Imagine if this chest at the back of the Gilded Brutosaur was also a bank. Yeah I wouldn't mind either.
When people say they're unsubbing to WoW because of the new mount.
"I swear babe, it's usually bigger than this" - 11.0.5 nerfed my belt size
Can we get an F in chat for the person who bid on this on my server today?
You people just lost all rights to complain about the game and/or its business model.
I know, this is going to be a rant because in the end everyone is the owner of his own money and free to choose how to spend it.
What i don't like is people supporting this type of aggressive microtransactions in a subscription mandatory game, where you have to buy every expansion and on top of that still in 2024 forced into a 13€/month sub.
Don't ever ask again "why is Blizzard focusing on making more and more store content (WoW inspired D4 skins for 25€/each and now this 78€ mount) instead of delivering a properly fixed and balanced game?" when the community supports them so firmly.
My friend complained about having to have a physical key in their inventory for mythics
World Boss rewards desperately need a buff
Why is loot still super rare from a World boss when it's just champ-level? I can almost endlessly farm champ gear out of Delves, it's the lowest level that drops from M+, and everything in normal raid is Champ.
Why is the World Boss only dropping like 75g max? I can loot a single gray from almost any source in the open world and make that. Picking herbs for under a minute would make that.
What's my incentive to do the World Boss at this point? To finish one more world quest toward the weekly if I pick that one? They've upped all the rewards around World Bosses without bothering to up WB loot. If it's going to be a once-a-week with extremely rare drop chances, you should either get a hero-track piece if it drops, a guaranteed champ piece, or literally five times the gold at the minimum.
Right now, rep is the only reason to get it. And there are so many other sources of rep that there's no real benefit to that being a once-a-week drop of a rep token.
This is from the official OW Twitter account, I think Acti-Blizzard has a purple foot fetish....
Want to know if your husband lied about buying the Bruto ? Quickly find out !
Blizzard has the chance to do the funniest thing ever next month
Calling it now: $350 mount with AH, vendors, mail, portals, profession trainers, and a feisty fire elemental
Firepower Friday - Weekly DPS Thread
Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.
Blue post in December 2019 on Auction house mounts aged well today: "In this case, we want to ensure that in the long run, years from now, we don’t find ourselves looking around and seeing AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today."
“I’ll kick first” is a good thing to say in M+
KSM fury warrior here. I keep seeing posts about how dps are overlapping interrupts, how blizzard needs to fix enemy casting in M+, how calling your kicks as a macro doesn’t solve anything, etc.
So hear me out. Before the dungeon starts, instead of just not typing anything in chat, try saying “I’ll kick star first on every pack” you can stagger most everyone’s interrupts.
I’ve been doing this in 10s and anecdotally, these runs tend to go much smoother as you’re not overlapping and wasting kicks.
I assume this post will be downvoted though because I’m not screaming into the abyss about being helpless but try communicating with your group.
Edit: I know KSM is FREE guys and it requires little to no effort for anyone who plays this game which is why I’ve had more wipes on +4s than +10s. It just makes sense. Thanks for your comments letting me know that getting KSM is SUPER EASY and that it can be done blindfolded with your dick hanging out. Very cool comments you guys please keep sending me DMs about it telling me I’m trash and I shouldn’t be alive anymore. You guys really are the best and this community wouldn’t be the same without you. 😘
Blizzard refunded me game time due to hurricane Helene
After farming for 36 years on 72 different alts across 5 accounts, I FINALLY got it!!!!