instant ramen with no english
Best Asian market in Milwaukee?
Anyone have any recommendations for a good spot to pick up some quality ingredients in Milwaukee? I’m specifically looking for bones for soup and quality miso’s. Making a day trip this afternoon for lunch at Artisan, and figured I’d stock up on some stuff while I’m there.
Need low sodium spicy ramen recipes
Love shin black beef bone broth but have high blood pressure. No problem with. msg.
I am getting better at homemade bone broths.
I really need a copycat spice mix recipe.
Love spice
Just came back from Japan and this is one of the best things ever
I decided to stay in a very local area of Tokyo and kep walking by this ramen shop that was always full.
decided to try it out one morning
here is the store details
* Daikiya 横浜家系ラーメン 大輝家 (its in Ota beside keikyuu metro station
they called this the breakfast ramen, had a nice pork flavour that eveloped your mouth.
[\\"Breakfast Ramen\\"](
Ramen @ Menya Shono in San Rafael, CA - Oishi!
Shiro Ramen - What’s Up Men (Fullerton, CA)
Trouble finding pork bones
There is no where within a 50 mile radius of me that has raw pork bones. Does anyone have any recommendations for reasonably priced online sources?
Duck ramen at Ramen Kamo to Negi in Tokyo
Best instant noodle for ramen?
I'm sure this question has been asked a million times but I couldn't see a quick link to access those kinds of answers. I'm just looking for the best bang for buck noodles I can get, it doesn't need to be anything special I'm not really picky about the flavor and I can add more ingredients on my own accord.
I'll be going to Tokyo for the first time in 55 days, does anyone know where to buy gyofun?
Yuzu Shio with tempura shrimp
making ramen at home, too bland??
Kimchi ramen (house-made kimchi)
Black Dynasty Ramen in Nashville, TN
Roasted pork abura soba at Banninriki in Tokyo
Ramen Noodles and Lactose
Hello! Weird question. I love to eat the Nissin Chow Meon insant noodle bowls. There ingredients say contains lactose and milk, whey ect...
Are they saying the noodles have that or the mix in packets??
I'm going to the Asian Market tomorrow
What Ramen, sauces or specialties would you recommend? I plan on making this trip, my only grocery trip for the month. I have a budget of $150.
I have tried Shin Ramen Black and will definitely be purchasing more.
Can anyone recommend their favorite store bought ramen noodles?
I’m hoping to make ramen soon but I don’t have time to make my own noodles currently. Can anyone recommend their favorite store bought noodles? I live near quite a few Asian grocery stores so finding the brand might not be difficult. I’d appreciate it. Thank you.
Another post inspired me to show you guys this Swedish-Japanese mad kitchen scientist Swedish Meatball Ramen I made a while back. Feel free to insult and threaten me in the comments :)
Tori Shoyu Ramen. Pretty proud of this one.