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bl2 and 3
Anybody else think that Borderlands 2 graphics look cooler/ better than 3? Im loving bl2 r n and its so nostalgic
Borderlands 1 Glitch?
I've been farming the Underdome vending machine for higher tier guns for about an hour. Earlier today I had around 100 golden keys but every time I quit to the main menu I'd get a notification that I received 5 keys. Now I went to New Heaven to open up the chest and it shows me that I have almost 1400.
Anyone else ever had this happen to them? The game can't even properly display the huge amount.
wanting to play borderlands 2 again on PC i have no friends to play with anybody want to join?
need a squad
BL1 Golden Keys codes not working.
Hi everyone, I recently just got BL1 off of steam and I decided to use some codes to get golden keys for the chest. Everytime I enter the codes, it says they work but I never actually get the 5 keys, it says I still have 0. Anyone know why this might be happening?
uhh so this just dropped while farming for the bekah & legendary ninja. it’s so prettyyyy
Wonderlands SHiFT code: 3 Skeleton Keys, expires Jan 26th, 2023
Today, Randy Pitchford tweeted:
> It’s time for a SHiFT code for a few free Skeleton Keys in Wonderlands:
> Redeem in-game or at http://shift.gearbox.com. Expires 1/26.
> Good luck, and happy Fate Making!
Curiously, I didn't see this one tweeted by the PlayWonderlands account - they usually tweet such codes from both.
Oh, and for those curious about movie progress, just below that he retweeted Ariana Greenblatt:
> wardrobe fitting today for next weeks additional new bombastic scenes, time to try the ol ears on again🐰
How rare is the Unforgiven Masher?
I started the original borderlands again after about 6-7 years (only did first playthrough for the story) and have been playing for less than a month, farming craw recently, and i've gotten 2 Unforgiven mashers within less than 24 hours of each other. I heard how rare it was and I was wondering how rare my finds were. My first one was 27 hours ago as of posting, and my second was a little over 5 hours ago, long term players have said theyve found less than 5 over 10 years and this amazes me rn.
First one: AX31 Savage Unforgiven, 361x7
Second one:RV10 XX Savage Unforgiven, 499x7
Just this alone seems insane for 1 month of playing considering i have under 2 days of playtime on that character.
[OC] Marcus
Running through the BL3 campaign as fast as possible show us something..
I recently went back and started a Zane play through after not playing for two years. Experiencing this game on current gen machines using 4K and 60 fps is such an upgrade over when I was splaying on a Xbox one s.
Im actually having a really good time!!
But one thing that became so clear to me is how badly this games campaign was designed. Not three chapters in did I decide to just speed run through the campaign on easy as fast as possible while collecting all the side missions.
Once it’s done I put it to normal difficulty and put Mayhem mode on to make everything match my level. Then do each DLC and every side mission for the game and dlc that way.
That way everything levels up with me during the dlc and I can enjoy it. (Im more of a enjoy it while it last guy instead of getting max level so my gear is always up to date) Anyway.. it just made me think that they could have done so much more with the campaign in terms of keeping it fun. It’s so much of you going from point A to point B and back and forth.
And the dialogue DRAGS ON….. it’s like you have to sit there and just listen to it because there’s prompts telling you to “talk to Lilith”
I really hope if we get a BL4 they make sure that the base game is the best part of it. Yes the DLC’ for bl2 are amazing but the main reason it’s so good is because of the base game.
I completed BL2 TVHM using only green rarity gear. AMA
the third of my jakobs tarot series: the lovers
Gibbed Question
When using Gibbed by cross-saving a PS4 save to PS3, using Bruteforce, etc etc. Can I use vanilla BL2 on PS3, or do I need the DLC also?
From what I understand, I think I can, but I won’t be able to use DLC weapons. But if I transfer my save back to PS4 (where I do have all the DLC) will they work then?
Im new, any tips for begginers?
i just started playing, can i have some tips and tricks?
Has anyone NOT started Pandora's Next Top Mouthpiece quest and is willing to help me on Xbox?
EDIT: Just realised it doesn't have to be Xbox as X-platform. D'oh.
Hey Reddit! Sadly for me, my Xbox save has glitched with the infamous Pandora's Next Top Mouthpiece glitch. All 3 requirements are ticked off but there is no map marker and I can't seem to deposit the items at the Holy Broadcast Centre.
The problem is, I'm a huge achievement hunter and not being able to get the side quest one ticked off is going to get me for the rest of time. Has anyone got a character who has the quest but hasn't yet started it who would be willing to carry me through to clear it off? I appreciate it's a big ask, but I'm in a real pickle.
Alternatively, if anyone has any ideas or answers on how to fix the issue, even better! :)
Pic of problem: https://imgur.com/a/M3OO4ul
Question regarding enjoyment of replaying with different characters
I'm planning on playing the entire Borderland franchise, so far I've completed my first playthrough of Borderland as Lilith and I'm currently playing through the dlcs. I plan on doing playthrough 2 and 100% it, but I don't really plan on grinding for the perfect weapons. I'm wondering how much fun is it too replay the game as the other 3 characters?? and would you recommend it??
Got a Vault Symbol in my lunch today🤣
Goliaths and midgets as soon as a VH is 'round
Just got a storm what does this prefix do?
The Borderlands movie might suck, but if there is a sequel, there's one actor who could save it.
