Mensho Tokyo (Melbourne) Wagyu Ramen - ramen review #2
hard broth, easy ramen
im not the greatest cook but ive become addicted to making homemade broth because most of the effort is just letting it simmer/boil for forever.
say i make a delicious rich broth, does anyone know an easy quick recipe (for the rest of the ramen) to compliment a long boiled broth? i have no problem with shortcuts.
thank you!
Pork Spicy Miso Ramen - Huntington Ramen & Sushi @ Fullerton, CA
Nongshim Shin Gold Chicken
Need help with ingredients
Hello. Don’t know if this is the right forum but I’ve attempted several times trying to make quick and easy homemade instant ramen that I can take to work an assemble using ingredients I have.
I’m a Muslim, so my diet is restricted to halal meat and broth (I can make beef or chicken broth at home) vegetarian/pescatarian options, and no alcohol.
I’ve attempted making dashi and fancy tare going to kombu/katsuoboshi/shitake route and I suck at it, so I’m giving up on that for now. (Also my wife and I are paranoid about trusting something we can’t clean or nuke before cooking it, so I don’t trust packaged kelp or dried mushrooms.) I like sphegetti turned ramen more than the ramen option at my local Asian store (to alkaline) so I want to stick with that.
I guess my question is about quick and easy tare and aroma oil that something even my kids could make that is tasty enough.
Re tare, I made some concoction of shoyu that turned out good but I have no ideas what portions I used. The ingredients included kikoman soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, ginger paste, Thai fish sauce and an oil consisting of onion powder and avocado oil (lol)
We love the packet stuff. We can get dried vegetables probably. If I take noodles, broth, tare, oil and dried veggies to work I could throw everything together in a microwave and not worry about preservatives.
Any ideas?
Boar ramen?
Hi everyone,
Almost a decade ago I ate some wild boar ramen when I was visiting Japan. Sadly I don't have much detailed memory about, except it was one of the best ramen I have ever had.
Now I got my hands on some really nice wild boar shoulder. I wonder if anyone had any experience with boar ramen? I guess I would do the same as 'normal' tonkatsu ramen? It has a big bone, so I hope this will help for the broth.
First time trying to make chashu to boost my instant nissin tonkotsu ramen. I’d consider it mildly successful.
Made Ramen_Lord’s 18 hour tonkotsu recipe and it was heavenly
Samyang Ramen
Random but like why does ramen always make me shit better?like maybe i haven’t in awhile but then i have ramen and it’s like yk all gone, stomach empty💀😭
Best mild ramen
In my younger days I loved spicy foods, especially things like Ramen and chicken wings. Now as I'm getting older I get sick from spicy foods. I'm looking for the best instant Ramen that aren't spicy. I'm talking little to no spice but lots of flavor. Obviously I've tried all the super common noodles found in big box stores. Now there's so many options from Asian stores and markets but I'm not sure which ones are actually worth it. Any and all suggestions welcomed.
Which instant noodle has the same flavor as mi sedaap spicy chicken?
I really like that it's savory sweet and spicy but not too spicy. I also love that it's not in a broth and the noodles are thick and chewy
Tonkotsu ramen at Yama Ramen NYC
Animal free. Ignore the pork and egg on the packaging though lol.
First time making Chashu Pork
Laki Ramen in Los Angeles, California