Direct posts from /r/wow in your telegram!
not to mention the pandaren
After lots of "Hmm" and "How" I've made a decent Coldflame Transmog on my Shaman.
Nothing Can Replace WC3 Leading to Vanilla Leading to TBC
Being a kid getting to grow up with Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos was incredible, at the time it was the most polished and advanced RTS game ever released with cinematics which made you wonder how your toaster oven PC could even display something so beautiful.
Frozen Throne expansion bringing new heroes, after playing countless hours of custom games on Reign of Chaos, looking forward to the new cinematics, hero abilities, story, ARTHUS, ARTHUS, ARTHUS wow he was the man back in the day. He was your best friend. He was your bro. Then he stole your girlfriend basically, that's how devastating the betrayal was. Illidan was like the cool uncle you never got to see but always missed and loved to hang out with.
Vanilla was so unexpected, what is this "World" game doing including my beloved Warcraft franchise? What is this goofy 3D animation dwarf shooting hand cannon on the back of the box? Coming to Walmart this Sunday, let me ask my parents to buy this. Come home "it's $15 dollars, a month, are you crazy?!", my parents made me write every contract known to man for this boon. Traded my soul to find my soul.
Mother fanatically religious? Let me just play a warlock class then so she'll definitely love that! I will never be able to express the feeling of getting voidwalker at level 10. Ppl played Rogue, Warrior, Mage, for being 13 getting to have my own demon who protected me and served me, it was so immersive. That's the key word to describe vanilla as an OG player, immersive, so immersive everyone was immersed with full commitment. The world, your friends, upcoming patches, it all meant something. It meant a damn. It was a brotherhood of fantasy fans living the greatest fantasy experience known to man during an innocent time period when technology hadn't turned into what it is now.
TBC, MY UNCLE ILLIDAN IS BACK! Omg how have you been? I bet you've dated like hundreds of girls since last saw you! Such a cool dude, rockstar, wait he's the bad guy? Oh noooo. But I can go in Dark Portal? I get a Felguard? I get flying mounts?! This was like the second coming, the excitement of adding onto the game which we all loved. Actually, have a gripe here. TBC came out way too soon, it could've came out six months later and that's what the vanilla experience was missing. It was way too rushed and most of us were at C'thun, we were hardcore players so only most hardcore players made it to Naxx, we did for trash but were gearing and then boom TBC around the corner. Can't imagine how many casuals were prob still in BWL hoping to get to AQ40 soon. TBC was beautiful though, it felt small by the end of the expansion, most of the time we would hangout outside of Org just dueling while waiting for arena partners to log on and talking about our day and lives when ppl cared.
This 4 game lead up, over the course of like 5 years was the absolute best gaming experience anyone on this earth has ever experienced, technology, Blizzard, the story, Everquest, it was all unraveling to create lightning in a bottle. Magic which we'll never get again from Blizzard or WoW but those who were there I salute you my fellow brothers and sisters. Our time shared in WoW will live in our memories, oh man am choking up now am done
I get rewarded with the same titles every time I log in, I must have really left an impression
Her first mage! Proud dad moment
Since this does not seem to be widespread knowledge, there's a consumable item that lets anyone combat res. 300-400 gold each. No engineering required. No more bricking the key because you cant CR!
Oh, I do love solving "The Secrets of Azeroth" puzzles!
My first sacbrood farmrun was quite successful
I swear her title and queue is getting longer...
Alyx <Volunteer Assistant Lead Guest Relations Manager and Executive Associate Event Coordinator>
I swear it wasn't that long before and only like <Guest Relations Manager> or something or am I just dumb?
I for sure feel like this is a 'The Office' reference though lols
edit: I would also like to note the 3 hour waiting time sign next to Grannadormu lol
Lich King 3D printed and painted figure by me!
Moment of silence for the Ice version of these models
Saturday Achievement and Loot Thread
Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.
Somehow this holds up better today than it did 5 years ago, when it was made.
I finished collecting all the T2 anniversary sets!
My first WoW Screenshot of the Day submission, 2005. (I did not win but I thought it was pretty okay)
First thing you see when logging in WoW.
Its the chat being spamed with boosts. That is the default for everyone, who does not know how to turn it off with chat options. I can imagine thats a lot of casual players.
In my optinion this is one of the worst immersion breaking things Blizzard could allow and it blends out any other type of trade posts from normal players. Am i overreacting?
That's okay. Didn't want to do it anyway
If anyone is lookin' to rob a guy, might I suggest this bloke in Orgrimmar? Just gave him 120k to try and get 'Help Hog' on my new warlock.
The price of being single and playing WOW
Fury warriors can have 2x more brew than a brewmaster now thanks to lifted transmog restrictions
Finally, the grind is over! After years of not bothering to farm Kael'thas for the mount, I finally got the Ashes from the timewalking weekly!
Hurry up, I've got a mount to farm
Is this timewalking dungeon queue bugged? I know DPS takes longer but this is silly.
Saw a meme with DH dying 8 seconds after calling a big pull, this DK beats his record by 2 seconds!
Y'all can pry this dagger from my cold dead hands. I'm OBSESSED ✨
I did it :)
As a mostly solo player I don't have many people to share with, but I finally did it :D