HELP! Need a Recipe!
i visited Japan a week ago and we came across the Restraunt ''Torisoba Zagin Niboshi'' in Osaka. We ate "Chicken White Soup Soba" (atleast google says it's something calles like that) and it was probably one of the most delicious Foods i have ever eaten and i am in desperate need of a recipe. If anyone knows a recipe for this. please let me know. The broth alone would be enough, i think its a mixture of Tonkorsu and chicken, or just chicken bone maybe? Please let me know if u know something!!! Thank You!
My Home-made Ramen with double soup base
Golden Miso Ramen in Kanagawa, Japan
What is this —> 🍥
I had one of them in my ramen and it tasted similar to an egg
Plating up some Shoyu…I’m out of practice
The quest for a vegan shoyu ramen continues
Basic recioe
Hi all. Just wondering if anyone has a simple ramen recipe with the broth made from dashi and chicken stock powders? Any tare suggestions?
IMMI Protein Ramen
I made the mistake of trying this. It is absolutely awful. Consistency is strange, but the taste is like cardboard. What is worse is the smell, stinks up the kitchen. The actual broth is BLAND.
All around, terrible. I never leave bad reviews because it is like, hey, just my opinion, and really, nothing is so bad that I need to spend the effort to leave a negative review. This stuff is THAT BAD that, and also pretty pricey.
I don't care how good it is for you, this stuff is flat out awful. Anyone who orders this stuff more than once must be out of their mind.
That said, the toppings add-on thing isn't bad. But you can get same thing elsewhere.
Can y’all guess the Toronto restaurant?
my first time making shoyu ramen
Tonkatsu is bland how to fix??
So I went to this ramen place and the tonkatsu I got was a garlic tonkatsu (it was the only tonkatsu on the menu and this is the only ramen place in town). It's not very rich, it's not even garlicky, the ramen is just a bit bland. I have Sriracha, Japanese mayo, eel sauce, hoisin and soy sauce as well as a stir fry sauce in my fridge. Any tips??
Shoyu Ramen I make this weekend
Samyang Buldak Ramen Double Cream Carbonara still available?
Not seeing this in the UK anywhere. Either online or at my local shop. Anyone know if it's out of stock or production?
redditors of r/ramen, i need your HELP
i’m a HUGE picky eater and have honestly never, in my life, tried ramen.
i don’t mean picky as in “oh yeah i dont like (insert food here) i mean i’m PICKY.
i don’t like bread, or onions (unless its onion sauce), or eggs, shrimp (most seafood at that), chashu, menma, seaweed, naruto (the pink and white pinwheels AND the anime), butter, you get my point.
i am a chefs most despised customers, a 3zooma (arabs will get it) hosts’ worst enemy, etc.
please give me ideas 🙏
First try at assembling 'kits' for friends
Ideas for spicy vegetarian at-home ramen?
Hi! I am an absolute beginner to making ramen, so I often have a hard time thinking up ingredients to add to the dish. What would be some good ingredients to add to achieve a spicy vegetarian ramen, aside from onion, leek, and egg? Thanks so much!
I want to try Ichiran ramen, but there’s 2 choices, Is there a difference here?
I made a weird Combination of seasoning, cheese, and sour cream with Cheddar cheese instant Ramen I'll tell you the recipe in the comments
What’s your preferred option for ajitama eggs?
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