Would this interest you?
A podcast with two gen z people just joking around and talking about random topics (news, pop culture, funny stories, dumb ideas) with a new guest each episode
Alternative podcasts to The Money Guys?
I love The Money Guys but I feel like they’ve run out of things to talk about and I’m looking for a fresh perspective. I’m hoping for a podcast that focuses on personal finance and explaining things like the basics of credit cards, credit scores, 401ks, taxes etc and is USA based. If possible, I’d like the podcast hosts to be people with credentials in finance whether it’s them being CPAs/accountants, financial advisors or even just people who have a good track record of knowing what they’re talking about.
RIP Sinead O'Connor - You're Wrong About ep. from 4/10/23
The podcast You're Wrong About covered Sinead O'Connor in April of this year and if you don't know much about her, or if you think you know about her but only remember the controversy, I hope you will listen to this episode.
Intelligent buddy-partner podcasts like Omnibus or How Stuff Works?
I love the podcast format where two amicable hosts talk about interesting history, events, people etc. I welcome your suggestions for more of this please and thank you!
> Interview about the Branch Davidian's armed rebellion and last stand in Waco, Texas 1993.
Click Here
- [Miss Lonelyhearts and the money mules](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yZWNvcmRlZGZ1dHVyZS5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw/episode/ODBlZjY3ZTgtYWJlYS0xMWVkLWE1ZmUtNmZjZmUyODIwODVl?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahgKEwiwoq-Y5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQqQM)
> Fascinating episode exploring the new trend in romance scams online. This podcast in general is a lot like the Darknet Diaries podcast, content revolving around cyber crime.
Rear Vision (ABC)
- [Medical Conspiracy Theories Through the Ages](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWJjLm5ldC5hdS9yYWRpb25hdGlvbmFsL2ZlZWQvMjg5MDAzNC9wb2RjYXN0LnhtbA/episode/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hYmMubmV0LmF1L3JhZGlvbmF0aW9uYWwvcHJvZ3JhbXMvcmVhcnZpc2lvbi9tZWRpY2FsLWNvbnNwaXJhY3ktdGhlb3JpZXMtdGhyb3VnaC10aGUtYWdlcy8xMzY0OTk4OA?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahgKEwiIsLGR5aqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQ9T0)
> ABC = Australian Broadcasting Company, they've a lot of good content. Here's one on the history of doubt in modern medicine.
Deep Dive from The Japan Times
- [The Church, the State and Kishida's Headache](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzQ5NzA4MTMucnNz/episode/dGFnOmF1ZGlvYm9vbS5jb20sMjAyMi0xMi0wNzovcG9zdHMvODIwOTcyMg?ep=14)
> Insight into the Japanese 'Moonie' religious group and how the assassin used their existence as motive for his shooting of Shinzo Abe.
Thinking Sideways
- [Oct282011.com](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21ueWNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2QvcGxheWxpc3QvZTczYzk5OGUtNmU2MC00MzJmLTg2MTAtYWUyMTAxNDBjNWIxLzgwNmU0NWIwLTdiODAtNDY4Yy1iNDA3LWFlNWEwMDBlNjVhZC84OGZjNTdlNy1lNDAzLTQ0ZTEtYjAxOC1hZTVhMDAwZTY1Y2UvcG9kY2FzdC5yc3M/episode/MDdiMTNhNzNmNjRmNjM5NDBlNmFiMDliYThkMGUxOWM?sa=X&ved=0CAIQuIEEahcKEwi4neTR7aOAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQRQ)
> Here's a fun one I found this one a while ago, they used to have a website where they posted a PDF of all the sites images. I've saved it [here](https://pixeldrain.com/u/GgEDsjuB), it was like a cultish looking puzzle website that you just don't see anymore.
Some specific episode recommendations - Theme: Cults, Conspiracy and Crime
I listen to a lot of weird shit, here's a big list of my personal picks revolving around conspiracy, cults and crime that people fall into and why. One episode per podcast with links to subsequent episodes if its a multi-parter.
