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Tanking Thursday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread
Welcome to Tanking Thursday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.
Check out **pins** within the [Class Discords (Retail)]( or the [Class Discords (Classic)]( for good, vetted information.
20th Anniversary PTR Patchnotes today
BEWARE: The biggest data loss in WoW’s history just happened, and Blizzard is trying to cover it up.
# TL;DR: Blizzard lost items from over a thousand Guild Banks, and their “incomplete restoration” was a COMPLETE JOKE.
Lately, I was closely following the forum threads regarding the infamous Guild Bank bug. After reading this post and comment, I decided to cover the full story. Everyone here deserves to see the bigger picture of this situation, and the way Blizzard handled it.
So, more than a month ago, a bug occurred. This bug caused a vast amount of items from guild banks to simply disappear. But that’s just a few guilds, right? WRONG! 1078+ guilds were affected, resulting in massive or complete loss of guild bank items. Mind you, that’s just the number compiled from posters reporting on this bug, so the actual number of affected guilds is probably much higher. It was all documented in this thread, as the situation gradually developed.
What was lost? Everything. Mounts, pets, gear, mats, you name it. It wasn’t taken by some stray guild member, it simply vanished, without a single trace in the guild logs. People had no access to these items, and when War Within launched, the bug was overshadowed by it. As time went by, more and more people reported missing items. There was little info… but a blue post on EU forum reassured that the issue was being investigated. Players still had to wait for a proper resolution, but were hopeful that they’ll get their stuff back.
Several weeks go by, and people were starting to worry. Outside of the EU forum, there were no blue posts about this issue, and everyone was confused. Finally, after a long radio silence, the bug was addressed! A blue post appeared, with apologies and promise of restoration. Based on the post’s wording (“the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds”), you’d think that the restoration will probably return most of the items, right? WRONG! After a few days of waiting, a large portion of the affected people got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. For others, only a fraction of the missing stuff was ever returned. Several stacks of items at most, out of thousands lost. It’s so pathetic, I wish I was joking. I also failed to find ANYONE who had all of their items restored. I dare you to read some entries on the forums, so you might grasp just how low-effort this “restoration” was.
But wait, it gets worse! Remember that bug forum thread with 2600+ entries that I linked earlier, the one which documented this situation from the start? It was suddenly closed, despite the ongoing restoration process, and multiple other threads were being closed as well. Despite the severity of this issue, there was surprisingly little coverage of it on official sites. The announcement post was also filled with ambiguous and deceitful wording, painting the issue as much less severe as it really is (I don't blame the blues, this was clearly a corporate decision):
>"Many of these items were related to professions materials from prior expansions, but it was possible for players to lose other items from their guild banks as well"= all types of items were lost, no rhyme or reason.
>"incomplete restoration for some guilds" = nothing, or barely anything returned for all guilds.
This, combined with a lack of proper communication earlier, made us realize that Blizzard is attempting to stifle the discussion about this blunder, downplays it, and refuses to acknowledge it any further.
Everyone affected is deeply frustrated with this situation. Do you realize how much was lost, and how little was returned? How much time was poured into obtaining all this stuff? How much was it all worth? Not to mention that some of these items were
My Bountiful Delve Rewards for the week....
tether-people in-between wipes. OR people aren't getting dispelled in phase 2 in the correct place - the middle of the room. Make sure people are staying out of the middle of the room in phase 2, the only people who go to there are people with the Swarm debuff so they can get it dispelled and it interrupts the boss’s huge cast. Don't be surprised if your group wipes here a few times, this boss requires at least 5 brain cells and most players have 2.
8th boss: Extremely easy and undertuned on normal, basically free loot. Do the same markers and groups as boss 2. Place the markers on opposite ends of the platform. Say "Group 1 and 3 go on X marker, group 2 and 4 go on Y marker". /readycheck and /pull 10
Reading this 3 minute post has now given you the ability to never have to wait for 1+hour(s) in queue to get invited to the raid. 99% of players are too afraid to sack up and raid lead when it requires very little effort. Most of what I said can just be completely ignored if you only invite people who have cleared the raid already since they already know what to do.
Poor guy having a M+ Meltdown. I feel him tho. At least he has delves to enjoy.
"Resto druid can't be that bad!" After trying M+...
