i5 7500 & 16 GB RAM - enough for plex?
Ebay Link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/293713688571?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3a-LIWC4Tr2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vvgOVcYhSs-&var=593572628741&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
I am thinking of buying this for my dedicated home server. I want to mainly run Plex on it. I only stream it locally for my TV at home. It's one 4K device streaming, maybe 2 in future.
Is this device capable enough to handle it? Or what specs should I be looking at?
Intel W680 DDR5 and ECC Reporting
Good day, everyone.
I am planning to update all my noisy and slow Xeons to W680 for many reasons.
To test, I bought just one, built it, and was able to get a "working" ECC but found that no ECC reporting is available yet!
The question is, since ECC reporting is not implemented yet, how will the OS know that there is corruption and lock or shutdown itself?
If a RAM stick is at fault, then it will corrupt the OS and anything else in the way without the OS even noticing it. Am I missing something here?
Does anyone have a stable and working Am5 with 128 GB of ECC RAM working in correction and reporting?
Mobo Asus w680
CPU 13900k stock
Ram 128gb Kingston ECC 4800
OS Debian 12 Kernel 6.5.13
Trying to change the image of an Application in Gotify
Hey all!
Can anybody share a working curl command using the image upload endpoint for a specific application to the Gotify API? https://gotify.net/api-docs#/application/uploadAppImage
Docs say one should pass a file as formData, so this is my curl:
curl "**https://push.example.com/application/6/image?token=XXXXXXXX**" -F "file=../gotify-icons/myappicon.png"
Running that, I get:
{"error":"Unauthorized","errorCode":401,"errorDescription":"you need to provide a valid access token or user credentials to access this api"}
For the record, the application id (6) exists, and i've checked that token, it's fine. Running this works fine:
curl "https://push.example.com/application/6/image?token=XXXXXXXX" -F "title=subject" -F "message=message"
What am I missing?
Home Cloud network setup
Hi All,
I have a fair knowledge on networking as a System engineer myself and exploring more, the more I explore the more overwhelmed and confused with the options I am, can someone guide me here please, the following is my setup.
Goal is all the devices should be accessible from outside the network, especially VMs as they'll be hosting dev-sites.
OnPrem is setup with a Dell server and Esxi if you wanted to know.
send through Discord via a webhook. The **Shoutrrr** 'Services' documentation in the link provided had a great walkthrough, especially regarding the formatting of the TOKEN & WEBHOOK ID in the service URL (*see the very bottom of their doc*). Specifically --
(*You'll note how the TOKEN & WEBHOOK ID placement are swapped. Don't mix them up!*)
Hopefully some or all of this walkthrough will help speed things along for the next person who comes along looking to do similar.
Should I salvage my old PC as a server, or would it be very energy inefficient?
Upgraded my gaming PC. Currently, running all my applications on Docker (55 containers) on Synology 923+ with 32GB RAM.
Old PC Specs: Intel i7 7700K, Nvidia GTX 1080ti, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, ATX motherboard.
Was thinking of buying a smaller case (parts are in a Corsair Carbide Air 540, which is huge!) and repurposing them as a server of some sort (probably for ProxMox with Home Assistant and Plex, since the 923+ doesn't do transcoding as well due to its AMD CPU).
My question really is this: Is it worth salvaging the parts to make a server, or should I be looking to possibly selling them and buying something like a Beelink which probably has better power consumption efficiency?
Thank you in advance!
Collaborative Plant Manager and Plant Tracker
Hi Reddit,
some months ago my girlfriend asked me to create us an app to keep track of all of our house plants (we do have 100+ plants). At first I was hesitant, but then I started to create one and HortusFox was born. Meanwhile I expanded it and now version 1.2 was just released.
It is self-hosted, so you can be 100% in control of your own data. It just requires PHP and a MySQL database to work as well as SMTP mailing incase mailing shall be used.
The product is NOT a monitoring tool with external hardware, but instead it can be seen as a tracking and journaling tool. It has the following features:
Add plants and assign them to predefined locations/rooms
Manage tasks that assist you in taking care of your plants
Manage your plantparent inventory (tools, soils, etc)
Search feature
Collaborative group chat (can be disabled if not required)
Admin panel
User dashboard
Log history of all recent actions
Maybe someone else has a use for this or want to collaborate on GitHub.
