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Murloc Monday - ask your questions here
*Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!*
That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting strangled by a Death Knight.
Questions can range from what's new in Dragonflight, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question.
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Unless you played in the current expansion, pretty much everything has changed. If you're returning after a very long break, check out the [WoW Returning Players Guide](
A straight forward addon for adding crit sounds and more!
I was looking for an addon that added sounds to crits, but the ones I found were either too simple or too complex. So instead I made an addon that is conceptually straight forward to use: You have a spell ID and you want it to trigger a sound. That's it.
Here is the addon if you want more info:
Ultimately there's two ways to use this addon (you can do both)
# 1. Trigger sounds from some generic events
You can trigger sounds from these events with your spell IDs:
1. Spell crit
2. Healing crit
3. Aura applied to you
4. Aura applied to a party member
5. Aura applied to an arena enemy
6. Player character killed by you or your party (doesn't need spell IDs)
Edit the "Generic Config" file in the addon directory. Add your spell IDs to the appropriate list and edit the sound files as you see fit. The sounds are played randomly if there is more than one. Remember to /reload.
Ex 1: Mortal strike spell ID is put into the Spell crit list (every action besides auto attack is a "Spell"). Whenever mortal strike crits, it will trigger the crit sound/s now.
Ex 2: You want to play generic sounds whenever arena enemies use an offensive buff. Add those spell IDs to the Aura Arena Enemy list and update the sound paths as necessary.
# 2. Map specific spells to specific sounds
You can also simply map specific spells to specific sounds. You can filter these by the caster source and target. The options are player (you), party member, arena enemy or anyone.
Ex 1: You want to play a sound whenever you pop you Avatar. Set the source as "player", the target as "player" and set the spell ID and sound appropriately.
Ex 2: You want to play a sound for whenever a teammate is feared in arena. You set the source caster as "enemy", the target as "party" and find the appropriate spell ID for the fear. The fear aura is not the same as the fear spell!
If you're having trouble finding your spell ID then enable /combatlog in game to save the spell cast events (among others). Look for them later in retail/logs/wowcombatlog.txt to get the spell IDs.
# Option menu
I have not made a ui for this. You will have to edit either config file, copy and paste a line and then edit it with your own spell ID or sound path.
I did include sounds but did not add many spell IDs. There's wrestling sounds and also metal screams for player kills.
Calia Menethil lowkey one of the prettiest characters in this game
thats getting buffed that adds versatility. It just generally seems to need a buff like the other races are getting. On top of needing a functionality update to simply work even should you die. A Panda who dies loses both their food buff AND their racial buff and thats rediculous.
* Their other racial, Quaking Palm is awful. So Quaking Palm, its 2 min cooldown: "Strikes the target with lightning speed, incapacitating them for 4 sec, and turns off your attack." Sounds good? Its nearly useless for most classes and comps. Its melee range, it breaks on ANY damage including dots, and if used as an interupt it doesnt apply a brief silence like others do, so the enemy can immediatly begin cast again. A lot of classes auto apply dots so if say, a warrior does it? Your bleed is going to break it immediatly. If you have to have dots in general up? Yes theyre going to break it, immedaitly. Does your partner have any dots? Yep, its gonna break it immediatly. Compare this to say, the two Tauren (base and HM) racials, one a aoe stun for two seconds, the other a line charge knock down for 1.5 seconds, both can hit multiple opponents, both have the same 2 minute cooldown. Both infinitly more useful. Quaking palm is just, overall, so awful and absolutly useless for the majority of specs pandaren can take... or if you have a pvp partner with any dots. The 4 seconds sounds great but in practice you'll be lucky if you get half a second.
* Heritage: No mention of it in the road map. They and Drakthyr are the last two without one. Would be nice to just get maybe a "Yeah its coming" or "Sorry they arent getting one for reasons" from blizz. I'm tired of wondering if it'll ever happen.
Alright I just bought Hearthstone. I'm ready to play!
"We have Dark Magician Girl at Home"
Blizzard, thank you so much for this trading post, finally something that matches my shroom cap!
Class Trials were a mistake. Lvl 70 druids bots holding an entire questing zone hostage by spamming starfall. Even their own faction cannot quest there because the quest mobs just die.
I tried my best to hide the names as per TOS. Only mine is shown. All names have something along the lines of Axnqaiwn or Bmneubga etc. Some level 80 horde are phasing into my Alliance chromie timewalking to counter it but there's just too many bots. Realm Anvilmar Stormheim near Havi.
Not The Most Hardcore Achievement, But I Got My Spelltome!
Can we have this please? It’s just sitting in the shadowlands doing nothing.
Consider Giving us a Glyph for this Awesome Glacial Advance Graphical Update from Legion Beta!
ravenous beast attacks Orgrimmar!!!