Faerin Lothar is happy the way she is and doesn’t want a prostetic arm, but let’s take a look at her options should she change her mind:
Rogues can use Tricks of the Trade on Brann and make delves infinitely easier solo.
The cloth farming 'fix' has destroyed tailoring for everyone except whales. Why does blizzard keep making the same mistake?
I know people are (rightly) upset about the delve tuning right now, but I have to vent: the current state of tailoring is making me lose my damn marbles. For those of you fortunate enough not to be tailors, let me give some background:
A week ago blizzard put out a hotfix that nerfed cloth droprates in an effort to curb some of the most popular cloth farms. We have no way of seeing the exact numbers behind this nerf but anecdotally, before the nerf I was getting ~50 webweave and ~8 duskweave a night while doing delves, dungeons, and world quests for several hours. After the nerf, in that same amount of time, doing those same activities, I am getting less than 20 webweave and, if I'm very lucky, 1 duskweave. In fact since the changes a week ago I've have gone entire days without seeing a single duskweave drop.
So how bad is that? Well, anything beyond the most basic leveling armor as a tailor is going to require at least 8 bolts of exquisite webweave. 8 exquisite bolts require 2 normal bolts. 2 normal bolts require 10 spools. You get ~15 spools per 5 webweave you unravel. So making anything that will give a skillup past 60 requires at least (8 2 10) 160 spools of webweave, which is ~55 webweave. That means I could play for an entire weekend and barely find enough webweave to craft a single item.
But wait, it gets worse!
I mentioned duskweave too. That's another type of cloth that's required for most big ticket tailoring items, and it's far far rarer.
Right now duskweave is so rare that the lowest quality spool of duskthread is going for ~400g on the AH. A single spool. To put this in perspective, crafting a single duskweave bag requires 30 spools and 4 bolts, which are another 8 spools each. That's 64 spools, or a little over 25k golds worth of duskweave to craft a single bag. That's just for the duskweave alone, not even considering other components.
And that is one of the cheapest endgame items tailors can make. Spellthreads require 76 duskweave spools total. That means you'd need over 30k worth of duskweave alone just to craft a single sunset spellthread at the absolute lowest quality.
The contrast between this and, say, blacksmithing could not be more stark. On my blacksmith I was able to easily fulfill most of my patron orders every day with less than a half-hour's worth of mining, and I'm comfortably sitting at 100/100 with plenty of acuity. On my tailor, who I've arguably been playing more, I'm still stuck at 80/100 and I'm lucky to be able to fill two orders a day.
What kills me most about these changes is that, in an effort to curb a few players farming, they have totally priced the average player out of getting anything out of tailoring. Not only that, but this hotfix that was supposed to punish farmers has in fact only rewarded them. Now all the cloth they farmed up is worth nearly 10x as much as it was before, and anyone who wants to craft tailoring items without spending literal days farming for the materials has to go and buy from them for the privilege.
It's an almost perfect repeat of the nerfs to threads farming in the Pandaria Remix: The people who were able to get out ahead early took advantage, and then blizzard slammed the door behind them to keep anyone else from catching up. Forget making a profit off tailoring, right now even just leveling it up for personal use will cost you several hundred thousand gold.
TL;DR Learn from my suffering, don't be a tailor. Blizzard for some reason keeps making changes that just help the rich get richer and price the rest of us out.
Deathwing Returns! Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount Coming Back in Patch 11.0.5
The quests telling you specifically what you're unlocking is one of my favorite quality of life features
Initial Delve Tuning Hotfixes - Minibosses Removed from Tier 8 and Scaling
Shoutout to this world quest where you just kill a worm. No fluff done in 5 seconds
irreplaceable... I’ve played WoW for many years, and this is the biggest injustice I have ever witnessed. We all feel betrayed.
How could this happen? What guarantees do we have that it will not happen in the future? We all pay a monthly subscription, but Blizz clearly doesnt’t spend that money on providing us with proper protection from devastating data losses. Recent patches brought big, bold systems to the game, but also introduced worrying bugs, which get more and more severe. Reputations being reset to neutral. Warband Banks eating items and gold. Items being erased due to Auction House failures. And now, more than a thousand guild banks emptied of their contents. When will we stop excusing this blatant incompetence? We all deserve better service!
