@r_channels is a mirror to the r/podcasts subreddit .
I’m looking for an alternative to horror fiction podcasts, with equally compelling storylines.
For the past two years I’ve been really into horror fiction and anthology podcasts. I also listen to a lot of true crime.
At the same time, my anxiety has gotten much worse recently. A constant fear that something bad is going to happen, losing sleep over very specific fears that are probably unlikely but totally out of my control regardless.
I’m not saying this is entirely due to the ridiculous amount of audio horror I consume but I have to assume it’s not helping.
I’ve never even attempted to listen to non-horror fiction podcasts. I always stick with horror because I find the storylines to be intense, interesting and compelling in a way that I’ve just assumed I won’t find outside of this genre.
Has anyone who enjoys these types of podcasts found others they really liked?
Looking for a podcast for a teenage girl living alone
I've recently moved away from home (Australia) to do an exchange semester in England. It's Christmas break for a few weeks here which means all my friends have gone home and I'm stuck alone in my uni town, trying to establish a routine and learn to be alone for sort of the first time in my life.
I'm looking for a podcast not directly about self improvement or growth (that stuff makes me too self aware and depresses me a bit), but that will make me feel like I'm adding value to my life somehow. Maybe something educational or to do with pop culture/history just to make me feel more informed about things, preferably with episodes around an hour each with a set focus that I can listen to while walking. I am open to anything!
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Any podcasts that are related to depression? Nothing like Ted Talks or something. But more story based where the theme is sadness and similar. Weird taste but thanks anyway.
Sadness, depression, or like loneliness...etc. Not asking for help. Literally fiction (probably) stories and themes.
Trying to find a noir detective podcast from a few years ago
I’m posting this as a Hail Mary here. I just remembered a podcast that I really enjoyed a few years ago but I can’t for the life of me think of the title to find it again. It was fictional, kinda paranormal noir? There was something about a severed hand. The main character was a crochety detective/magic guy who fled creditors in the city with the promise of a mystery in a small town. It had an old radio drama feel to it. Of course I may have some details wrong here so if anyone can think of something close, please throw it out there. Anyone have any idea?
Which episode of You are Not So Smart was this
On one episode of YANSS they talked about a way of getting people to discuss things with people they disagreed with. IIRC they asked people to rate their opinion on some controversial topic on a Likert scale or similar, and then asked them, "would you be interested in having a 15 minute conversation with someone who disagrees with you" and most people were willing to do that and often softened a hard stance after that. Does anyone know which episode that was? Thanks!
Need help troubleshooting skipping issues in a podcast
I have been listening to Witnessed: Mystic Mother and loving it! Unfortunately, from episode 6 onward, I cannot get beyond minute 15 of the 50ish min episodes without the podcast skipping to a previous episode or stopping entirely. It seems minute 15 is where a break/ads are meant to be but those don't play.
I have tried to listen to the rest of ep 6 on every platform I can find, both on my phone and on my laptop, and the same issue happens--Spotify, Castbox, Sony, Apple, you name it.
Any tips? I want to hear the rest of this podcast! :(
Suggestions similar to theory of everything?
I'm looking for non fiction podcast that doesn't focus on just one niche.
Like one episode is science, then it's lifestyle, then it's motivation. Pretty much something where the host just talks about interesting topics from all over the place.
Funny podcasts that also teach you something?
Looking for something to listen to while I'm at the gym since I got bored listening to music. I'm looking for podcasts that are funny but also sorta educational. I've been interested in pop culture and politics in the past, but open to any subject matter.
Suggestions Similar to Endless Honeymoon Podcast?
Looking for podcasts with married couples, especially if they're more up and coming rather than famous comedians. Content doesn't matter, as long as it's a couple.
Non-Swinging sexy adult podcasts?
My wife and I are finally getting a 3-day vacation way from the kids. Making a road trip up to Half Moon Bay and would like to listen to some sexy adult podcasts along the way. Something sexy/taboo. We’ve tried listening to some swinging podcasts and while they are naughty, it’s just not something we see ourselves doing anytime soon or ever. We’re looking for some sexy adult podcasts to play to get us worked up on the drive. We listen to Dipsea a lot, but are looking for some Non-Fiction to get us…excited ;) Thanks in advance.
We loved Eat Sh!t Kenny Daniels, what now?
Basically title. We’re going to be in the car for sixteen hours this week and would love a similar long-form comedy narrative. Bonus points if it centers on a delusional narcissist.
Why hasn’t Kump released a new podcast recently?
Is it because of the wedding?