>Podcast Title
>Episode - []()
>Blurb >
> Btw if you have youtube-dl you can copy paste into a text file and type 'youtube-dl -a test.txt' into the command line to download in bulk with gpodcast links
Decoder Ring (Slate reposted on 'Imaginary Worlds')
- [Catching the Mind Virus](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2ltYWdpbmFyeS13b3JsZHM/episode/ODNiYzRlZmEtYjc3NS0xMWVkLTlmM2EtYjMyM2VjM2U2MDFm)
> What happens when you accidently turn your Augmented Reality Game... into a cult? This episode is about the Ong's Hat psuedo conspiracy in New Jersey.
Commons (CBC)
- [RADICALS 1 - Nazi Island in the Sun](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzYyZjk4OWVlYjhiNjU4MDAxM2EyNThkNA/episode/ZDMyZWU5ZjItMmM5OS00ODcxLTg4ZWQtYmQ0MjZhYzFlODVj?ep=14)
> This podcast does a different themed series every season, this one is about a group of Neo Nazis who attempted to overthrow an island and establish a global bank for white supremacists. [Episode 2](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzYyZjk4OWVlYjhiNjU4MDAxM2EyNThkNA/episode/ZjA3NjJhMjUtYzY4Zi00MWQxLWIxZjMtNmM1NDM5NDU5ZDE5?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjo0df-kquAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQEQ), [Episode 3](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzYyZjk4OWVlYjhiNjU4MDAxM2EyNThkNA/episode/MWJhZjRiYzMtMmUwMi00NDhhLWJmYzUtYmIzOTE1OTkxNDZk?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjo0df-kquAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQEQ)
Throughline (NPR)
- [American Shadows](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5ucHIub3JnLzUxMDMzMy9wb2RjYXN0LnhtbA/episode/OTNlZTE5NWItYmIwNi00OTRiLTlhMzgtOTdiNzk1NDk2NzQy)
> A historical exploration of American conspiracy reaching back to the American Revolution.
The Gray Area (Vox)
- [Why are we so worried about Satan?](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vdGhlZXpyYWtsZWluc2hvdw/episode/NzYyOWFlYWMtMGQ1Yi0xMWViLWFmOTctMTdlNDg1OTVlZDBm?ep=14)
> Great interview exploring the American Satanic Panic of the 1970s and how modern conspiracy relates.
Heaven's Gate
- [1 - The Seekers](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9fZmdGdDdEcg)
> 10 part podcast series on the 90's Heaven's Gate cult. Great interviews and sound production.
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast
- [The United Sates of Conspiracy](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzYyYTIyMjczN2MwMjE0MDAxM2FhNGMwMw/episode/NjRhMjQ3ZDUwYWYzMjMwMDExOWQ3ZTky?ep=14)
> Marc Maron's interview with Robert Guffey on the social evolution of conspiracy in the states.
History Extra
- [Salem - 9 Part Series](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/NDhmMzQxMDQtYmIzNi00N2QyLWJkZWEtZjUxOWEzNDRiZWZj?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw)
> A historical retelling of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. Here's the other episodes: [ep 2](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/MzY1NTZmYjctZmU0OC00ZDBlLTk1MjYtMmVmMmQ1M2ExMzhk?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 3](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/OGRlNzIwYWItNzM3OS00NTk3LTlhMmMtOThmM2RkZmRjMDA3?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 4](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/ZmYzMGI2N2YtY2E5NC00YzQ5LTg2YTAtZTJjZjA1Y2YzNzY5?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 5](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/MTQ1NzU0OGItOGIyYi00MDVlLTgxN2MtNTJjZTI1NWVhMzgz?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep
Horror thriller story podcasts
Looking for new stuff to listen to I just fished white vault black tapes the white tapes so things like those would be cool
Gay comedian podcast
I enjoy Inside the Closet with Matteo Lane and Emma Willmann, and We’re Having Gay Sex with Ashley Gavin. What are some other gay comedy based podcast with similar vibes? I mean, the host don’t even gotta be gay or queer but if they have a similar vibe to podcasts I mention I’ll give them a try. Also, no podcast that discuss politics or current events. Thank you for the suggestions!
King of old folks home (risk podcast)
Searching for the risk podcast about a guy who worked at an old folks home. Anyone know what episode this is? Any google just leads to posts about covid lol.
Any podcasts that interview regular people?
Looking for a podcast where the host interviews a random regular person about their day, their family, their job, etc. and they just talk about it
Film TV and Pop Culture Podcasts Intelligently Talking about Barbenheimer Films
Pretty much as the title says.