WoW’s 20th Anniversary is just around the corner, and Blizzard’s way of celebrating that milestone is to delete years of our in-game progress, memories and history. For me, and many others, this is the last straw. We have no faith in this company anymore. Blizzard doesn’t listen to us, doesn’t respect our time, and doesn’t care about our items. They grow ever complacent, and put less and less time and effort into implementing new systems properly. It’s getting really sloppy, and it shows. I wish I had seen it sooner, and I hope you’ll see it too.
I also have a few personal words to say in advance to all the people who downplay this issue and criticize us for taking a strong stand on it:
>“The data is lost, there’s nothing they can do”: They can offer compensation. They know which people were affected, (based on the botched restoration mail and intact guild logs), so they could at least try to reimburse the losses with a WoW Token, game time, or anything more than a "sorry". Some people would obviously profit from this, but for the vast majority it wouldn’t even cover a fraction of what they lost. A little kindness goes a long way.
>“They can’t restore your stuff, just get over it”: I won’t. This is unacceptable. This is a monumental blunder of historical proportions, and they brush it off like it’s nothing. The failed to do their job properly, and must be held accountable. There was a lack of clear communication, no proper restoration, zero compensation, and continuous attempts to downplay it.
>"Why are you whining, It's just pixels in a game": It's not. And I'm tired of pretending it is. Each item lost had a certain gold value, and took a certain amount of time to obtain. By losing these items, Blizz robbed us of all that value and time. Remember, you pay real money for that game time, and gold has real-money value. It is immature to not recognize this fact. Besides, the sheer scale of the losses is staggering, and cannot be dismissed.
>“Why do you store valuables in a guild bank”: Don’t act like it’s an argument. Guild banks have been used to store vast amounts of stuff ever since this game came out, for guilds and single players alike. Regular banks can store soulbound items, so people and guilds who collected many things over the years often chose to move their most valuable BoE items to guild banks, to slowly sell them away, or hoard for new expansion launches.
>“I wasn’t affected, I don’t care”: You should. This data loss proves that all our in-game progress is not safe anymore, and we are all fools for believing otherwise. Apparently, that's the new status quo. Next time, it may be YOUR banked items and mats disappearing without a trace. The fact that this issue is not treated seriously paints a grim picture for the future of the entire game. If you're willing to ignore this, what else can Blizz get away with?
Rant over. Sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for reading all the way to the end.
Updated Ascendance Form Shaman Models in Patch 11.0.5
Daily Dose of Mythic+ Toxicity
Afraid to lead normal raids? Here are copy+paste texts on how to raid lead without ANY leadership experience needed.
- First off, you NEED to watch videos of every boss fight before doing this so you can understand how they work. Don't go into the raid with 0 information. Ready check pull on youtube has quick 2 minute videos of each boss, watch them on 2x speed if needed.
- Only invite people into the raid that have good experience and ilvl since you don’t want to have to explain fights since you’re a new raid leader and probably can’t decipher why you might be wiping on certain fights.
- DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU'RE A TANK. Switch to DPS or healer (dps is more preferable, it's easier to carry bad dps).
- When listing the group make the title be "Fresh Normal Run 2/4/10 (or 2/4/12)". You can add in the words "fast" "easy kills", etc if you want, it attracts try hards who can carry you easier. You can also just lie and say "7/8H leader" and say you're playing on your alt if anyone asks why your ilvl isn't super high. I do this on my alts (except I'm telling the truth) and no one bats an eye. I rarely get asked anything though.
- Once raid is created, press O (opens up social tab), go to the Raid Tab, right click both tanks and do "Set as Tank" and then do "Set as Assist" on them so they can do /readychecks
- Most of these bosses on normal can be cleared by just saying "go" at this stage of the game if you invite people with ~600 ilvl. Normal is EXTREMELY faceroll except for the 7th boss.
-A HUGE tip to keeping people in your group is to MOVE EFFICIENTLY. Don't sit around jerking off for 5 minutes between each pull. The second you reach a boss, do a /readycheck within 10 seconds and just go. So many groups sit around and talk for 5-7 minutes in between pulls and takes forever to buff etc. Move the group along fast and people will stay and get a couple reps in if you wipe. If you move super slow, people won't want to wait around if you wipe and they'll just leave. If you guys end up wiping, type "/rw Resetting we're pulling in 30 seconds" and do a /readycheck right when you get back.
