Ground beef specialty bowl
vegan ramen from Ato Ramen restaurant in Łódź, Poland
37 shops in 3 weeks, Part 2: Fukuoka
Trust me when I say this, but I ate raw neoguri and i've been having core pain and constipation for 3 days
wanted to use up some sprouts
Homemade Toripaitan Tsukemen
Can I Eat Yeul Ramen Extra Spicy from Ottogi?
Hi everyone,
I recently bought some cooking accessories from an East Asian online shop, and they included a gift of Yeul Ramen Extra Spicy from Ottogi. The label mentions that the product may contain traces of eggs, milk, fish, molluscs, and crustaceans. The product consists of noodles, a vegetable mix, and a soup powder (all packed separately).
I’m trying to determine which parts of the ramen might be contaminated by animal products. Is the entire package non-vegan, or could it be that only the vegetable mix or soup powder contains these potential contaminants?
Here’s a link that shows a picture of the product and the ingredients listed.
Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks!
reading Yelp Reviews
Okay so I was going through the Yelp reviews of one of my favorite ramen places and saw that most of the one star reviews were:
1) Complaining about lack of service; you order online for context, and so a lot of reviews were complaining about the servers not coming to take their order and just checking up on them from time to time. Personally, I’d like to think this is kind of stupid since most servers in Asia (this happened in the US) aren’t as overly involved with your dining service since tips aren’t expected, and so if these customers really wanted an authentic experience, they’d be in for a shock going to ramen places out of the country.
2) Not exactly ramen related, but some reviews complained about getting food poisoning from eating sushi. Like bffr? It’s RAW FISH, and most restaurants have disclaimers about them too and so I really don’t understand these reviews.
Top Tier Ramen Hitlist in Los Angeles
Hey All, I'll be moving to LA and looking to hit all the top tier ramen spots in the area. Don't know where I'll live yet but willing to drive for some soul snatching noodles (within the map boundary). Any and all styles welcome; more interested in craftsmanship/quality and taste. Give me your best (and worst so I can avoid them) please!
making tonkotsu broth, bone to finished broth calculation?
Hey folks, Ive made homemade tonkotsu broth before but i thought i would ask you guys some questions.
Whats your usual bone to final broth ratio? Im doing a big batch this time, 15lbs of neck bones, 3lbs of pig trotters, 3lbs of jowl. We do home canning so I will can a bunch. I know its to taste but after the initial strain and cook down, how much broth do you think this will produce?
Also i was checking around and found recipes different than mine. Isnt the traditional bone broth recipe just pig products and not other ingredients like ginger, onion, etc... ?
Thanks in advance!
japanese dip noodle
Did some things with Samyang Seafood Party. Would do it again.
Substitute for hon mirin in tare
I want to attempt to make keizo shimamato shoyu ramen, from way of ramen's YouTube video. Link below:
Its impossible to get mirin with alcohol where I live, so what is best to substitute? Sherry, white wine, sake + sugar, xiaoxing wine (and not include the extra salt he has) or something else.
Also, the soy sauce he is using, Ill be using some dark soy sauce I can find at my local Asian market, that will work fine yeah?
Spelt Noodles 37% Hydration
Tonkotsu(ish) broth?
Hello dear ramenfans.
I have acquired a bunch of cheap cuts of pork ribs. In the Netherlands they add this to a soup called Snert. Split pea soup.
I would like to try and make a pork broth for a ramen with these ribs but because I am using completely different bones I can't really find the right method using Google.
- should I keep the ribs as is, or should I trim the meat?
- roast the ribs? Or boil first and throw out the water?
- add chicken drumsticks or carcass?
- rolling boil or simmer?
I hope there are some great tips here.
There is a pork rib ramen recipe from Tim Anderson in the cookbook Nanban. That would be my backup recipe if I really aren't confident in a method for a tonkotsu type broth.
Kikanbo - Kara Miso Ramen - Tokyo
Is my lil vegan ramen creation welcome here?
Buldak will forever be my guilty pleasure
Tabetomo NYC Reopen date?
Seems like the shop has been closed since the end of April due to an unfortunate fire. Does anyone know if it is opening back up anytime soon? I am CRAVING their tsukemen 😭
Need advice for Salmon stock ramen
Good day, I‘m mostly new to making ramen - I have some basic knowledge and a decent idea of how certain ingredients harmonize with each other.
That said, I recently got a few jars of clear salmon bone stock and was wondering whether anyone ever made anything like it?
For flavour, I like it light and a little spicy, so I‘m thinking about a flavour oil infused with some lemon zest and chili as a topping. On the other hand, salmon and soy sauce works really well together, so I‘m contemplating using a shoyu tare.
For greens, I have china cabbage, mungbean sprouts, spinach and scallions at my disposal. For protein… there‘s tofu. I can get a lot of extra ingredients from my local stores though, even dashi or mirin.
I‘d be elated if you could give me some extra ideas or advice on the composition and flavour combinations!
Thank you for your time!
Favorite brand?
Therea are so many different picks from so many different brands, that it can be really hard to pick something good and it could take a lot of taste-testing to find your favorites. So that's what I had to do, over time I've tried almost every distinct product I could get my hands on in local shops, and even though most of them taste almost the same, over time one interesting pattern began to slowly emerge. The first product that surprised me how good and unique it tasted was a Mi Lau Thai. It tasted awesome and unlike any other ramen I've tried yet. Another one that I liked a lot was Oh Ricey, then I noticed a pattern - they were both made by the same brand - acecook. Two of my favorites by the same brand huh? So in a different shop I found another two by acecook - shoyu and tonkotsu cups. And yet again, they were absolutely delicious. I think this acecook brand is becoming my favorite. I can't wait to try more from them. What about you? have you noticed any brands that stood out as tastier than all the others?
Healthiest instant ramen
If you have to pick one, what is your go-to healthiest ramen?
I’m just now getting active, does this make the cut?
Help me make this choice.
Im pretty new to trying ramen. And Id be lying if I said im not hooked.
Man I've only tried the nissin geki chicken noodles and I didn't expect it to be so fricking good.
Because it was so good, im scared to buy something else that is popular and waste my money by not liking it.
So I have a few questions for the popular ramen.
How is Samyang Buldak compared to Geki. I've heard its spicy, and you can only feel the spice but not the flavour. Is it that bad. I had the idea that it is one of the best ones out there.
If not that what would you recommend?? Or should I just keep getting Nissin.