Would like deep dives into the box offices and reviews and thoughts!
A podcast with foreign, Eastern European particularly, literature and philosophy?
Looking for audio poems, books, and literature from foreign countries in English, particularly from Eastern Europe. Any suggestions?
False crime podcast
Ive been wondering if there’s any "false crime" podcasts.
Like people basically making up crimes and trying to solve them?
Timesuck host
Just listened to my first episode of this podcast (#358) This guy sometimes steers into a “woodpecker on meth” kind of talk. Is this normal for this podcast? I can’t decide if I want to keep listening. It’s got great info but the weird joke that he keeps repeating got old really fast. Let me know your opinions on this show! Thanks
Is the podcast craze over? What are you listening to in 2023?
Anyone else feel like podcasts are slowly fading into oblivion? I have been an avid podcast listener for years and it has been what’s gotten me through some horrible commutes and long workdays. Post-COVID it just seems like there isn’t as much to listen to. With the writers strike incoming, it’s likely all of the tv show/movie recap podcast will be stifled as well.
Would love some recommendations. Thanks in advance.
Look for people to podcast indie games
Hi everyone I am interested in podcasting about indie games on the weekends, I am looking for people that would be interested in chatting about indie games on a podcast
Gen z podcast that talk about pop culture
Since my last post didn’t get any suggestions I thought I’d simplify a little more. Please give me some recs
Dopey: The Triumph and Tragedy of the World's Greatest Podcast
Know any good non-fiction podcasts about the Mesozoic era?
Looking to learn more. Ideally, a podcast that walks through it in chronological order and doesn’t focus exclusively on dinosaurs.
6](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/NTg0M2U3NmQtZGM3MC00NDk5LTgxNDgtMmRmNWIxMmY4NWNl?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 7](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/NWMyMzZkNmMtNjJlMC00YjQzLWFmMDEtNTVjNTBlYzlhNWUy?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 8](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/ZjU1NjliYmQtYjdhMy00ZjRlLWE0OTctMjFmMWIxZTUxMDcw?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw), [ep 9](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYWNhc3QuY29tL2hpc3RvcnlleHRyYQ/episode/N2UzZGZjOWUtYjM0MS00ZWU3LWFmZmEtMTAzMGIyNDMyOWNm?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwioj-SS5qqAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw)
On the Media (WNYC)
- [Leaving the Extreme Right, and a Marriage, Behind](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLndueWMub3JnL29udGhlbWVkaWE/episode/NTQwOWU5YmUtNTQwNi00YzY1LWIyMDAtNDgzMTQ0ZThjZGE5?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwiol-2B76qAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg)
> Tasha Adams, ex-wife of Stewart Rhodes, discusses her experience working alongside her husband in the creation of one of the American civilian militias, the Oath Keepers. Kelly Jones, ex-wife of Alex Jones, also speaks to her experience.
Court Junkie (Law&CrimeNet)
- [The Plot to Kidnap the Governor](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9jb3VydGp1bmtpZS5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw/episode/OGI4NGNlMGUtM2FjNy00N2VmLThmNjMtODNmMWMxNzg4ZWQ0?ep=14)
> Long episode covering the anti establishment, COVID deniers and FBI plants within the Michigan, USA 'Wolverine Watchmen' militia and subsequent 3 Percenter plot to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.
Sounds Like A Cult
- [The Cult of Momfluencers](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub21ueWNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2QvcGxheWxpc3QvODg1YWNlODMtMDI3YS00N2FkLWFkNjctYWNhNzAwMmYxZGY4LzY4ZDkyMTIwLTc4NTYtNGEyOS1hNzZlLWFlMWQwMTU4NmRlZS9lOWQ1N2MxMy0xZGQyLTRkYWMtOTg4Ni1hZTFkMDE1ODZkZmQvcG9kY2FzdC5yc3M/episode/YWMzMmFmOTEtODUxNS00ZDUzLWI1NzUtYWY5YTAxNjczYWM4?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahgKEwiIirvGz6qAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQxQI)
> One of the hosts, Amanda Montell, has an excellent book called 'Cultish' you should check out. She explores all the language and social ritual that goes into cults and cult-like groups.