1st boss: Nothing needs to be said. Do a /readycheck if tanks aren't doing it themselves. Then type "/pull 10" once every member says they're ready and go. The boss is free loot.
2nd boss: All you need to do is place two markers on two separate inner platforms. Then mark both tanks with those two markers. So if you placed a Square and a Circle on the platforms, give one tank the Square marker and one tank the Circle marker. Press O (opens up social screen), split the raid into two groups, put 1 tank and 2 healers in group 1 and 1 tank and 2 healers in group 2. Say "groups 1 and 3 go on X marker, groups 2 and 4 go on Y marker". Do a /readycheck and then a /pull 10 once everyone is ready.
3rd boss: Place one marker on the outer rim of the platform. Say "start at marker and move clockwise". Do /readycheck and /pull 10.
4th boss: Type /readycheck and type /pull 10. If people mess up the poison wave you need to either replace them or say "you get 1 more shot before a kick sorry <3".
5th boss (do the big worm guy - but if tanks go to princess first just allow it, who cares): Put a marker at the far side of the room and say "we're starting here." You honestly probably don't need to do this since everyone defaults and knows where to start. Do /readycheck and /pull 10. If someone doesn't break an egg when they get the debuff, either replace them or give them 1 more try. Pugs will get mad if you don't replace people who constantly mess up easy mechanics.
6th boss: Place markers on each point of the hexagon. Do /readycheck and /pull 10. Easy fight.
7th boss: Ask "who is doing tethers?" Preferably get ranged dps and less preferably a healer to do this. You just need 2 people on normal to do this. 2 people have to sack up and do this part or you guys won't beat the boss. Do a /readycheck and a /pull 10. The only way people wipe on this boss are if tethers keep messing up, in which case you as a raid lead need to designate new
Why did Blizzard ever remove the old vanilla quivers?
So excited to get my curio and complete my four-set, then this happened.
Bloomberg: Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft
Am I the asshole for replying to somebody in guild chat who claimed he achieved something but was boosted?
I was basically told to shut up in guild chat about my "insinuations" by an officer.
I know for a fact that the guy plays no M+ and no Raids and exclusively bought boosts for the last 3 years, which is fine by me.
I just hate it when people pretend to not being boosted and having achieved it through "hard work" and I called him out for that. Am I the asshole here?
Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread
Welcome to Midweek Mending, your weekly thread for everything related to trying to save people who just can't help but stand in the fire. You're the hero we need but don't deserve. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to healing of any kind.
Check out **pins** within the [Class Discords (Retail)]( or the [Class Discords (Classic)]( for good, vetted information.
Fine, people leaving HC dungeons after the 1st boss was mildly infuriating... But leaving after the 1st boss in mythic basically bricking the lockout for everyone else?! Come on...
Been focusing on PvP first to get a few easy gear upgrades (and because I enjoy it a lot) and just joined my first mythic dungeon on a MW monk, which was Ara-Kara. After killing the first boss a monk dps left bricking the lockout for the rest of us. Like come on, this leaving thing and selfishness of some people got ridiculous! Should this be bannable?
The Dawnbreaker is a wierd dungeon
Lat night in mythic we kept wiping on the trash before second boss because the tank couldnt understand that i cant heal him if he runs out of my line of sight and ppl kept pulling random mobs... a common occurence that ive grown used to over the years.
After a couple of wipes our gear was broken and we needed to repair but couldnt because of Blizzards 10/10 dungeon design.
The entire dungeon is based around mounting up and flying around... BUT... you cant mount ground mounts, so we couldnt summon a mammoth and repair.
Ok, well just fly out right? WRONG. The entire dungeon is clouded in darknes that you can spent only a limited time in until you get instakilled. When you die you get ressed on the Airship flying around the zone... but the Airship is too far from the entrance so you'll never get there in time even with skyriding.
So we got locked in a dungeon with a broken gear and no way to repair other than hearthstonig and comming back.
Peak dungeon design
Love these fists, letting me live my earthen golem dream.
Saturday Achievement and Loot Thread
Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.
It ain't much, but it's honest work