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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Scientists have identified a molecule – microRNA-146a – that immune cells in the lungs produce during mechanical ventilation to try to decrease inflammation. The team is working on boosting that natural process in pursuit of a therapy that could lower chances for lung damage in patients on vents.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Altruism is a sexually selected trait that signals a man’s competence as a potential partner and parent. The study found that women judged a man as more desirable for a long-term relationship - but not for a one night stand - when he was seen giving a considerable donation to a homeless man.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Oncotarget: Targeted lymphodepletion with a CD45-directed antibody radioconjugate


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(u/crsgls): I have a a PhD in biostatistics and am now a research fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on statistical methodology. I am mainly working on health and medical applications and deeply interested in the way open science can improve my work.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Megalodon were born six feet in length in large because of Oophagy.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

These Are the Brain Cells Most Vulnerable to Alzheimer’s Disease: Excitatory neurons that are most vulnerable to tau pathology during Alzheimer's disease are marked by their expression of the transcription factor RORB, finds a new study.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

A ubiquitous tire rubber–derived chemical induces acute mortality in coho salmon


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Robot Displays a Glimmer of Empathy to a Partner Robot - "Columbia engineers create a robot that learns to visually predict how its partner robot will behave, displaying a glimmer of empathy. This 'Robot Theory of Mind' could help robots get along with other robots—and humans..."


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Cannabis and pregnancy: for women with a prior miscarriage, study finds cannabis use is linked to a 41% lower chance of conceiving


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Megalodon shark gave live birth to large newborns that likely grew by eating unhatched eggs in womb. Gigantic Megalodon or megatooth shark, which lived nearly roughly 15-3.6 million years ago and reached at least 50 feet (15 meters) in length, gave birth to babies larger than most adult humans.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Study of 720 Olympic athletes finds that sex significantly affects the heart, with electrical and structural differences found in women. Results support the need for a sex-based approach to interpret the complex clinical and morphologic features of an athlete’s heart, particularly in women.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Landmark human study is first to reveal strong links between gut microbes, diet and health. Diets rich in certain plant-based foods are linked with the presence of gut microbes that are associated with a lower risk of developing conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

New research suggests that psychedelics may be a viable treatment option for those suffering from trauma due to racism and discrimination. Amongst those suffering from race-based trauma, the psychedelic experience was found to reduce anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

New solvent-based multi-layer plastic recycling process could cut down on millions of tons of plastic waste


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

After a 3 year follow up, a combination of strength and endurance training proved to be most effective for long-term weight loss success.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Zombie movies prepared you for the pandemic - "The more movies about zombies, alien invasions and apocalyptic pandemics people had seen prior to COVID-19, the better they dealt with the actual, current pandemic. These kinds of movies apparently serve as mental rehearsal for actual events."


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Physicists have accidentally observed quantum oscillation in an insulator -- quantum behavior that was thought to be unique to metals. The finding suggests a brand new type of quantum particle, which the team calls a neutral fermion & challenges a long-held distinction between metals & insulators.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

In a recent study, physicists wondered whether the mysterious dark matter could actually consist of plain old antimatter. The researchers asked whether dark matter can take the form of “nuggets” of antimatter particles, bounded together and floating in interstellar space.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Science Discussion Series: Preprints, rushed peer review, duplicated efforts, and conflicts of interest led to confusion and misinformation regarding COVID-19. We're experts who analyzed COVID-19 research - let's discuss!

Open Science (a movement to make all phases of scientific research transparent and accessible to the public) has made great strides in the past decade, but those come with new ethical concerns that the COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted. Open science promotes transparency in data and analysis and has been demonstrated to [improve the quality and quantity of scientific research in participating institutions](https://www.nature.com/articles/nchem.1149). These principles are never more valuable than in the midst of a global crisis such as the COVID pandemic, where quality information is needed so researchers can quickly and effectively build upon one another's work. It is also vital for the public and decision makers who need to make important calls about public health. However, misinformation can have a serious material cost in human lives that grows exponentially if not addressed properly. Preprints, lack of data sharing, and rushed peer review have led to confusion for both experts and the lay public alike.

