Easy Vegan Miso Tahini Ramen
Tsukemen in London?
When I went to Japan last year I became instantly obsessed with tsukemen after trying it at 7am in Rokurinsha under Tokyo Station. Been chasing that high ever since as I can't find anywhere in the UK that does it. I'm going to London soon and figured that's probably my best bet for finding a ramen place that does tsukemen, so does anyone have any suggestions?
(Mostly) Pork Spare Rib Tonkotsu
Spicey Ramen recommendations!
So I love some spicey ramen and I’m looking to try some new stuff. Recommendations based on spiciest ramen as well as best tasting are both welcome! 🙏
Miso Ramen with Veal Cheeks… not bad for the first try 😋
This ramen expired 1-2 years ago. Would it still be ok, or should I throw it away?
Best ramen I've ever made at home
instant ramen companies for private label?
i want to experiment with branding my own instant ramen line
minimum order <1k to start. know of any in the EU/US market?
reccs appreciated!!! also curious if you / someone you know has done similar.
My favourite way to jazz up packet ramen
First time making Jiro-kei ramen
Noodle Length and Resting?
One thing I've been struggling with lately is finding the right length to cut my noodles to. Is there a "standard" length, or is it all personal preference? Lately they have been quite long, making them somewhat difficult to eat.
Then a question about resting, not at the end (after noodles are cut) but during the gluten development stage. Is there any key differences between resting for say 30 min vs. 2 hours before kneading, other than allowing the dough to rehydrate longer?
For example, I've stirred in all the water to the dry components using a kitchenaid mixer, it's at the point where it loosely resembles wet sand, I put it into a ziplock to rest on the counter. What is the difference, if any, if this rest is 30min or 2 hours? Or even longer for that matter? After this step I would knead the dough, and rest in ziplock again. Here is the second point where I could rest for a shorter vs. longer period of time. Is there any reason to rest shorter vs longer?