I met my best friend of 15 years on WoW. I'm getting married next month. Since he is in another country and unable to attend, he sent this as a gift.
At the start of the beta cycle Blizzard fixed holy paladin's awkward playstyle. Yesterday, without testing in any builds, they removed a critical talent that enables it
Blizzard made some great changes to Holy in beta which improved both throughput and gameplay. The class was overtuned and throughput nerfs happened. I am not trying to argue that nerfs were not warranted.
The issue the hpal community is having with yesterday's changes is that without actually testing the change in any beta builds, Blizzard announced they would be removing the talent Holy Infusion as a choice node. This talent is critical to a melee focused holy paladin that many of us play. Even better, it exists as a choice node so players who prefer a caster playstyle still have that option by picking the alternative. By removing the option the gameplay we have enjoyed throughout beta and pre-patch is just not an option anymore.
I am making this post to draw attention to this change and clarify that the hpal community is (mostly) not just complaining about throughput nerfs. They are complaining about a fun nerf (which was never tested).
Retroactive transmog unlocks from quests and class-restricted gear coming in a patch after TWW launch
Day 2 update of a 26 yr old
I have played for 30hrs already, insane.
I never thought that I would enjoy it this much, I started off as a Human Mage, which was okay, but now I’m using a Night Elf Hunter and it’s amazing (I know that most of you don’t like Hunters, sorry), but I have a pet cat/tiger that just stays by my-side and helps me fight 😀.
I’m not doing any raids right now (I don’t know how to). I’m just taking my time doing quests, which is surprisingly fun 💀. Tried GW2 a few months ago and the quests had me yawning.
I mainly play FPS titles like COD, and Valorant, along with my driving sim when I got bored but no matter how much games I played, none seemed to scratch the itch.
I tried everything, I have a Switch, an Xbox, a PS5, a Steam Deck, Vr… you name it, I bought everything you can think about.
But still, they all left me feeling empty, I used to think that I was just getting too old for games… until I tried wow.
This is the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game, I’m in shock.
Do not forget to buy the 36 slot bags for you bank.
Near the banks there is a little dragon vendor that sells 36 slot bags for 10 bronze so make sure you go and buy enough to kit out your bank (which I think is 7 off the top of my head) before the event ends for any character you want to continue playing after remix.
Developer Transmog Decisions that do not respect players' time
1. No unlocking of appearances for previously completed quests
Is it Blizzard's expectation that we do Loremaster 8 times? (4 for each armor class, x2 for faction locked appearances). Quests already say "Your warband previously completed this quest" so the ability to unlock all the rewards is there.
Massive L.
2. No vendor for weapon arsenals in MOP: Remix
Speaking as a person who actually did grind EVERY single weapon drop in Remix, I feel bad for those that can't just buy the weapon transmogs with bronze. Even if I finished the grind I would be happy for everyone else if arsenals were just included now.
To put things in perspective, I did the grind across 5 characters (fully upgraded gear) and still ended up with an EXTRA 3 million bronze by the time I was finished. On one character I had to do normal scenarios around 200 times to get the last weapon transmog to drop. And that's just one character. I did sometimes up to 40 LFR wings a day and on some days I would not see any new transmog drop. It took 2 weeks of farming Dread Wastes for 1 shield to drop.
3. Unique transmogs drop only for leveling toons in Pre-patch event
The drop rate is pretty abysmal. Some people have commented that they leveled all the way to 70 on eligible classes and never saw these items drop.
4. Class restricted transmogs not learnable
The devs are asking for feedback on class restricted transmogs? Our feedback is that we want class restricted transmogs to become collectable by any class.
I think it would be awesome if blizzard added their own damage meter in game. And possible removed a ton of addon bloat. This is a details profile I found. Why do you guys think blizzard hasn't done it already?
Blizzard Confirms Quests Will Not Reward All Appearances in The War Within
They should have brought back the Order Halls.
