This community is for discussions, news and all things related to Morocco. Powered by @r_channels @reddit2telegram
Ghana suspends ties with the Polisario Front, solidifies support for Morocco
After partys !Danger?
Are after-parties in Morocco/Rabat unsafe?
This is the second time I’ve talked to someone in a club, on tima was with a guy that looked like a good man
the second time there was a girl that led me to follow her friend, and he asked us to an after party, and i was going unless the security asked me not to, and told me that this girl comes here to only hook people up😅
and the security strongly warns me against After partys!
it is that bad? What's wrong
I really would like to understand
why ppl keep saying tha we are not arabs?can u guys explain !
If squid game were Moroccan, what traditional childhood games would they feature?
I can’t stop thinking about this: if Squid Game were Moroccan, what traditional games or childhood activities would they feature? What do you think?
do u guys think morocco can do it ?
I am planning to run for elections in my birth region.
I am a 35-year-old Moroccan-British citizen. I currently live in the UK, where I own a successful business. However, I am contemplating returning to Morocco to serve my community, particularly in one of the poorest and most forgotten regions of the country.
My family lived in one of the most marginalized Douars, where we made, quite literally, no money. Growing up, my school consisted of only two isolated classrooms meant to serve six primary school levels. It lacked even the most basic facilities—there were no toilets. My classmates and I were forced to relieve ourselves between cactus plants, constantly looking left, right, back, and forth to ensure no one saw us during recess. This experience remains a painful reminder of the neglect we endured.
I lost two teeth and acquired a giant scar on my upper lip during a school fight because our teachers were sipping tea and neglecting their duty to supervise and protect us. My older brother took me under his wing and moved me to a bigger city so I could continue my studies in a safer environment. With his support, I excelled academically and went on to achieve multiple fantastic and rather unconventional careers. Despite my success, I never forgot the hardship and sacrifices that brought me to where I am today.
After 21 years, and after finally being able to afford it, I had to spend USD 6,000 on dental implants to repair the damage from that fight.
As I mentioned earlier, I want to return to my Douar and run for elections to represent my forgotten community. My vision is to use my global connections to create lasting change. My primary focus is on education, as I believe it is the cornerstone of opportunity and progress. I aim to build first-tier schools that guarantee top-notch education for the children of my region.
In addition, I am considering starting a boarding school program or establishing a comprehensive transportation system to ensure children can travel safely and efficiently between home and school. These solutions could eliminate the barriers that forced so many, including two of my sisters and countless other boys and girls, to drop out of school simply because they could not safely commute the 10 kilometers to the nearest elementary school.
While education is my priority, I am acutely aware of the broader challenges my community faces—lack of infrastructure, limited access to healthcare, and economic hardship. Tackling these issues will require time, collaboration, and strategic planning. However, if I can achieve even one thing—saving the children of my Douar from the guaranteed learning loss that comes with poor education—I will consider it a lifetime achievement.
What are your thoughts?
Is there a law that says a moroccan shouldn’t be a friend with a foreigner?
Yesterday I was walking with a friend from poland when the tourist police stopped us, they ask me what’s the relation between me and him, i said we are friends, they ask if i have a guide license, I said iam not a guide, they ask me to come with them to the police station so i went with them, i spent more than one hour explaining that we are just friends but they say that i need to have a paper signed by tourist police whenever i am goona meet a foreigner…doesn’t make sense to me and i felt like they're taking away my individual freedom, they wrote “محضر " and they say they gonna present me to “ وكيل الملك " ..when i came back home i start searching if there’s a law that says a moroccan shouldn’t be a friend with a foreigner , I couldn’t find anything. What do you think about this, Has this ever happened to you?
Where to meet people in Marrakech
Hello there! I'm looking to meet new people and make new friends. Do you have any ideas about places in Marrakech that serve this purpose, like clubs or events? Also, if you’re part of a group of friends and need a new member, feel free to reach out :)
What is this? Who's taking my money?
You govern Morocco for two years, what decisions would you make?
If you were granted full authority to govern Morocco, what actions would you take? Over a span of two years, what decisions would you make, and what are some things you wish you had the power to implement?
As for me, I would suspend lbotola and invest in a scientific research center focused on developing drones and ballistic missiles. Drones would be far more beneficial than the visual pollution caused by lbotola
Another sign, that shouldn’t be here xD
Being approached by men as a 15 years old girl
Everytime I go outside , isn't that cool
Chefchaouen, Morocco 💜
XOPIT and Lbenji are promoting a gambling site (1XBET) with the new song
Became a business owner
I have a small shop inside a souqq , ppl crossing all the day ( busy area ) , have no idea what i can start with… any ideas guys , thanks !
