Members of this subreddit appeared to be going in two different paths. I made the decision to reunite them.
Who gave “God” his title, or is he actually a/the God?
Was God given that title by a certain character? Did he give that name to himself? Or is he actually just God? I’m not sure and I want to know because I think it’s important on how we see his character. Sorry if this question is silly
Where have I been holy shit
Holy This anime is amazing. I just finished s1 ep12 and Jesus christ the animation, the soundtrack, the fighting, its genuinely amazing and the way they build up characters with the hero, innocent and villain dynamics the way people see Saitama compared to other "better" heros it just feels amazing. I'm so glad I decided to watch it like it's probably one of my favorites now after that and hope it continues to be this awesome.
The Ninja Village Arc will be completely different to the original. Murata also says he’s fully motivated to draw a great battle.
Reminder: Murata only make the drawings. ONE is still the person responsible of the plot and every change there is (or at least most of them).
I still can't believe that there's still many people here in this reddit who thinks Murata is responsible for the plot and its changes. And what I find funny is that this situation only happens in this story, because I don't see this problem in other famous mangas made by 2 persons.
To those people who think this: get over It. Accept that ONE can make mistakes, and he is responsible for the plot changes, for better or worse.
monsters. Despite this, he still tries. He fits the title of 'Hero' perfectly. More so than even Saitama. Why didn't he get any powers?
Mumen Rider's desire isn't to fight. It's to help people. And he already does this. He helps people in his community, volunteers, helps cat's down out of trees. Even just him standing against any monster fills people with hope and joy. Mumen Rider's desire has already been granted. He doesn't need more power or strength because he already has what he wants. The ability to help people, inspire, make change, and be a true hero.
He's already there.
# The Fist
Jupiter God referring to Saitama as 'The Fist' serves another meaning. It's not just "Saitama's Fist go brrrrrr". The symbol of a fist can also represent a rebellion. Rebellion meaning would line up with him and Earth god directly opposing his rule. It can even represent a fighter/ warrior.
In this instance, Jupiter God acknowledges that Saitama is a warrior/ fighter for Earth it's self. Chosen by Terra/ Earth god to defend it's people and planet. Saitama even claimed that Earth was under his protection while fighting against the subterraneans in his dream. And he is.
# Why is Jupiter god so evil?
And why does it look like a zombie?
What's with the grayish green skin? why's it peeling off? What's with all the stringy flesh?
In mythology, Zeus is kinda bad but not this bad. He's good and evil.
And he isn't visually shown or written as this decrypt and.... look like he's dying?
Maybe he's infected or corrupted?
Maybe it plays back into theme of absolute power can corrupt absolutely in most other stories. (Not including Anomaly Saitama)
# I do have an even wilder separate theory on Zombie God and the opm verse. Smoke some crack first though. This shit goes deep.
This side theory ties a closer to Christianity mostly.
What if god isn't creating the monsters? What if humans turning into monsters through obsessions, evil desires, greed, envy, etc THEMSELVES and it's not his doing. Like the story itself is an allegory and is a deeper statement on humanity.
In religions and mythology gods are shown to depend on humanities prayers, desires, and actions as a source of power.
And as humanities desires become further corrupt, selfish, obsessive, and evil, these desires are absorbed and reflected in God himself. His visual decay acting as a mirror that shows humanities ethical decay.
The reason to why he want's to kill all humans could either be because our increase in corruption/ energy that's being absorbed by him. Or because it's actively killing him and he's becoming increasingly desperate to wipe the board clean and start again. Noah's Ark style.
For Saitama, it would be the hardest challenge he could face. One that he wouldn't be able to rely on overwhelming strength for. It would further develop his character in a different way. Instead of seeing and following his journey to become physically and mentally stronger (hero trope, already happened) , it would change to his journey to understand what it means to be a true hero instead and to grow as a person. Something we have yet to see from him.
This would be such a WILD anti meta take on the Super Hero/ Vilnian trope THAT WOULD STILL FIT with One Punch Man's original theme of poking fun at Super Heros tropes by showing how nonsensical and blended the stories can get. And how evil is conventionally defeated through brute strength and mental resolve alone. But this would still have a deeper message behind it all and would take it a step further.
Saying that you can't just use force/ punch your way out of whatever evil arises.
That the only way to truly make a change and defeat monsters is to try and help change those around you and by being a better person and offering help. To stop spreading hate and continuing the cycle of violence.
It would have an incredible connection and reflection into real world issues as it feels like there's been a spike
like it is. And was found deep inside Earth. Also why was the monster association built right on top of or next to Earth god? Why was it sad? Why do I think that's a second god which resides in Earth?
Why does evil God resemble Jupiter? Why is it a planet/ theme of a planet? More on this later on.
# The ICube
Something else i want to touch on quick are those black cubes. Those seem to act as ways for Jupiter god to directly communicate with people who come into contact with them on earth.
