannot overlook the importance of economic development and education in building a successful system. The critical question is: Does building a strong economy and investing in education help address the ideological gap, or should intellectual elites and decision-makers first guide the people toward the right path, fostering a stronger economy and better education?
Another challenge: if we don’t have a strong economy and quality education, how can we build a capable, creative society? And if the people lack awareness, how can we create individuals who contribute to building a strong economy?
Will we remain stuck in this ideological loop, or is it time for a new way forward?
Vote: Which system do you think is most suitable for Morocco?
can ex-convicts get a job in morocco ?
So matalan chi wa7d 3endo diplome dyal ingenieur, but say tched at 18 tay sre9 ou 3endou dossier 3end l bolis.
wach ila ja ikhdem ghadi imchiw ichoufou l casier judiciaire ou idirou 3lih background check oula i9der idkhol ikhdem 3adi?
Seeking advice
I'm a 22-year-old living in Morocco, and I’ve had a challenging life so far, but I’m determined to get the best education possible. I’ve recently applied to Campus France, hoping to study there, but acceptance isn’t guaranteed, and even if I’m accepted, I’ll have to wait until next year to start. Meanwhile, I’ve been considering enrolling in the Private University of Marrakesh (UPM) to pursue an engineering degree. This could be a good option for a stable career in Morocco, but it comes with significant financial challenges. My family isn’t very understanding, and the environment at home is a bit toxic, which makes staying in Morocco for five more years feel stifling. On the other hand, I dream of living in a country with more individual freedoms. If I choose UPM, I’ll struggle financially, but I could consider applying for a Master’s (M2) abroad after completing my degree to pursue my dream and feel more stable. Would it be better to wait for Campus France and hope for the best or start at UPM and plan for an M2 abroad later? Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Needs an answer about moulay youssef ct scan price
im just a student , thats why I thought public rather than private , been feeling really bad lately since i got chronic migraines and everytime I walk outside its like im about to fell any sec so I thought i better check if something bad is going on . I really dont have any idea about this stuff so I appreaciate any answer
Do You Need to Haggle for Food at Markets in Morocco?
Hey everyone
I’m planning a trip to Morocco soon and have been reading up on the culture of haggling in souks and markets. While I get that negotiating prices is a big part of shopping for things like souvenirs, rugs, and spices, I’m wondering if this extends to buying everyday food items like fruit, vegetables, or meat at local markets.
Is it common to haggle for food, or are food prices usually fixed and respected? And—be honest—is this one of those scenarios where tourists are more likely to get overcharged if they don’t know the "local" prices?
Would love to hear your experiences and any tips for navigating food markets without getting ripped off!
Thanks in advance! 😊
Researching The Years of Lead and Transitional Justice in Rabat
Hi! I'm visiting Rabat, Morocco as a part of a year-long research project where I travel to multiple countries that have experienced periods of intense violence to study their transitional justice and reconciliation processes. Morocco is going to be the 6th country on my journey, and I've travelled to Kenya, Rwanda, South Korea, Japan, and the UAE so far.
Of the countries I've been to, Morocco is the country that I am least familiar with so I wanted to come on here and ask for people to share their insight on the Years of Lead with me, especially how effective they felt the 1999 and 2001 Equity and Reconciliations Commissions were for addressing the needs of victims of human rights violations committed during that period, and whether the country has truly recovered or achieved "reconciliation" since.
Also, if there are any monuments, museums, art pieces, music, institutions, academics, historical sites and documents, or even people that you think I should visit while in the country, please do share them. If any of you want to share your own insights with me and are open to being interviewed, feel free to DM me as well.
I look forward to hearing from y'all!
First engineering job in Morocco - low salary & long hours.
Salam everyone. I recently got my first job at field of IT , after 6 month of looking , and I have concerns about the conditions:
- Monday to Friday: 8:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00
- Saturday: Morning 8:00 - 13
- Total: 8 hours/day + Saturday mornings
The salary is below the average engineer salary in Morocco. When I mentioned this, they justified it by saying "this is your first job, and we will increase your salary after 6 months"
Is this normal for entry-level engineers in Morocco? Feels like they're taking advantage because it's my first job. Would appreciate honest feedback from other engineers about typical working conditions and salaries for fresh graduates.
Advice on Visiting Rabat for the first timr
Hello !
I’m planning a trip to Rabat, Morocco, and I need some advice. I’m thinking about taking my mother as a gift, and we’re excited to explore, but I want to make sure we’re well-prepared. Here are some things I’d love to know:
Best neighborhoods for hotels: Which areas in Rabat would be the best for staying? I’m looking for somewhere central, safe, and with easy access to activities.
Walking vs. taxis: Is Rabat walkable? Are there areas where we can comfortably explore on foot, or will we need to rely on taxis all the time? I usually travel in Europe and do everything by foot. Would it be OK in Rabat ?
Safety: How safe is Rabat for two women traveling together? We’ll be staying for a few days or one week.
General tips: Anything else we should know about Rabat, like customs, what to see, or things to avoid? I'd love to hear about experiences from other women travelers too.
Thanks so much for any tips or recommendations you can share!
Almohad empire at its height, it was one of the world greatest powers back then
I think this sign is at the wrong place
Questions about الضريبة
Hello, does anyone know where i can get a flight cage in Fes?
How do you deal with social anxiety
I am an adult, and one of the things I couldn't learn is how to be social and interact with others without feeling shame or being shy.
I rarely interacted with people growing up and this was an issue, now every interaction seems like a shore and repeating the same words over and over.