I got attacked by a Salafi after saying hijab is fake and not an obligation
So for myself. I am 27 years old . I work as a data scientist . But since my childhood I can't accept the fact a religious person with Zero intellectual level order me to do stuffs then pretend that they are from God
So I know very well Arabic . I asked myself why instead of listening to some bearded guy who claim they are the Police of God . Why I should study the texts by myself ( religious texts they not physics's or math they are just simple texts )
+++ So I started my research about the religious texts . Quran and Hadith
So last week's I had a deep research on the Hijab stuff especially from Hadith . Because in Quran there is no where in Quran something about the covering of the hair but there is only ( تغطية الجيوب) which means the covering of the breasts ( Quran here try to fix some issues about the 7th country clothes)
++++ But the interesting thing was found in hadith which I concluded that Hijab or the covering of the hair is nothing to do with religion but it's a cultural thing to make the difference between the wealthy Muslims woman and poor Muslims woman
The sources used '':
الاحاديث الصحيحة عن عمر
قَالَ ابن أبي شيبة في مصنفه، كتاب الصلوات، في الأمة تصلي بغير خمار (2/ 41) حدثنا وكيعُ بنُ الجراح، قَالَ: حدثنا شعبةُ، عن قتادةَ، عن أنس قَالَ: رأى عُمرُ أمةً( عبدة) لنا متقنعة(غطت راسها ) فضربها وَقَالَ: لا تشبهي بالحرائر،
وهذا إسنادٌ صحيح ().
قال البيهقي رحمه الله في سننه (3222) :
أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْقَاسِمِ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ عُبَيْدِ اللهِ الْحِرَفِيُّ بِبَغْدَادَ أنبأ عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ الزُّبَيْرِ الْكُوفِيُّ ، ثنا الْحَسَنُ بْنُ عَلِيِّ بْنِ عَفَّانَ ، ثنا زَيْدُ بْنُ الْحُبَابِ ، عَنْ حَمَّادِ بْنِ سَلَمَةَ قَالَ : حَدَّثَنِي ثُمَامَةُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ أَنَسٍ ، عَنْ جَدِّهِ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ قَالَ : " كُنَّ إِمَاءُ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ يَخْدِمْنَنَا كَاشِفَاتٍ عَنْ شُعُورِهِنَّ تَضْرِبُ ثُدِيّهُنَّ " .
اما التابعي الجليل ابن عمر بن الخطاب هو متفنن في اختيار الجواري المسلمات
( 2 عن نا علي بن مسهر عن عبيد الله عن نافع عن ابن عمر أنه كان إذا أراد أن يشتري الجارية وضع يده بين ثدييها أو بين فخذها وربما كشف عن ساقيها
And all this stuff. Are all from one hadith that the prophet said
إذا زوَّجَ أحدُكم جاريتَهُ عبدَهُ أو أجِيرَهُ فلا يَنظُرْ إلى ما دونَ السُّرَّةِ والرُّكبةِ فإنَّه عورةٌ
الراوي : جد عمرو بن شعيب | المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : إرواء الغليل | الصفحة أو الرقم : 1803 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : حسن | التخريج : أخرجه أبو داود (496)، والبيهقي (3345) باختلاف يسير
I feel isolated
Hello everyone hope you’re doing well. So I want to share with you how I feel since I am not comfortable enough to say this to my surroundings. Well, everyone makes fun of me and bullies me even my family, my boyfriend and my friends it hurts me a looooot I am confused about if I am being over sensitive or if they are rude . When I am mad about their jokes they tell me that they didn’t mean to hurt me it was just a joke but I feel that the jokes are targeted to criticise my body . Thinking like this has impacted me a lot ( I started smoking to relief myself), I prevent myself from eating as a way of sh , overall I feel insecure and isolated from people I don’t feel that I am a normal person bc I don’t talk to people a lot I ve been isolating myself from others bc I act weird and awkward around people
Excuse my English I just wrote the thoughts that came to my mind without paying attention to grammar,etc….
I would love you to share with me ur thoughts and what can I do to overcome this situation I ve been thinking to take ashwaganda do you think it’s a good idea?
Oued Oum Errabiâ Seen from the skies!
Why do people from Sahara hate us?
Dude im from Casablanca and I recently moved to Laayoune and to this instant I feel that it was my worst life decision, like why tf do they hate us for nothing?
Is it because they think we’re more developed or just because they think the sahara isnt moroccan and WE are moroccans?
I have so many racist encounters and people treating me of “Shfar” and “F3ayl D Casawa” and so many other things and it’s just tiring.
I had a boxing match in Smara, and it was fucking awful how they treated me there because I wasn’t “Sehraoui”. And its just from the part of the youth, the grown ups dont even care.
