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Kiramager fans, are you all disappointed that the season doesn't have a Christmas episode?

Because this is definitely a season that would've been perfect for one. What is one of the things that makes Christmas feel magical? All the shining lights and sparkling decorations. And what's part of Kiramager's focus? Shining and sparkling. They made a season with a theme that would've been perfect for a Christmas episode and they couldn't do one.


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Zenkaiger Scans


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Zenkai Battle !!!

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Akaranger + Big one =Zenkaiser

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Like father like son (they just forgot a shot with his white dad)

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Possible Zenkaiger civilian design inspirations


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🎻🎻 h o l d u p l u p i n r u n i f y o u c a n 🎻🎻

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About Zenkaiger...

All the photos we have seen of Zenkaiser, and the rest of the Zenkaigers, they are already transformed. All of the Zenkaigers minus Zenkaiser are supposed to be robots, so if they are supposed to use the Sentai Gears to transform what do the robotic Zenkaigers look like before they transform? Are they always in that form or do they have a different form before they transform?


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Devil May Cry 5 Mod Deka Master as Vergil


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Zenkaiger Speculation And Theories

To start this off. This is just fun speculation. I’m not certain of anything. However, with the upcoming sentai it sounds like nobody knows what we’re in for. And that’s where we come in. What could the new season have in store for us? It sounds like they’re trying new ideas but still trying to pay homage to past sentai. Which will be an interesting blend. What do you think? Personally I think it’d be cool to see the following ideas in the show.

-since they’ve established that there are alternate worlds. Episodes could take place in different sentai universes. It could be interesting to revisit these worlds. Not only that but there’s a lot of potential for when the current season visits. Imagine visiting a universe before the main sentai team forms or long after the big bad has been defeated. Visiting past rangers who are now retired etc. Or we could possibly see the current team dropping in during a very important moment. Imagine an episode where the current team drops in on a final battle and the entire time they’re trying to make sure they aren’t seen or that the battle goes exactly as planned. While the baddie of the episode is trying to mess with the battle and alter the ending. Since this is an anniversary season they might as-well go crazy with the episodes

-I’ve seen a lot of speculation about the sixth ranger. There’s a strong possibility of 6 being green. however, I’ve also heard that there could possibly be 2 extra rangers (based off the 2 extra coins in the poster). If the ranger were to be green it’d be cool if they were an homage to x1 mask. But I had an idea that could be fun. what if we got a previous sentai actor to come back and be the sixth ranger for the team? To add to that. The show could introduce another robot. And when that robot and that past sentai hero henshin together. They could fuse into one being similar to kamen rider w. Creating a new ranger form based off the past sentai heros motif.

-since we don’t have much info about the parallel worlds. We could see multiple versions of one team existing throughout the multiverse. I could see this being practical too. As much as I do love cameos. We can’t get everybody back. Some actors have tragically passed, Some don’t want to return. Etc. To combat this the team could visit alternate versions of past sentais. If a specific actor can’t return like a former red. They could have the red of that universe be a different actor or be played by the actor who is typically blue or whatever color. Its a bit of a cop out but if they plan to do tribute episodes to older sentais it’ll be tough to get some actors back. (To be honest I only thought of this because I think it’d be really cool to see five versions of akaranger beating the living daylight out of a baddie)

these next ideas are a little half baked. Regardless

-the gokaiger make an appearance and become important reoccurring characters.

-the team has multiple forms based off of past sentai. Zenkaiblue “denjiform”, zenkaired “Shinkenform” etc. ( I admit that this is too similar to kamen rider and gokaiger but this would be for the people who want to see some kind of suit on the robots)

-a former villain becomes the sixth ranger (a nice callback to past seasons)

-combining sentai team powers to create something new.

-akared returns and we get more lore.

These are just fun ideas I had while scrolling through this sub. Zenkaiger sucked me back into SS and I cannot wait for this season to start. My final question though is.... what are they gonna do for 50? If they decide to go all out, similar to gokaiger. They’re gonna need to go bigger for 50. We don’t know much about the upcoming show. But it’s already looking like it’s gonna be hard to top. What are your thoughts on all of this?