We are a global collaboration that has looked at COVID19 research and potential misuses of basic transparency research principles. [Our findings are available as a preprint](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.13.249847) and [all our data is available online](https://osf.io/renxy/). To sum up, our findings are that:

* Preprints (non peer-reviewed manuscripts) on COVID19 have been mentioned in the news approximately 10 times more than preprints on other topics published during the same period.

* Approximately 700 articles have been accepted for publication in less than 24 hours, among which 224 were detailing new research results. Out of these 224 papers, 31% had editorial conflicts of interest (i.e., the authors of the papers were also part of the editorial team of the journal).

* There has been a large amount of duplicated research projects probably leading to potential scientific waste.

* There have been numerous methodologically flawed studies which could have been avoided if research protocols were transparently shared and reviewed before the start of a clinical trial.

* Finally, the lack of data sharing and code sharing led to the now famous [The Lancet scandal on Surgisphere](https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/lancet-retracts-surgispheres-study-on-hydroxychloroquine-67613)

We hope that we can all shed some light on our findings and answer your questions. So there you go, ask us anything. We are looking forward to discussing these issues and potential solutions with you all.

Our guests will be answering under the account u/Cov19ResearchIssues, but they are all active redditors and members of the r/science community.

**This is a global collaboration and our guests will start answering questions no later than 1p US Eastern!**


Lonni Besançon (u/lonnib): I am a postdoctoral fellow at Monash University, Australia. I received my Ph.D. in computer science at University Paris Saclay, France. I am particularly interested in interactive visualization techniques for 3D spatial data relying on new input paradigms and his recent work focuses on the visualization and understanding of uncertainty in empirical results in computer science. [My Twitter](https://twitter.com/lonnibesancon).

Clémence Leyrat (u/Clem_stat): I am an Assistant Professor in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Most of my research is on causal inference. I am investigating how to improve the methodology of randomised trials, and when trials are not feasible, how to develop and apply tools to estimate causal effects from observational studies. In medical research (and in all other fields), open science is key to gain (or get back?) the trust and support of the public, while ensuring the quality of the research done. [My Twitter](https://twitter.com/LeyClem)

Corentin Segalas

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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

This snake turns its body into a lasso to climb up smooth surfaces


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign research group developed an imaging method that uses artificial intelligence to reveal important visual information of live cells without using fluorescent dyes, which are toxic to some specimens.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Study: Walkability seems to have provided protection against the spread of COVID-19. Residents of New York City in wealthy zip codes and walkable zip codes were able to limit geographical mobility, whereas residents in poor zip codes and Black and Hispanic dominant zip codes were not.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

"Ocean acidification may make some species glow brighter"


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Scientists ‘program’ living bacteria to store data


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

The Stone Age may have lasted 20,000 years longer in part of Africa than previously thought, recent archaeological finds revealed. This refutes a long-standing theory that humanity evolved in one unified way towards our modern lifestyles – and instead evolved at different speeds around the world.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Kombucha inspires the creation of a microbial “living material” that can respond to stimuli from the surrounding environment and could find diverse applications from contaminant detection to therapeutic delivery.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Astronomers see galaxy starting to die


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Indonesian macaques spontaneously exchange stolen goods for food with humans, showing a cross-generational token economy in wild animals


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Using theoretical calculations, an international team of researchers shows that it would not be possible to control a superintelligent AI. Furthermore, the researchers demonstrate that we may not even know when superintelligent machines have arrived.


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Science Geeks🧬Research🧬Technology🧬Biology🧬Social science🧬News

Cancer cells hibernate like "bears in winter" to survive chemotherapy. All cancer cells may have the capacity to enter states of dormancy as a survival mechanism to avoid destruction from chemotherapy. The mechanism these cells deploy notably resembles one used by hibernating animals.


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