True Crime Podcast Recommendations
I'm in search of more true crime podcasts similar to the format of most of the CBC Podcasts: Short 6-10 episode series, investigative, and lots of interviews/recordings.
I've enjoyed Pressure Cooker, Brainwashed, Someone Knows Something, Escaping NXIVM, Satanic Panic, and The Missing Cryptoqueen. I'm listening to Hunting Warhead now...anything else I might like?
Help finding a podcast. Christmas episode where they covered the traditions like an odd ritual that they weren’t aware of.
The podcast had a different theme every week, doing a different style of podcast. This was a one off type featuring a National Geographic style documentary about Christmas.
A podcast that describes case studies in marketing?
Hi everyone. I love listening to podcasts to learn and entertain. I have been trying to find a podcast that describes case studies in marketing, branding, social media that is not too long. I’ve listened to popular marketing podcasts but most of them are 1-hour long or more. I’m looking for a podcast that cut to the chase. I hope anyone can recommend some podcasts.
Looking for women empowering other women podcast recommendations.
I currently listen to Unlocking Us with Brené Brown, We can do hard things with Glennon Doyle and Funny cuz it’s true with Elyse Myers.
What are some other good ones I should check out?
Podcasters like Liv from Myths Baby?
I am super new to podcasts. Like, I literally listened to my first ever podcast yesterday noon and I've been on a spree from then. I discovered the Myths Baby podcast today morning and I've been listening to it non stop.
I love the energy of Liv from Myths Baby. I'd love to know others podcasters who narrate stuff like her. It doesn't necessarily have to be mythology.
voice acted podcasts
Any good podcasts with recurring characters? Preferably not Sci Fi. I tried listening to BlackOut, but it got boring and confusing. Maybe something like the Office, or even a situational drama.
somewhat kid appropriate podcasts like the grim and mild library
Background: have long car rides, we usually listen to one of aaron mehnkes series (like lore). Anybody else have something similar that is intriguing enough for adults, but isn't too spicy for kids?
One off sports pod
Looking for a one off sports pod that chronicles a team, series, era etc. I really enjoyed book of basketball 2.0 and the icons club.
I know that Carvan Season 2 is in preproduction, but does anyone know when it’ll come out?
Forgot the Name: Hilarious, possibly Irish, couple who cover true crime and refer to their fans as “Legends.”
As the title says. Podcast is relatively new and for the life of me I can’t remember the name or find it in any charts. Any ideas?
Investigative episodes about 9/11 and the politics before/afterward
Which podcasts taught you the most? Thank you!
Podcast about aviation or maritime disasters?
Hello! I'm looking for recommendations on podcasts about aviation or maritime disasters. I love the shows Mayday and Air Disasters, YouTube channels like Disaster Breakdown, Brick Immortar, Disasterthon, etc. I tried the podcast Blackbox Down, but I wasn't a big fan.
Dark humour!
Hello! Looking for suggestions to things similar to the Adam Friedland show but with mostly female presenters..? Does such a thing exist??
Conspiracy theories
I'm looking for podcasts who talk about conspiracy // theories , urban legends , fantastic creatures like trolls or geant
Vsauce-like podcast?
Hey everyone, as the title says. I'm looking for a podcast that is similar to old Vsauce videos. One that just talks about seemingly random yet educational topics like supertasks, is cereal soup, count past infinity, etc. Interesting Ideas and questions. Ty
Deleting Apple Podcast App Question
Hey so I’ve been having iPhone storage issues for a long time and the biggest culprit is the podcast app. I only have 2 gigs worth of episodes downloaded and 31 gigs of “documents and data” associated with the app. What the heck is all that and is it necessary???
And my secondary question is if I delete the app altogether and redownload it, will that also mean that the app will “forget” which podcast episodes I’ve already listened to? I’m assuming it will, I’m just confirming my thought. Is that what all the “documents and data” is? I have some shows I’ve been listening to for years and don’t need or want to see episodes I’ve already listened to, but it would also defeat the purpose of deleting the app if I marked those episodes as played and it just added it to the documents and data again
Similar to Malevolent? I can't express how much I love this podcast. If you know any podcast VERY similar to this one in terms of both story and production, let me know.
You guys helped me find a lot of good ones, I'm grateful.
A problem that I have listening to podcast while I’m driving…
I just recently started a new job which requires me to commute, sometimes multiple times in a day, and I’ve gotten heavily into podcasts. My problem? Sometimes the hosts will talk about something that I don’t understand, need further info on, or is just of note. Normally, you just pause it and look it up, but obviously I can’t while I’m driving. Anyone have this problem or have a solution to it? At this point, I’m genuinely wondering if I just need to buy a tape recorder.