I saw another post on the reddit some time ago that mentioned there's certain religions and cults who tie that cube to Saturn. And it's true that Cube is associated with Saturn. But more on that later.
Why was one cube so deep underground and next to Earth god??My theory is the cube wasn't intended for these 3. It was originally a way to communicate with Earth god.
Why didn't Saitama, Flashy, or Manako see visions like others have after they all touched it? I think it has to do with being in close proximity to Earth god. I think Earth god's presence or aura was blocking/ slowing the connection. This also being why Blast goes around collecting them. He doesn't want Jupiter god slipping through the dimensional seal and creating Avatars or godly imbued evil beings on Earth. For reference:
# Deals with the Devil & Godly powers
We see it every now and then. God communicates to people through cubes, tempts them, and depending on that choices, takes them as his avatar to further his goals. This is also his way of getting around the seal.
But why choose people like Garou, Psychosis, Home less emperor? And why did they get the powers when they did?
In mythologies. Mainly Greek, there's stories of Gods granting mortals with powers in exchange for allegiance or service. In these cases, he grants them power when they are at their lowest and nearing defeat. Which also lines up with mythologies. But the powers come with a cost of-course. You sell your soul to the devil and in exchange for salvation and overwhelming power but now you have do his bidding. Failure to meet expectations or denying him get's your soul taken away. As we've seen with HE and Garou.
I think Psychosis was fine because she didn't make any deal with him or communicate with him. Seems like she just got granted a gift.
That or One and Murata were horny and didn't want to kill her.
More flak for this but. I believe Saitama is also one of these cases but in a different way. More on that soon
# Gods (pt2 electric boogaloo) & Mythology
So why does God resemble Jupiter again? What was the reasoning there?
Jupiter in Roman and even Greek mythology. Is a god. In Roman, he's just 'Jupiter'. In Greek, he's Zeus who's attributed to the planet Jupiter... Huh.
You know what else is interesting? In Roman and Greek Mythology, Jupiter/ Zeus is the God of gods. The main god that would rule over the other gods. In those mythologies, Jupiter/ Zeus also overthrew his father Saturn. Now i'm not sure if that's taken place here or if Saturn has submitted to Jupiter's rule. But Jupiter god does use his powers soooo some shit had to have gone down.
In both mythologies he's considered to be the god of the sky and thunder. I know all of you were focused on the feet pics here but take a look at this. All of his feet pics show these crazy looking clouds with lightning all around.
This is the one thing I'm 100% certain of. The God we've been seeing up until now is based off of the Roman or Greek god Jupiter/ Zeus.
So if Jupiter is a god or represents one in OPM, logically that would mean other gods exist for other planets... Like with Earth. In Roman Mythology, referred to as 'Terra'. Terra being another word for land or
Hello Naked Amai Mask (Original art from the tf2 comics)
What do you think, will One retcone Void's name and make him nameless again?
Murata confirms that new version of Ninja Arc will be completely different
Chapter 195 RAWS
on global conflicts and countries militaries continue to expand and prepare or are actively engaged in war. Sending a message that brute force isn't always the way and that spreading hate only servers to create more monsters. (See internet surfers)
I always thought the series would end with Saitama finally getting that rank 1 spot but now I think it would go to Mumen Rider as he'd have been the True Protagonist. Unironically. Saitama kills monsters. Mumen Rider prevents people from turning into them to begin with through inspiration and just being kind and wholesome in general to those around him. Saitama could learn from him.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk but I'm out of crack. Goodnight.
Earth. Like that large entity that was deep inside the Earth and made of rock/ earth itself.
That's Earths God.
I'm not entirely sure as to why it was so sad down there but my two theories are; the cubes along with the monster association were/ are suppressing it. Maybe the Cubes were quietly roasting it down there and it got upset? Maybe it knows that it went against Jupiter and it's scared? Or that it knows Jupiter want's it to submit so that it has free rule over it's land and it's people?
The other being a bit deeper. It's just upset and saddened by humans themselves. As time passes we seem to be getting inherently shitter. Through violence, murder, pollution, fighting each other, wars. Or it could be more personal in the form of greed, lust, jealousy, taking shortcuts, manipulation, rudeness, etc. And all of this is bringing it down?
Or evil / good acts by humans directly tie into giving power and control to gods. And this change in humanity has strengthened evil god's power which gave it the strength to increase it's attacks and monster happenings.
# Why attack Earth?
Just like in Mythology, it want's control. Of either Earth god, it's land, creatures, or all of the above. And knows it that other planets don't have humans or any other life. Maybe it's feeding off of human conflict and negative emotions and wants to directly stoke those fires even further to increase it's power and influence.
Just like in Roman/ Greek Mythology, it wants to be the God of gods. It want's to rule and have power over the other gods.
And Earth god turned against it..
# Saitama
This is why I believe that Saitama has some link or some sort of connection to Earth god. Otherwise WHY on earth is Jupiter god referring to Saitama as "The Fist that turned against god" ????
