Spicy Tonkatsu Ramen (…yes…)
First Shoyu ramen 100% homemade :)
I threw a Ramen Party
(...And I took terrible pictures. I'm sorry, the phone did not eat first) Just what I posted on the title - my husband had his 40th birthday, so I threw a Ramen party for him and \~15 of our friends.
What I made
Duck broth (7 qts)
Tonkatsu broth (8 qts)
Dashi (4 qts)
Shio Tare
Shoyu Tare
Curry Tare
Miso Tare
Fixins (made): ramen eggs, chashu, duck breast (just salted), menma, marinated wood ear, mushrooms, some aromatic oils
Fixins (bought): enoki, scallions, fish cake, sushi ginger, nori, noodles
What went well
All the ramens were soooo good. Thank you, Ramen_Lord and Rameneer for the recipes.
I think people generally liked being able to have smaller portions and try different ramens.
I also appreciated the chance to make things I wouldn't normally try with just cooking for 2 people.
We sprung for some larger disposable bowls, which was pretty key for the party.
I set up one station with noodles, tare, big fixins and one station with the boiling stocks and the lighter toppings. The flow was pretty good like that. Chashu was sliced beforehand and heated with a sheet pan under the broiler. I had slightly unfrozen quarts of stock to refill, which took a few minutes to get back to a rolling boil once replenished.
What didn't go well
I made too much food. I'm genetically predisposed to making too much food, but I definitely doubled all the tare recipes and prepared an 11lb pork belly into 3 chashu rolls, so yeah, too much food. I'm certainly not complaining, but you can survive on much much less. Single recipes of tare and only 3 tares would be just fine. One roll of chashu is sufficient
I bungled the noodles. These were new noodles and I was seduced by the $5 for sooo many noodles price tag. For the party, I needed a noodle with much more bounce and able to put up with some abuse. I should have also pre-made them before the party started, maybe throwing some oil in to keep the noodles more separate and grabbable. Would it be perfect? No, but I think it would have upped the quality for the majority of ramens at a large scale that would have worked better.
Happy to answer questions - thank you to this sub for all the help to make a really special 40th.
My 5th time making ramen at home
Chan-Kei Chūka Soba from Haru Chan Ramen (via Ramen Nagi Philippines)
tried it once, will try it again.
What did they do to this bamboo?
My favorite combo, what’s yours?
Best bowl I had during my 2 week trip to Japan
Taiwan ramen and gyōza at Neko Ramen in Duncan BC Canada
Just me, my noodles, and a moment of happiness.
Karashibi Miso Ramen Kikanbō Kanda Honten
A weeknight Spicy Chicken Paitan 🍜
It makes me so happy to eat ramen
Best ramen I've ever had
Sooo it's my first time coming to Japan. I've had a list of different stuff to eat. I love food and very adventurous (eg - Had whale meat targeted : had it and skin at Kuramon markets)
Anyway I had the best ramen I've ever had in my life. Just curious if it's rated. I tend to like trying places and know how they are viewed or rated to get a baseline. The place is Niboshi-Ramen Tamagoro in Umeda train station.
Unrealllll just unreal. The broth was sooo umami. Umami. Tasted of fish. The chasu pork was sooooo tender and flavourful. The noodles springy and awesome. The egg was the best (I added it to my soup). Tacky and so flavourful. I always finish my soups right down. I like to inspect the bottom of it. Flavourful grit 😂 anyway keen to know others experiences if they have been here before. Thanks in advance
First try at improving cup Ramen