Heads-up: Golang SSH CVE-2023-48795
According to the developers they found a vulnerablility in Golang's SSH library.
Currently there are no details known about it, but they plan to release a fix tomorrow. If you are hosting applications written in Go which have SSH functionality (for example Gitea/Forgejo) you should update your application as soon as a patch is released.
If you self-host a wiki like Bookstack, what do you use it for?
I am wondering what the use case is. Is there anything in a wiki that couldn't be accomplished by a note taking app?
Thanks for the education 😊
Now Self Hosted #6, this issue covers: memos, flatnotes, HedgeDoc & Note Mark
Now Self Hosted, is a monthly-ish article where I take a look at and review a selection of apps which can be self hosted. This issue covers: memos, flatnotes, HedgeDoc & Note Mark.
Come over and read it here: enchantedcode.co.uk/blog/now-self-hosted-6/.
Looking for a self-hosted method to evade web censorship
TLDR:I want a software suggestion that acts like a VPN that runs on TCP protocol only and can run fast enough to utilize 300Mbps network speed on an old PC.
Let's me explain my situation first.
I moved to a university dorm that censored the internet. So, right now, i have to remote desktop back to a mini PC that runs at my parent's home to access the censor website.
This solution is hard to use on a mobile phone. So, i looking for other solution.
For self-hosed VPN, my ISP currently allows for TCP port forwarding to the public internet (For security camera sharing, but I can repurpose it as a VPN), but OpenVPN over TCP is really slow, like 10-20mbps.
Note that my home internet is 300Mbps, and the university dorm is using 1Gbps. MiniPC currently running remote desktop using i3-1115g4 with 16GB of Ram
Any suggestion for my situation?
My first raspberry pi
Got my first raspberry pi 8g today! Want some recommendations on cool apps that is easy to use & install. (i don’t want to mess around with high configured apps just yet)
Uptime Kuma monitoring: Docker Container type vs https Healthcheck api?
What is the best way of monitoring Docker Containers with Uptime Kuma?
1. Using Docker Container type?
2. Using HTTP(s) type with url of healthcheck api?
3. Running healthcheck on the Container itselfh with healtcheck api url and then on UptimeKuma useing just Docker type.
Does Uptime Kuma get more information about what is happening to a container by using one method versus the others?
I’m not able to figure out how to display the long list of random characters after the “p:”. I tried Base64 decode with no luck, it’s not a png either. I have a feeling it could also be proprietary to the app but I hope it isn’t. Any idea?
Looking for a minimalistic Invoicing and Quoting Solution
Hey fellow self-hosters,
I'm on the lookout for a minimalistic invoicing and quoting service that focuses on just three essential features:
1. Customer Database
2. Generate a Quote
3. Generate an Invoice
I've explored options like InvoiceNinja, but they seem to offer a plethora of features and intricate setups that are a bit too much for my needs. Additionally, I find them a bit fragile to self-host and update.
Do any of you know of a self-hostable solution that perfectly matches these criteria? I'm all ears for your recommendations!
Librum - Finally a modern e-book reader (Beta Release)
Librum is an Opensource and Cross-platform e-reading platform to store, manage and read e-books on any device: https://github.com/Librum-Reader/Librum.
We are happy to announce that Librum is now officially beta released.
From the last time that I have shared Librum here, we have added:
\- Translations
\- Bookmarks
\- Self-hosted version (including instructions to set it up)
\- An in-App dictionary
\- An in-App Ai explanation feature
and much more.
Librum is in very active development and we are always looking for new contributors.
We are currently working on the Android version to finally add official mobile support and are always open to feedback and new ideas (reach us at contact@librumreader.com).
If you would like to translate Librum into a different language, please visit the translations section on our Github page.
If you would like to support or contribute to Librum, please visit our website.
Traefik path of working host return 404
I have a simple static sveltekit website configured behind traefik and cloudflare.
When I go on test.example.com it works, when I click on a hyperlink for /about it takes me to test.example.com/about and it works.
When I try manually going to test.example.com/about it returns a 404.
For another website on just example.com I don't encounter this issue. I can directly go to example.com/about and it works.