I rewatched Knives Out last night and I looked at Ransom, played by Chris Evans. It's Jack, guys, it's the dark hair that does it. I think I found him. Chris does play villains really well too. Can anyone else see him playing Handsome Jack? Not Ransom Jack lol
Farming the minecraft easteregg been like
Should I keep farming for more Fire in the Skag Den or no?
stock could be better but got this beauty on my first run. I luv the pimp😩
1 shot seer with eraser
I heard triple rolls are rare?
it happens more than you think
Moxxi as a character fits in well as the behind-the-scenes villain of the series. How many of you think she'll turn out to be the final Handsome Jack? Spoiler Warning!
I'd really like to apologize pre-emptively in case I fly off the handle here, I'm not the biggest fan of Moxxi. I know people are into the whole innuendo with a sultry voice thing, and that this is a universe with exploding midgets and head-popping psychos, but, I just really don't like her, personally. Me saying that is gunna get me down-voted, so, lemme move onto the title.
Moxxi is a complete puppet-master. She's pulling strings every game, her true character is hidden behind a manufactured personality. Every action of hers is shown to have a motive; she rarely does anything without prior planning and plenty of thought commitment, she's usually chasing down an extra edge for herself, or to stay ahead in her own playing field. Sometimes her goals line-up with others', sometimes not.
But the quality of her character is questionable throughout the series; she's dated Handsome Jack, KillaVolt, and probably more horrid characters throughout the series. She's been involved deeply with cannibal harems, rednecks, and more....Though I honestly don't think KillaVolt was truly bad despite being full of himself; AFAIK it seems like her reasoning to kill him was just so other ladies didn't have to deal with that attitude and his 'lack of legendaries'.
It simply seems like she's always been steps-ahead; right place, right time. Anytime we've needed something, she'd have it, maybe with a favor to ask. Anytime a problem arouse, she seemed to already know about it. She's known about people, like Handsome Jack, before he was even known to the universe. She's clearly got more than connections; she has spies. Intel always coming in, somehow. Something to help her mingle and get involved with people right as she needs to for whatever her goal is at the time. Whatever her network is, it exists beyond the Vault Hunters we've all seen.
We first got introduced to her as the owner and mascot of a death arena in BL1. From there, she's grown more and more. She's always in the right place to further something, even if it's just the story from our POV. The amount of power she's possibly obtained in the background, through vital connections, influence, 'favors', and simple wealth, must be enormous by now. But AFAIK, it's never been displayed what she WANTS anything for. She clearly has large ambitions, goals of her own. She's got something going on, behind the scenes; that's what the persona is all about. Her death-arena hasn't been seen since BL1, but she's knocked out any big-name competition to it. KillaVolt's 'contest', Torque's, and I believe Handsome Jack had one being built as well.
She also wanted his casino. Why? For the wealth? Was there something more to it? Hyperion Source Code, locked away within it's vault, maybe? The entire factory, able to churn out an army to overrun any planet while sapping it of it's wealth with debt, deep inside? I can't fathom that she truly cared for Timothy, even if it's a lil' poetic at how the man with the fake face fell for the woman with the façade personality, and vice versa.
I highly doubt there will be a point in which she's revealed to be a mastermind villain, she's too much of a fan-favorite. But it would be one hell of a play if it turned out she was pulling everybody along through the entire universe. That's kind of her thing, after all.
Whoa! Look who visited the VH!
Legendary weapons
Any body know how to grind legendary weapons in the pre sequel I swear I’m 85 percent through True vault hunter mode and have only come across 3 legendaries all of which were low levels. Most of the weapons I’ve gotten in this mode are trash out side of pistols. Is there of way of actually getting better weapons cause this the first time I’ve run into this issue where the game just keeps giving me trash.
How quests in Borderlands 2 got better from Borderlands 1 (in my opinion)
I've just noticed a cool little game design element that improved Borderlands 2 quests while not really switching core formula but just building on it.
Basically in Borderlands 1 majority of quests had ''Go to spot x and kill or pickup x'' and done in a somewhat bland, repetitive way.
In Borderlands 2 this is done much less and more creatively. You are tasked for example with repairing a oil / drilling / whatever pump. You have to visit few places to collect parts needed for repair. These places were distinguishable as i had to take a power core from a different pump that was active. Taking the core made bandits beneath get out of the houses. Another part was on a badass bullymong. Another was near a skag infested place.
This is fundamentally the same as ''Pick up x'' or ''Kill x'', except it's done in varied and creative enough way, where player doesn't really spot it that easily. Like when going for one objective you don't know what's gonna happen, what little twist will the game offer this time? There is still that ''unknown'' waiting to be explored and experienced.
This far outshines many quests from the first game like ''Collect 10 flowers'' and you just move across the area and kill encountered enemies.
Similarly to Borderlands 2, same goes for Witcher 3 quests. Some cover typical ''Kill x'' or ''Collect x'' but it's not always stated directly. The quests unwind with twists and turns - sometimes even turning a small quest into an encounter with a main antagonist from previous game, but this time you have to work with him in his own plan because in further past you were comrades. And that's just slightly brushing over the whole side quest info. The high quality 3D cutscenes also do their job really well adding a dynamic to how game is seen and experienced. Same with impactful choices that leave two distinct effects - because you have to consider the unknown that exists out there in the game, feeling almost as if the game was living with it's own life.