World of Warcraft got its iconic MMO quest markers thanks to Metal Gear Solid
Reactivated my sub for the anniversary realms 2 days before they opened, decided to try retail. Wasn't prepared for the feels.
The new Trader's Gilded Brutosaur is owned by more accounts than the old Mighty Caravan Brutosaur
Pandaren need some attention.
There are many issues that have been plaguing the Pandaren race for some time, and seeing that blizzard seems to be updating racials and racial issues lately but havent even looked at Pandaren, I figured it was maybe a good time to list some general issues. This is by no means exhaustive, just some major problems that could and should be fixed.
Model Problems (Pandaren actually have the oldest player model currently).
1. Broken neck seam, at some point their neck seam no longer properly merged from their head to their body, leaving this jarring issue. At this point I ussually wear the duelist shirt to cover it, but it should have been fixed a long time ago. I believe this one started in Shadowlands. [](
2. Ongoing feet flipping. Again this one kinda popped in around Shadowlands, mostly because thats when we started getting 3D model feet more and more. A large number of boots for Pandaren have severe clipping, ussually either toes, or the sole of their sandal popping out. Included is an example of both at once. [](
3. Generalized foot problem: This one is a problem for a few races but including it here just beause its certainly an issue here and one that likely could be fixed easier. A lot of boots apply a rather generic wrapping to the foot when it has a big chunky model. Which ussually works for other races because unlike Pandaren they dont have a big bright sandal on their foot which overrides any textures. end result, is that this wrapping doesnt cover the sole, toes, or heel of the Pandaren leading to texture and color clashing. [](
4. General lack of customization. I realize its a general issue in the game, a lot of races need more customization (allied especially). But I'd be remiss to not mention it. Jewelry that cant be changed color wise. Males cant change their tails unlike females. All they got when the other races got customization updates in I think it was SL was three new hairstyles each sex and three DK body colors. Hair color is only their hair highlight. Again, I realize its a general issue, and I fully agree other races also need more. Though Pandaren currently are on the same level as the poorly treated allied races on lack of customization.
Racial problems:
This is mostly in regards to PvP
* Epicurean needing updating: The Pandaren racial doubles the benefit of food buffs. This is intended to be in line with other damage racials that most races have; for most races its a 1-2% boost of some kind to a stat or a general increase to their primary state, or just plain be a damage cooldown (which is OGCD for everyone but vulpera and NB). Every race has one, some have both that AND a defensive racial (though Nightborne and Vulpera also need a buff, the first because it only effects magic damage, the second because unlike other damage racials, its NOT off the GCD).
* The problem with the Pandaren damage/stat racial is two fold. First it doesnt persist on death, unlike, say, the new Earthen Racial. This normally isnt THAT big of a deal other than Pandaren have to constantly spend money to get access to their racial which is silly. But in PvP, it means they have to stop and eat should they die (and whenever they que since it resets).
* This leads to the next point regarding Epicurean. In PvP, Pandaren have their own food. Which... hasnt left the WoD vendor ever so we have to go to WoD to restock. Its called Pre-mixed Pot of Noodles, which has its own story where players had to beg for it to be added in the first place. It currently gives just under 1% versatility (I dont think it was updated after DF). Compare that to other racials, its actually low. Human get 2% more of ALL secondary stats, Kul Tiran get one percent vers on top of a passive heal in the same ability, High Mountain have 1% vers but on top of a big damage taken buff, Ancestral Call for Mag'har is an on demand cooldown
The Blame Game - Dark Legacy Comics #928
It feels like we don't get enough Tenders
Or the cost of items has gone up quite a bit. I do love the addition of the Trading post it honestly is really fun. But just getting a sword and shield is half your budget for the month if not a bit more. A pet for 600 tenders? I know some items do return to the shop eventually I just wish we could earn a little more.
I'm not trying to say we should be able to earn everything every month. I was only saying it feels pretty expensive when you can get 2 weapons and be down 900 tenders is all. I understand its intentional and I still appreciate that we have it just feels like some stuff has gone up in price.
[Cata] This christmas tree made up of Tauren corpses
Monk mog I'm pretty happy with. Thoughts?
All WoW religions are equal. But some are more equal than others.
Player housing options in the racial starting zones would be an instant nostalgia win for me, what does everyone else think?
Uhhh what happened at Uther's Tomb??
What is the Detail or Information that you usually forget about a Character or Area in World of Warcraft? In my case, I sometimes forget that Kel'Thuzad belonged to the Kirin Tor in the past as a powerful Mage.
What is your retail WoW opionion that most wont agree with?
Mine is i think there should be more aggressive balance changes for a ever chaning meta (im also an alt-ahloc so)