RTSP.ME stream suddenly not working - cannot get it back up
Hi there, a little context: I host a shitty little website with a camera feed of my birdcage on it. It's for the sake of letting people watch my bird whenever they want, and I recently got a second camera for a cat too.
I'm getting an error 401 now on both cameras (it originally just was one, but I fucked up somewhere) and I cannot get them to come back up at all.
I've done the following:
- set port forward to 554
- created the correct URL that uses my IP as well as the credentials for the camera and the port forward
-cried a little because it won't work all of a sudden
I'm trying really hard to figure this out, but I just... can't? I'm so lost. If anyone has done this, if you can please provide me step by step what you did from the beginning I would appreciate it. I'm no master at this and am only learning.
Watchtower notifications via Shoutrrr (How-To)
I wanted to automate the updating of Docker containers on a schedule but couldn't find any "novice" how-to guides that covered everything. After some hours of trial & error I managed it but not before cursing several threads citing issues I'd ran in to but never updating with how that solved them. It inspired me to make a quick post to hopefully help the next person who goes searching.
\---**Watchtower** is the first piece, used to automate the updating of the Docker containers. It's fairly versatile re: the variables you can use to control its behavior. Here is a (*sanitized*) copy of my *docker-compose.yaml* file.
image: containrrr/watchtower:latest
container_name: watchtower
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=America/New_York
- bazarr
- nzbget
- overseerr
- plex
- prowlarr
- radarr
- sonarr
- unpackerr
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
network_mode: host
restart: unless-stopped
In the config above, I've asked Watchtower to:
1. **(WATCHTOWER\_CLEANUP)** Removes old images after updating a container to use a newer one.
2. **(WATCHTOWER\_INCLUDE\_STOPPED)** Updates stopped containers as well.
3. **(WATCHTOWER\_REVIVE\_STOPPED)** Will *NOT* start any stopped containers that have their image updated. If set to true it *would* start them regardless of their state.
4. **(WATCHTOWER\_SCHEDULE)** This follows Cron Job Formatting (*adding a 6th digit at the beginning to represent seconds*). I've configured mine to run every Monday at 8:30AM. Here is [**AN EXCELLENT SITE**](https://linuxiac.com/cron-job-format/) that explains Cron Job Format.
5. **(WATCHTOWER\_NOTIFICATIONS)** This config sends notifications of updated containers through a Discord channel (*via ANOTHER container called* ***Shoutrrr***). This was the trickiest part as every tutorial I found used Email. More on this piece below.
6. **(command)** By default Watchtower monitors *all* containers however I only wanted to target specific ones. It is very flexible in how it can be configured (*such as manual inclusions and exclusions via 'label' environment variables*). The approach above is what works best for my use case.
One additional argument was especially useful until I was confident the rest of my config. was correct **(WATCHTOWER\_MONITOR\_ONLY)**. With this argument set to **"true"** I was able to test my notifications before ever letting it run an actual image update.
I found [**THIS EXCELLENT TUTORIAL**](https://linuxiac.com/watchtower-automatically-update-docker-container-images/) that explains many useful arguments for customizing the behavior to your specific needs. [**HERE**](https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/arguments/) is also a complete list of *every* argument you can use.
**Shoutrrr** (*another container*) was the second piece, used as a notification service for other apps to call. This was slightly trickier than anticipated. It's important to note **Shoutrrr** is *NOT* expected to run full time. **Watchtower** calls upon it (*like a CLI command*) whenever needed. My *docker-compose.yaml* file for **Shoutrrr** couldn't have been any simpler. The container simply needs to exist.
image: containrrr/shoutrrr:latest
container_name: shoutrrr
- PUID:1000
- PGID:1000
- TZ=America/New_York
network_mode: host
**Shoutrrr** is extremely versatile in that it can be configured to proxy notifications through [**DOZENS OF SERVICES**](https://containrrr.dev/shoutrrr/v0.8/). In wanted to
TV alternative for supporting friends/family
Hi all,
I've gotten into the habit of installing Teamviewer on friends and families' machines so I can provide remote support when asked, but I've seen a lot of posts about users being flagged as commercial and having their TV accounts blocked.
I'm starting to look into Rustdesk but there have been a lot of concerns around it editing config files and where the servers are located...
My requirements are
* easy to guide someone through downloading and installing (I'm happy to host a domain redirect to the exe)
* Easy to understand and use (eg "open program, what is your ID and password?")