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Battle Fever J Episode 33

I watched this episode and almost cried when Shiraishi (Battle Cossack) died. The only thing I wish and when Jin took the suit to become the new Battle Cossack, what I wish had happened would be that he took the suit, transformed, nodded to the rest of Battle Fever, them nodding back, and heading to battle to avenge Shiraishi's death while the full ending theme played. I feel like that would've been way badass. I know this season was over 40 years ago, but it still would've been cool.


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Expected price for importing an Minipla set to the US?

Since Kyuranger is likely not coming to the US, I do want this collection sooner than later!
Help appreciated!


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Which Sentai would you like to see the 6th Zenkaiger to be based off?

The 6th Zenkaiger is most likely going to be a green ranger if we're assuming the colors on Zenkaiser's suit are based on the rest of the team.


Battle Fever J - The first Sentai to have a giant robo. With the other Zenkaigers being based on previous mecha it would make sense to have the first one, Battle Fever Robo, to be represented.


Maskman - A nod to X1 Mask. One of the first to concept the idea of Sixth rangers joining the team. (The other being Magne Warrior from Bioman.) Also was colored green.


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The Ninninger theme song onto power rangers ninja steel opening


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How do you envision Zenkaiger's sixth ranger?

Leader: Goranger/JAKQ
Red: Daizyujin
Yellow: Gaoking
Pink: Magiking
Blue: Daibouken
6th: ?

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Jetman Mentos Meme


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These are my top 10 favourite sentai ending themes of all time. Let me know what's your favourite.

1. Jetman - Very Poetic and the melody is very soothing.

2. Timeranger - Very James Bond-ish. I like it.

3. Megaranger - The song reminds me of the friendships I've had in school.

4. Ohranger - The song gives me optimism for the future.

5. Fiveman - The song gives the same vibe as megaranger, except this time it's for siblings. Especially the parts where they show the fiveman taking pictures.

6. Denjiman - I feel heroic listening to it.

7. Boukenger - The same vibe as ohranger.

8. Dekaranger - A badass song for cops sang in a bar. Gives me a cop movie vibe.

9. Jakq - Soothing to listen to. The music really fits the theme of the show.

10. Abaranger - Just fun and Energetic.

Honourable Mentions: Changeman and Gokaiger


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Some men just want to watch the world burn


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Can’t go a day without that going through my head.

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We could be witnessing the first Red to White hand off next year unless they let the Red Mecha to show up.

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Gotta appreciate Over-time, though. These pun/slang-heavy episodes can't be easy to sub. And they usually are fairly quick.

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[MASSIVE SPOILERS] Designs, character bios, and mecha have leaked for Zenkaiger


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I'm so happy to see I prefer the reality lol

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My Speculation and theories on Zenkaiger's 6th member (s)

Hello there i am new to the ccommunity yet a long super sentai fan since shinkenger, I am quite the fan of the fanchrise and overall 6th rangers are my trip, most of the time I have been right or close sometimes quite far from what I imagined, but well here are my ideas, theories and speculations on the 6th ranger or rangers from this year :

Main Ideas : For the 6th ranger I have two main ideas, the first is that he will have his own team of robots similar to ZenKaiser , but instead of 4 he will have two, my second idea is that he will be kind of a cyborg or an android and that he will have a human form but be able to transform into a robot esque form having a biological motif and a mechanical motif.


Color : For the color I have two ideas, first and the one is more possible is him being green as a tribute to the X1 Mask the "first" prototype sixth ranger, the second possibility that I can imagine is black, as it contrasts ZenKaiser's white color and as well being a direct reference to Magne Warrior from Bioman who some consider the real first prototype sith ranger, in both cases I also can imagine them having rainbow like lines similar to ZenKaiser but these being Gold & Silver as a these colors are the most used by 6th rangers, as well his robot parthners would be Silver and Gold. If he ends up being a cyborg I theorize that it could be either Black with Gold or Gold with Silver.