I've heard around that it's because those physical growth limits that are placed on all living things were imposed by God. And Saitama broke that limit which is why God knows him. While I generally agree with this theory, I still feel like there's more to it.
Otherwise Saitama shouldn't have the power to physically manipulate hyperspace gates, turn back time by just watching Garou turn his hands, immunity to lava, exponential strength growth at an insane rate, or have full internal indestructibility.
Neither Garou or Saitama were aware of it but Saitama didn't need to accept Jupiter god's hand and power to learn about time travel because he already had god's power. It just wasn't Jupiter God's power.
Just like how Psychosis was gifted power without making any initial deals, I believe Saitama was also affected by Earth god. I don't know if Saitama himself or if Earth God removed the limiter, but there's reason to believe that he was granted god powers on top of that. Which also makes sense in the context of Jupiter God referring to Saitama as "The First that has turned against god". Because Saitama was using Earth God's power to oppose his rule.
Why Saitama of all people then?
Earth god might have seen that Jupiter god was up to no good and started seeking someone with pure intent. Otherwise the overwhelming power would corrupt them to an extreme degree that they would become a HUGE threat to just about anyone or thing.
Saitama originally wasn't seeking money, fame, power, status, control over others. Hell the dude doesn't even wan't to rob or steal despite being poor. He would just like enough to get by on basic needs.
# Why not Mumen Rider?
I asked myself this question too when thinking about this. It seems that his intent is just as pure. Even more so than Saitama's. While Saitama doesn't have anything to fear and very little to risk, Mumen rider could straight up die at any point when standing against most
Major Theory: How Gods, power, Saitama, and the Universe of OPM work
Disclaimer: This theory is based on events and plots from the manga, not the webcomic or anime. I know the story started off as a satire and comedic take on Hero/ Vilnian tropes but honestly I don't see it going in the same direction now as it once did.
And no, I'm not just a religious nut. I'm a crackhead, very different.
Heads up, it's a long post and i don't know if ill make a TLDR. Maybe if it get's traction.
Firstly ill say, I think the universe is A LOT deeper than most people realize. Most good stories have a surface plot and then another plot in-between the lines. I know most of the community likes to treat the story as pure Satire and don't generally agree with deeper theories because they like to think of Saitama as just a strong dude and God as just an evil cosmic being but I wanna dig in between those lines and go deeeep.
# Desires in Monsters vs Heroes.
This part of how I see the universe working is based on the theory that Gods bestows powers based on peoples desires and actions towards those desires. The monster half is already somewhat public knowledge.
Crablante loved crab so much he became a crab person.
Super Custom loved building super cars so much he became a monster car
Dakshine loved building shiny muscles > got the biggest and shiniest muscles
Amai mask was obsessed with fame and being an idol > he became the most popular idol
And now something i'll catch flak for.
Saitama loved fighting monsters so much that he became the best at fighting.
He saves people in the process yes. But how often does he head out with the goal of helping people? It's usually due to seeing some monster on the news or looking for fights. He even dreams about fighting.But what determines if you become a monster or stay human?
I think that peoples desires in opm are answered similarly to prayers in religions. But what determines their fate depends on their actions and internal feelings towards those desires.
If either Obsession, greed, envy, anger, rage, shortcuts take hold, people turn into monsters.
Letting those desire consume them. Turning them into that very thing.
On the other hand, if those desires act as fuel for hard work, motivation, joy, happiness, or involve helping others, you stay human and slowly obtain power related to that desire.
This is part of the true reason I believe Saitama became who he is.
He desired fighting monsters the most. It's been present ever since the first fight with Crablante. This deep desire fueled him to train and workout. He didn't take any shortcuts to get there, ended up saving numerous lives without any need for gratitude, money, or fame. Initially at least.
Another very interesting character to note is Amai mask. His obsession with the lime light, fame, fortune, all consumed him and turned him into a monster. But part of that desire was being the center of attention and fame. So part of his power involves being able to morph and change his figure to this good looking star.
# Gods.. Yes, plural.
Getting right to it now. Yes, I think there's multiple gods. There's at least 2 and up to 8 or 9
The first God is pretty well known in the community and mostly referred to as just 'God'. And has Strong resemblances to Jupiter. I know he sometimes likes to watch from the moon. But I don't think he's from or lives there. We also see One and Murata constantly refer back to or bring up the planet quite often. (See Garou fight. They could have gotten blasted to any planet or moon. But it ended up being Jupiter's moon.)
The second thing I rarely see any discussion around is Earth's god. More specifically, this thing we saw and was never mentioned again.
It's huge, has a celestial theme going on, and is made of ROCK. Not green/ pink flesh.. Or at least it looks
I saw a lot of Tatsumaki's posts this week and I wanted to join xd, drawing done by me @shad_boya, I will draw Garou next