I never managed to get past these conversations, and frankly people don't seem to want to, in fact I started to believe maybe people do enjoy the usual greetings and small talks about sports and family, I don't.
For Moroccan this is a real problem since social interactions is really a fundamental part of everything work, usual life activities.... I know it's true for most societies but it's even more true in Morocco. Even saying hello to someone I don't know feels strange to me since it seems insincere.
Any advice and does anyone have the same issue?
سوال كيحيرني بزاف
كان عندي واحد الاستاذ يهودي من ابناء الدار البيضاء عطى بزاف للبلاد وبعد وفاة الأب ديالي اصبح هو الاب الروحي و الاخ و الصديق
مللي كنهضر مع شي واحد و كنستخضر الاسم ديالو و كنقول الله يرحمو كولشي كيعارض الفكرة د ما خصنيشي نقولو الله يرحمو .علاش!؟ : حيت يهودي
و بغيت نعرف واش كاين شي نص قرأني واضح في الموضوع؟
Romeow and Juliet in Chefchaouen, Morocco 😻
Chabab bghit nsuwlkoum, labghit nkhdm f macdonald fin ndf3 cv 7it ra 3yiit f site Walo! Ola ila Kayn chi blassa ma7ssn
What do u have in mind ?
Activities to do with your SO in Morocco
What things you do guys with your wife/girlfriend beside going to a café/restaurant here in Morocco ( Casablanca) …
Salam , anyone here dwz already or 3ad ghadi ydwz medical internship in Rabat ?
Am I naive or is everyone else just wildly judgemental?
I'm in Morocco (Fes) for 2 months while I study Darija. I came here in September w a travel group and didn't have any of the issues described online esp here. I knew coming back solo may change the experience, but to be honest I have not really felt that unsafe here (solo f traveler). I'm staying in the Old City but mostly navigating on my own, and nobody has been harsh or made me feel unsafe once. Of course in the souk and streets people are adamant about selling things but I've actually been followed LESS this time than I was with the tour group.
Am I missing something? I see so many people dogging on Fes and calling it unsafe but truly I have experienced nothing but hospitality and very regular social interactions. I speak Darija back to people as opposed to French so maybe that's helping? I'm also originally living in Chicago, where the day to day is pretty aggressive and there's a lot of gun violence in my direct neighborhood so the rules of "Do Not Engage" and "Keep your head on a swivel" are baked in at this point.
If I'm being perfectly candid, I feel generally safer here than I currently do at home. I know I walk in white privilege so that could be playing a part, but am I being naive or are people just overreacting? Just looking for thoughts, all opinions welcome
I really want your advice guys!
I’m 22 years old, a simple guy from Morocco. I graduated from high school in 2021 and moved to Russia to continue my studies. Things were going well until 2024 when I made a mistake and ended up in jail, which led to my deportation. I lost a lot of time, money, and effort during that period. Now, I’ve returned to Morocco, feeling lost. I spent three years in Russia without even earning a degree because I was expelled, and I’m banned from returning for five years.
During my time in Russia, I met an amazing girl. We love each other deeply, and we’re willing to do anything to make our relationship work. She’s planning to visit me this summer. But since I’ve returned to Morocco, I have no clear direction for my future. Should I go to university here? I can’t do it this year because I need to work to save money for her visit. But what about next year? The situation will only get worse. By then, she’ll have graduated and will come to live with me, but how will I support her? How will I afford to rent a place, marry her, or even feed her? Especially since I have no degree, and learning a new skill or freelancing seems like a long shot with limited time.
If I weren’t banned from Russia, things would be different. I could easily find work there, even without a degree, and the living conditions were better. But here in Morocco, I’ve been looking for a job for more than six months with no luck. Now I’m stuck between two difficult choices: sacrificing my future to build a career, or sacrificing my relationship with her.
I know most people will say my future should come first and that relationships can fade, but they don’t understand how deep our connection is. We truly understand each other, and we love each other so much. I wanted to tell her to wait while I finish my studies and get a degree, but she’s already crying every day during our video calls because we have to wait another seven months to be together. If I told her to wait for a few more years, I don’t know what would happen.
Please, I need advice. Try to put yourselves in my shoes. What would you do?
from mdjs to 1xbet to online casinos (i cant stop anymore and im on debt now)
I’m a 21-year-old male seeking help, khoti, please.
It’s been 20 days since my friend introduced me to sports betting. At first, I found it incredibly fun and entertaining, especially during the first weekend. It sparked dopamine rushes like I’d never experienced before. But after that, I began gambling all day and all night, betting on second and third divisions of random countries. Initially, I was placing small bets of 50/100/200 dirhams.
Day by day, my social media feeds became flooded with gambling-related videos. I didn’t realize at the time that this could be the start of my downfall. It affected me unconsciously, and soon I started digging deeper into gambling. I created an online account that allowed me to deposit crypto easily. Eventually, I opened an online wallet where I kept all my savings—money I’d been saving since 2021 to go abroad and continue my studies.
Before I knew it, I became a prisoner of my own actions, trapped in an endless cycle of roulettes and dice games that consumed all my attention and money. In less than a week, I lost 70,000 dirhams+(5000dh aint mine)my entire savings. And now, I’m unemployed.
I don’t care about the money anymore. All I want is to go back to being clean, but I can’t even rest for a single hour without thinking about gambling. How can I save myself from this situation?
First sunrise of 2025 on top of the highest peak in North Africa.
Morocco at 2 different speeds
Show me your view. Go on…make me jealous!