Direct posts from /r/wow in your telegram!
It kind of feels that way right now
Imagine this dude rocking up to save the world
Some random in 2 weeks when I do the new M+ dungeons for the first time and the mob count goes over by 0.2%
Players are now posting "Dead End" signs outside of the Auction House
Looks like the AH couldn't take it any longer
Best part about the Delves. No time limit. Brann and I taking a little break.
Deserter Debuff for All Early Dungeon Leavers Coming Soon
Just started playing yesterday and I’m loving this
This Really Is The Best Open World Armour Set They've Ever Done.
The situation has gotten so bad that people are actually using trade for trade.
Why retribution and BM are the most popular specs right now: Ease of play
they have the most simple rotation to execute. almost every other spec is getting more and more complicated.
Paladin having wings baked in to wake of ashes is the best thing ever. you dont have to worry about any cooldownmanagement it just feels so good and its no secret BM is one of the easiest classes by far.
The game is much more enjoyable when you can focus on the game and are not having your eyes glued to your weakauras all the time to get your rotation right and need 30 keybindings.
Imo in the optimal scenario the complexity of the specs should come from abilities you can skill in the talentree (these could a BIT stronger for being more complicated to play).
People who leave HEROIC groups after a boss doesn't drop your item: why do you do this?
This is just adventurer tier gear lol what are you doing
Tanking Thursday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread
Welcome to Tanking Thursday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.
Check out **pins** within the [Class Discords (Retail)]( or the [Class Discords (Classic)]( for good, vetted information.
anyone notice a degradation in responsiveness from the game?
since TWW dropped, i noticed that the game doesnt respond like it used too in some areas.
- sometimes when you try to mass auto loot with the SHIFT key it doesnt work the first time, it takes at least a second try to loot by unclicking and retrying it
- sometimes when a quest giver has a followup quest you cant click right away to get it when you see the quest mark. you cant even reclick, i find i have to unclick, walk a short distance away, and then reclick the questgiver to get the new quest
just some of the things i noticed off the top of my head at the moment that kinda just make the game feel more sluggish then it used to
AH is down but Argent Dawn always delivers
Is anyone labouring under the delusion that this thing WON'T fall and crack by the end of the expansion?
Current state of EU Auction House
So far, Delves are a huge W in my opinion
Delves were the feature of this expansion I was the most excited for but also the one I felt could go the most wrong. I really love open world content, I love anything that makes the world feel more alive and has the potential to make me go out and explore.
I was worried delves wouldn’t feel “new” however, I thought it was possible they’d just be very bland mini solo dungeons that you just face roll through and have nothing interesting. At least so far though, that does not seem to be true.
Delves are such a godsend through the leveling experience, they break things up in such a nice way. It’s been a lot of fun to go through some story quests and then see a delve nearby and get sidetracked by it.
The best thing though is that every delve I’ve done so far has been pretty memorable and offered interesting gimmicks or mechanics that really made it felt like a little spontaneous adventure. There definitely is a formula at play, but each delve has managed to leave an impression on me.
Of course it’s possible my thoughts could change as i get into endgame delves later in the expansion, but as a first impression I’m very happy with how this feature has turned out.
Firepower Friday - Weekly DPS Thread
Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.
Dungeon deserter being expanded for early dungeon leavers regardless of boss kill soon (tm)
If you get blown up by an overloaded Ez ore deposit as a draenei, only smoldering horseshoes remain.
Thrall just randomly fell over dead in the middle of a quest
Some of you vs Me In The War Within
I'm sure I'm not the only one who fell through this hole in City of Echoes dungeon?
Minmaxing culture kinda sucks
Honestly kinda sick of people joining Ara-Kara or Stonevault and quitting after first boss when trinket they wanted on heroic level didn't drop. It's legit faster to look for new dungeon instead of waiting to fill up tank who just did quit...
I know deserter not being applied after killing a boss is intended but I just want to run AND finish my dungeons. Even got to the situation where I dropped that cursed sac and tank said I either trade him or he leaves lol
So many of them is just dps on offspec talking proudly how they found a way to "farm" items by joining, killing boss and abandoning group.
Sincerely, dps who is tired of spending 10 min in queue just to get whole group bricked after first boss
Yes it's gonna be everywhere. No I'm not ever taking it off.
I got this pet from the Meadery last boss.