The closer and closer we get to The War Within, the more I thought about something. That this would have been a wonderful time to bring back the Order Halls, and have them be pivotal to the sideplots of the expansion and the main plots of your character growth. Imagine if, at lv 71, you got to go to your Order Hall and do a quick scenario where you met three representatives for your class, that embodied or represented the Hero specs, and you got to do a short scenario where you got to feel out the powers in an environment tailored to their strengths. Then, as the World Soul Saga continued, the plot for the order halls grew.
As a Death Knight, imagine returning to Acherus and seeing your soldiers holding the last daughter of Lana'Thel at swordpoint, threatening to end her while she was there to ask for your help, and to imbue you with the Blood Queen's essence. A chill passing through, as the faded essence of Saurfang The Younger curses the existence of the Nerubians. The Riders approaching you, bequeathing their services once more.
As a Rogue, your Order Hall is in shambles; it was... Well, it was obviously caught in the crossfire of what's about to happen. But, it doesn't mean that those thieves, pirates, and hitmen can't convene elsewhere. You arrive to a meeting of strategy and cunning; Flynn Fairwind, finding his luck in the wreckage of the city in the form of a coin he tossed into a fountain. Lilian Voss, vowing death on the Queen and her advisors. Vanessa VanCleef, deciding the time for double crossing her allies and the heroes can take a backseat to using her Tricks against a common foe.
TL;DR, the Order Halls were some of the most immersive, bond-with-your-character stories they'd ever told, and this unprecedented flavor of power growth they've given the players deserved to have story implications.
Ah yes, it's not like I've literally watched him grow up and been at his side all for 20 years...
I find it both hilarious and sad that I've trudged with this boy, now man through five continents, rescued him, fed him, escorted him, fought for him, PERSONALLY COMFORTED HIM THROUGH WAR AND DEATH, and all I have to say is this. Hell, I was his and his fathers top most operative since I crossed the bloody portal to Outland. Is there as specific trigger I'm missing where I can't even say a "Good to have you back, King." ??? Feels bad man.
Highly disappointing news from the Warcraft Instagram page
I’m really happy Blizzard listened
I’m really happy blizzard listened to the players with regard to the radiant echoes event. First night I logged on and didn’t even get to do anything due to limited time.
Last night I got to go through the event and finish the quest fairly quickly.
It made my time feel appreciated and not like I have to log on at certain hours which may not work w/ my schedule.
I know they get a bad rap but they definitely deserve to be thanked for this one!
What is a currently unplayable class/race combo that you would switch mains to if it became available?
For me, it would definitely be human DH or human shaman (and make them able to use swords too!) — which is probably not going to happen
I finally got it! Ive wanted this since i was a kid, and I finally got the rep and gold needed for it!
Please don't force yourself to collect it all.
I see these posts popping up, about people complaining that they cant farm X, because it is too time consumeing. WoW just has too much content, and unless you are a very specific person, you are just setting yourself up for failure if you want "it all".
Like certain xmog in the prepatch event or the weapons in MoP remix. Not every cosmetic should be obtainable easily. There is value in some things being rare. If I want an elite PvP set, the PvP mount, or one of 97 low drop mounts, I will just have to farm it. Because there is easily obtainable content and rare content. You don't need a rare thing, if you want it, do the grind or leave it be.
Sorry, rant over, I just dislike all these posts "I pay, I play the game, I get all things easily or I am sad".
Last Minute MoP Remix Exclusive Items Checklist (Shareable Infographic)
Wow remix is almost over. Let us buy all the weapons we haven't been lucky enough to receive when farming.
Please bring out a update and let us buy the stuff we've been unsuccessful in farming. There are a lot of unique stuff and once renix is over we won't ever be able to farm some of the transmog again.
Firepower Friday - Weekly DPS Thread
Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.
Currency Transfer Got me the Darkmoon Dirigible Mount
BFA may have sucked, but its prepatch mounts were honestly great
11.0.2 Patch Notes
Heads up. If you transfer all of a currency off of a character (eg. Residual Memories), that currency is no longer displayed on that character and you cannot transfer currency back to them without earning additional currency to make it appear. Therefore always leave 1 currency behind.
Still in doubt what to play in TWW? Always remember blizzard's golden rule