I understand that maybe Morocco takes care of Casablanca more the the western cities but dude that doesn’t justify the hate the people has for us.
كانعاني من مشكل النحافة
الاخوان انا دري فعمري 19 سنة , الطول ديالي تقريبا 170 و فيا 47 كيلو بالضبط , كانشوف راسي رقيق بزاف الشيء اللي كايخليني نحس بضعف الثقة في النفس رغم ان هادشي ماخالق ليا حتى شي مشكل اجتماعي بالعكس انا انسان محبوب و عندي شخصية زوينة و مهلي فراسي من جميع النواحي من غير نقطة الوزن , و حتى انني كانحس براسي دغيا كانعيا و كاتشدني الشقيقة بزاااااف , و انا دابا كانقرا في الميدسين و كولشي كايقوليا ماغاتسالي المسار الدراسي ديالك تاتولي كي العظم 😂 اللي عندو شي نصيحة كيفاش ندير نزيد في الوزن و لا نحسن هاد الحالة مايبخلش علينا و شكرا
Finding Moroccan Style Quran Reciters
Salamun Alaykum everyone,
Does anyone know if there are any (preferably complete) recordings of the old Moroccan style of reciting Quran? I much prefer it to the Eastern way the majority of people recite in today, but the only recordings I can find are of Abdurahmane Benmoussa and it would be nice to have more recordings in this style.
To be overly specific, what I associate with this style is:
1. Reciting in Warsh of course
2. Stopping at the stop signs in the Mushaf rather than at every ayah
3. Preferably reading in the Andalusi style, however I really enjoy the way people read in the countryside as well
Sorry if this is a strange request, but I have a lot of nostalgia associated with this style and most of the people I know who read in it are getting older and I fear won't be around much longer.
Khouribga, did you ever visited this city ?
What type of contry that you pay for 0 bps
What can I do to avoid catcalling in Morocco? Can I have weapons?
Want to visit family in Morocco but catcalling even in america brings me to tears from frustration and it’s so much worse in Morocco, what would happen if I carried around a bat serious question? Or can I get pepper spray? It infuriates me that regardless of how I dress (even happens to niqabis) I am a target because these animalistic creatures that we call men think it’s manly to abuse women. What can I do to protect myself there?? I hate to ignore and let them think they won but that’s what I usually do but I want to scare them back, put the fear in them that they think is funny to put in me , can I do something?? Can I record them?
People who play loud music in the middle of a residential building.. why?
This is a topic that always perplexes me. If you're in a villa i could understand why you can feel free to play your home cinema and you won't be disturbing anybody. But in a three floors building with 8 appartments, meaning 8 families, and you're in the middle playing music like you're all by yourself in that building? This triggers so many questions in my mind: do these people do it intentionally to disturb the neighbors? Are these people too dumb to realize that neighbors can hear their loud music? Are they too dumb to even realize that they have neighbors? Or are these people entitled thaaat much? I've had arguments too many times because of this, and the answer i hear most is: dari hadi ndir fiha mabghit... i always ask politely and i always get a violent backlash... so, what do you think is the thought process that these people do before deciding to play loud music? I'm trying to sympathize as much as possible... And what do you think is the solution to this problem?
I need serious help
I 19F live with a psychopathic "mother" and an absent abusive "father" (divorced) and doesn't live with us thank God, because the last time I visited him he nearly murdered me with how physically abusive he was just because I refused to "obey him" by going to a school he didn't want me to do. And on the other side my mother is torturing me everyday physically and verbally for the simple reason that "she's tired of us(her kids) and she didn't want to give birth to us and we're wasting all her money" and lately the abuse has been getting so bad that I seriously consider calling the cops on her. But here's the issue, I don't know if in Morocco I'm legally supported and in the worst case if I prove her abuse I would just be allocated to a charity where it's much much worse. I'm so tired of this and I'm lost. I don't deserve this. I'm an excellent student and always been praised for being smart and hardworking, but it's getting so unbearable that's it's affecting my studies. I don't know what to do. Please help.
Anyone can recommend podcasts ?
I m Moroccan and same as majority moroccans my age ( Gen Z ) we only know our moroccan history … and islamic facts … based on social media or what we were taught at school … i kinda wana expend my knowledge on topics like history - religion ( please no anti Islam stuff ) - also basic science … idk anything that might seem interesting…
Seeking advice
Hello guys.
Im a 20yo female , im struglling with my studies
In highschool my grades started decreasing slowly and i didn't give it much attention,
I graduated lbac b 10 then started Uni ,hna lproblem kybda cause for 2 years mavalidit walo so i started working (job) i saved some money (im stil working) .
Now i re-applied for Uni but feel like i can't study im not even truying .
My question is if u were me what would u do
Thank u