Why is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast
- [Who's Flying the UFOs? with Gideon Lewis-Kraus](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9wb2RjYXN0ZmVlZHMubmJjbmV3cy5jb20vd2l0aA/episode/OGFiZTMzZjMtNGI2NC00ZGZjLWFiNDItMmNkYWYzNjNmYTQ5?ep=14)
> I like how this interview sheds light on both sides of the arguments, skeptics vs believers. Interesting stories of the recent UFO news stuff, GLK's article is worth a read too if youre into that sorta stuff.
Sounds Like Hate (SPLCenter)
- [Baseless Part 1](https://soundslikehate.org/season-one/baseless/)
> The Southern Poverty Law Center has a ton of great articles covering American militia groups. Here's a 3 part series using the recordings of The Base, a white supremacist group.
Today in Focus (Guardian)
- [What does it take to be an undercover police officer?](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL25ld3Mvc2VyaWVzL3RvZGF5aW5mb2N1cy9wb2RjYXN0LnhtbA/episode/NjM1N2RmOTc4ZjA4MDc1OTE4NGZlZmY5?sa=X&ved=0CAgQuIEEahgKEwiol-2B76qAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQnAM)
> Interview exploring the work of undercover UK cops and how they infiltrated crime and activist groups using false identities.
FBI Retired Case Files Review
- [Scott Payne - Undercover White Supremacist](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mYmlyZXRpcmVkY2FzZWZpbGVyZXZpZXcubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/NDkxYzFmOTYtODRjNy00MDFkLWExZTMtMDcxYmRmZTQyOTAy?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwio4J2mgKuAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQXg)
> Loads of good content in this podcast, true crime junkies should check the rest of her feed!
- [Waco & the Origins of Right-Wing
Anyone know any pop culture/ gossip type podcast hosted by gen z that upload exclusively or mostly on Fridays
It’s practically a non existent market 😭 no gen z pop culture pods on Fridays I’ve looked everywhere please help😂
Please recommend me podcasts featuring a strong Austin accent
English is my second language and I often have difficulties understanding a friend when we talk.
Edit: I mean Austin, Texas
TGIFL! Thank God it's Friday Live! Our little podcast... Are we doing anything right?
looking for podcast about illegal stuff like drugs, counterfeit money, really anything illegal :) drug smuggling etc.
I know it’s kind of a strange request. But I love podcast about illegal things. I listened to one about the Case Files - Silk Road. I also listened to a Criminal episode and it was about people making counterfeit money. Are there any other podcast that kind of fit this genre that you know of?
I have also listed to Cool Mules
Mr. Beast pay NYT to make pods about him?
i occasionally listen to The Daily and just started listening to Hard Fork, a New York Times tech podcast. The Daily posted July 5th "How MrBeast became the Willy Wonka of Youtube", Hard Fork posted June 16th "Mr Beasts Youtube Empire". The scripts are nearly identical with different NYTimes reporters on each podcast saying very similar things. Both touch on the same video that many saw as controversial and spin it in a relatively positive light- am i reading too much into this?
Maybe the first post did well so they just rehashed it and put it up on other channels? something about it felt suspicious how similar the scripts were and the relatively positive takeaway.
I’m recovering from a TBI and am looking for quiet podcasts by people with soothing voices (along the lines of The Memory Palace, Criminal, and This is Love). Any suggestions?
I’ve heard all the episodes of the podcasts I just mentioned, and may go back to the very beginning and listen again, but I’m wondering if there are others like these. Nothing loud, nothing with raucous laughter . . . just something interesting and soothing to listen to.
Just want to give a nod to the podcast acquired
Every Business has a story and Ben & David the host do a great job. If you want super details of a company beginning, these guys give it.. and they never talk over each other.. I hate that...
Podcast about cinema/movie history
Hey there, looking for a podcast that tells the story of cinema over the decades and also fokuses on prominent movies, directors. Preferably not only the US but also international Cinema. But that's a bonus.
Do you have any recommendations for positive (or at least non-negative podcasts)?
I listen to a lot of podcasts about politics, society, psychology etc and a lot of them are about topics that are negative. They have their place but I’m trying to be a more positive person. Do you know of podcasts that aren’t about positivity/happiness but have a positive tone?
Podcast recommendations for millennials talking about social issues?
Looking for recommendations on general discourse for millennials. It may be social issues, dating, managing career, life, etc. Just something about what millennials are going through right now.