* Support for Windows
* Support for Android
Would likes
* Remember previous connections
* Support for iOS
* Any persistent data stored on my server
* Proxy connection via Cloudflare tunnel instead of port forwards
* Docker containers
I do not need this for accessing any of my internal devices - I have a VPN and Kasm configured for this
Immich vs Synology photos
Well... Like the title says .. anyone here who tried both and can compare?
I have a baby on the way, what are your favourite self-hosted applications for this life stage?
Firefly iii vs actual budget
I'm currently a ynab user, but would like to move to a free alternative + something which can sync with my banks. Ynab doesnt support my banks.
Both Firefly and actual budget support sync, first one even scheduled syncs. They both support the envlope budgeting style.
Are there key features (or budget visions / strategies?) which differentiaties them? Or will this become more UI based preferences, like wife-acceptance factor?
New to self hosting. How can I access my server outside my home network?
I was thinking of making my home server accessible from outside my home network.
But, here in our country, ISPs' don't provide static IP to residential internet plans. To get a static IP, we need to upgrade to an SME plan which is expensive.
So, I was thinking of using noip.
How is it? Also is it safe to expose my home server outside of my network?
Also, I am new to this self hosting things, so I was thinking if you could guys suggest me some interesting services that can be self hosted on my RPi4. Currently, I am only using Nextcloud and Plex on CasaOS. I didn't know what else to install so I tried CasaOS. Any better alternatives?
Reading solutions with highlighting, annotations, multi-device sync etc.?
I am looking for an all-in-one solution for reading PDFs and other e-book formats like EPUB. I will also want to use my graphics tablet for note-taking so pen supported annotation is a must. Are there any applications that meet these reqs?
Mail server via Oracle VPS | sending to Gmail -> trouble with PTR records
First of all I want to say that I'm doing this purely for the learning experience and because it's fun and cool, I'm not really planning to replace my Gmail account.
I have installed Mailcow in a container on my Proxmox server. After a bit of a learning-curve I managed to get it up and running, added my domain, inbox and whatnot.
My domain uses Cloudflare for it's nameservers, so it's where I set-up all my dns records. The biggest problem was that my ISP puts me behing CGNAT, so no public IP for me. I got around this a while back by using a Wireguard tunnel (in a separate container) that only routes specific ports/IPs to a Oracle VPS, so I reconfigured the tunnel to also pass through all the mailing ports.
My DNS settings are like this:
sorry for the crappy censoring
The 4*.*.*.* IP being my own, and the 13*.*.*.* being that of the Oracle VPS.
First error I encountered was with the SPF record. I ended up just using a generator for that, since I still have no idea what it is, but it fixed the error.
This is the error I get now. I tried looking up how to set the PTR record but it seems only ISP can do that, so I looked up how to do it via Oracle and it seems I'd need to have a paid account. I can set PTR through Cloudflare as well (not sure if that works, but it allows me to), but it doesn't seem to work so far.
One idea I have is to set-up a Tailscale tunnel instead, and set the VPS as an exit node. This way I wouldn't just be forwarding certain ports, but the whole Mailcow container will think it's on the VPS. Not sure if that would help.
I can receive emails just fine.
I can also send emails to Proton Mail without issues.
Another provider that receives my emails just fine. Nothing even ends up in spam \(not yet anyway\)
At this point I'm rather clueless and not sure about my next step. I'd appreciate any help or guidance.
Finally got my dashboard looking how I want. Custom Dracula theme and icons.
Where's my bottleneck?
I'm running plex & *arr stack on my NAS but accessing any of the webpages are so slow they are often unusable.
Speed does vary and can be usable at times but never quick. Even when requests are timing out though the CPU usage is always between 10-20% an RAM is never above 60%. Network traffic during these times is only typically about 1Mbps up and down.
Does this seem to be something misconfigured or am I running into a hardware limitation? What's causing things to be so slow?
Build details:
QNAP TS-464-4GB with x3 16TB Ironwolf Pros running
Plex app
Deluge&VPN (docker)
Prowlarr (docker)
Radarr (docker)
Sonarr (docker)
Readarr (docker)
Bazarr (docker)
Overseer (docker)
NAS is connected via cat6 to Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro -> Ubiquiti U6 Plus