Didnt know geoff was moving to japan. Safe to assume he'll be a guest within the year?
What’s the current anime manga equivalent archetype and how does that relate to Japan’s birth rate?
Does anyone know from what episode this story is from?
I've been trying to find the story where Garnt got kicked out of a pub, but I don't remember from what episode it was & I didn't find the story on the highlights channel.
It was the story where Garnt drank a whole bottle of vodka before entering the pub & when he was in the pub, he stared at the glass of water for what he thought was 10 minutes, but was in reality 1 hour & then got kicked out.
Probably misremembering some stuff.
Conner said there will be a irl guess the dad video with daidus and emily if the video below hits 100k likes and it has hit 100k like quite a long time ago so when can we expect the "Irl guess the anime dad with daidus and emily"??!!!
This pic from Carpenter Brut's Inferno Galore for some reason makes me thing of TT.
Is there any way to get the trash taste after dark merch?
Like from ebay and stuff
Repost from 3 years ago but cmon this is genius.
Garnt's look here is spectacular, worthy for a meme template
Finally made it to the boy's favorite soup curry place
Incase you need your daily dose of THE MAN.
So the podcast is getting close to Episode 200. I imagine they will do the 4th Trash Taste Awards when does voting typically start?
When you realize you're wrong in the middle of an argument