Warming temperatures impact immune performance of wild monkeys, U-M study shows: Immune performance of wild capuchin monkeys declines when the animals experience higher temperatures, and younger monkeys seem to be particularly vulnerable to heat
Sea anemone study shows how the Starlet sea anemone can regenerate entire body parts: When an injury is triggered, molecular changes are both near and far from the wound. These cells move and tissues reorganise, effectively reshaping the entire body.
Childhood adversity may blunt brain development rather than speed it up | While prior theories suggested these changes might reflect accelerated brain development, this study indicates they may instead represent a blunting or slowing of specific developmental processes.
Cambridge researchers studying a forest in northern India have found that the wildlife monitoring technologies are being deliberately misused by local government & male villagers to spy on women & stop them collecting natural resources despite it being their legal right to do so.
Women with a history of nonconsensual sexual experiences are more likely to engage in sex out of feelings of obligation, according to a new study. These women reported more frequent “Duty Sex,” lower sexual satisfaction, and higher levels of sexual pain compared to women without such histories.