Motif and Mecha : Most people are theorizing that the 6th ranger will have a ninja motif yet while I think it could be cool I do think that it won't be the case at least for the main 6th ranger, just as ZenKaiser is based on Akaranger and Big One I think our Sixth Ranger will be based on X1 Mask or Magne Warrior, Can't say much for his mecha as I havent seen ZenKaiser but I think that a motorcycle could fit the vintage thematic of the show as well as a reference to DekaBreak's mecha . For the case of the robots I think that they will be based on 6th ranger mechas that said I see that the Silver one could have a spaceship motif using the Megaranger gear primarly based on Mega Winger as Mega Silver was the first 6th silver ranger, while the Gold one having a ninja / kabuto motif being a ninja in his robot form and a kabuto in his altered form using the Hurricanger gear , with the robot being based on Gourajin and the color being a reference to Star Ninger , If that not the case I suppose a pyramid motif being based on King Pyramider and using the Ohranger gear ; other motifs that could be used are train motif ( Toqger) , sea animal motif ( Shinkenger) .

Following my second idea if he ends up being a cyborg / android having a biological and mechanical motif I think that it could have a Hybrid Mecha either the combination of a motorcylce or a jet with a wolf or a rhino using the Go-Onger gear. The motorcylce choice with the vintage theme of the show as while the jet because of the already existence of too much gorund mecha in Zenkaiger. The animals choosen are becuase of theese being the animal motifs used by previous animals thmed 6th rangers, Gao Silver and Zyuoh The World, as well theese animals not being present on Go-Onger.


Btw I know that Gourajin isn't the 6th ranger mecha of Hurricanger but just for the argument of the insect motif. Hope you like it, if there is any grammar error I am quite sorry, please comment your opinions and your own speculations, this will be a fun year.


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ToQger is criminally underrated

SS is a series aimed at kids, and with ToQger even more so: the plot-lines are fairly simple, they regularly interact with small children (reminiscent of Zyuranger), and it's nothing but rainbow trains as far as the eye can see.


The show oozes style - bright, garish colors everywhere, and the villains have the best designs I've ever seen - the aesthetic is part 1920s prohibition, part gothic steampunk. The foot soldiers are permanently-smiling gangsters with top hats and a tommy gun that's also an axe?!?! Incredible.

It's a goofy show, and they commit fully to that. There's some great henshin train gimmicks - "transferring" to change colors/powers with another hero, or that a line appears in front of them when they transform, hurting anyone who doesn't heed the warning to stay behind it.

The theme song slaps, and if you're a NUMTOT there's actually some cool clips of the shinkansen and other Japanese trains at the end of each episode.

ToQger is probably the closest that Super Sentai has come to Kamen Rider Ex-Aid in terms of pure manic energy and gorgeous character designs. I'd highly recommend giving it a shot if you haven't yet.


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So when does Timeranger become worth my time?

pun intended.

I've only watched the first couple of episodes but I haven't really felt invested in it.


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Still bad ass after all these years


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Sentai continuity is crazy

Normal Sentai: It would seem to take place in its own universe without any mention of previous teams existing.

VS Movies: The current year team exists in the same world with the previous year team (and apparently with the rest of past Sentai) without any explanation.

Gokaiger: All Sentai exist in the same world even though many contradict each other. So basically it seems to exist in tue VS world.

Zenkaiger: It's a multiverse and all Sentai exist in separated parallel worlds.

I know Sentai continuity it's just whatever Toei considers convenient for a particular series but still, it's fun to talk about.


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Why so many people don't like robot ?

Just because they are robot, doesn't mean they don't have personality and less focus, also Super Sentai still have good Robot Action, i don't like that so many people don't want to buy any Zenkaiger toy due to they only want human not robot, the robot suit is unique and anniversary to me.


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How would you rate Kiramager so far?

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