Terraria Journal #60 Rock Golem & Angry Nimbus
Pixel art of my boyfriend and I in our shared world :) He introduced me to the game
Two years ago, I played every day up until I suffered a stroke or 8, at the age of 38
Now, at 40.. I was playing regularly up until two years ago, then suddenly had a stroke at the age of 38.. and have had 7 others since. I’ve been out ever since, and when I DID get my phone back, I can’t play because my left hand is still afflicted and hopefully I’ll be getting some really good news in the next few months; I’ve really missed learning constantly about terraria. I’d beaten a few bosses and absolutely love exploring the wonderful worlds we’re given to play! I can’t wait to get back to playing and learning constantly! I can hardly believe such a simple game can be so incredibly complex! Anyways, that’s pretty much it, and I can’t wait to immerse myself back into the world with ALL its lore and traps and rewards!
I’m the messy one 🥴
Hellivator big enough??
worlds first “i can fix him” woman
Maggot zombie gal and concept weapons
I have done pretty much everything
I Finished everything in this game. The weird seeds that they added, Calamity, Thorium, Infernum, and a lot of other mods. I have around 1400 hours in the game. I’m not saying I have nothing to do in the game I’m just a little bored because attempting a calamity run for the 16th time doesn’t really have that same spark. Anybody got any mods, custom runs they wanna share that might give me something to do? (Btw I play terraria for fun so don’t suggest things that is just a ridiculous repetitive challenge that takes months, that stuff is reserved for YouTubers and streamers)
Maybe I forgot that crimson spreads on ice and now my pixel art hair is in blood too... it's not bad at least
This guy on the Terraria wiki just changed a bunch of articles to spread hate for Leinfors
Eater of Worlds tattoo
Empress Fanart with my own spin on it
I built an automatic bunny killing machine in my world. I have over 2000 bunny banners
i heart the zoologist🙏
P/Hardmode Terraria Bosses redesign
How does the average person learn to play Terraria?
Terraria is a great game and I've really enjoyed playing it, but I was only really able to enjoy it after I had someone who knew how to progress through the game play alongside me. If not for him, then I wouldn't know how to progress whatsoever. I still find myself having to constantly search things on the wiki when I play by myself.
How did the average terraria player ever learn how to play the game by themselves??
Got another trivia question for y'all!
I think this is an unpopular opinion? Spazmatism is way easier to deal with than retinazer
I’m pretty sure most people consider spazmatism to be the harder of the twins but I find the complete opposite to be true, especially in second phase.
In first phase, the projectiles are timed more predictably, are slower moving, and are far easier to see than retinazer’s.
In second phase, spazmatism is insanely predictable. He moves really slowly while spewing the flamethrower, so if you have any mobility at all it’s completely avoidable, and when he dashes, he does so 6 times, so you only have to count them and position yourself near him before the final dash so that he’s further away for when the flamethrower starts.
Retinazer, however, shoots all the insane laser barrages that can be really hard to avoid due to limited flight time and how unpredictably they’re timed. I don’t really struggle with the twins but I definitely take more damage to retinazer when I fight them.
Let me know what you think, I’m curious
Finally figured out how to transfer my old iphone world to pc! Check out some of my builds :)
What do you think of my hobbit house?
Why Is the party girl living un my bathroom?
it's my first time building a tree in terraria and I think that went very well
King Slime | Eye of Cthulhu
Where should I place my storage?? 😬
Humanoid Quen Slime