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Class Tuning Incoming – September 17 - General Discussion
Spending 10+ minutes in a delve and then finding the last boss to be mathematically impossible to solo is very frustrating.
I'm genuinely not sure why they thought it would be good design to put so much damage on:
1) Auto attacks
2) Unavoidable AOE casts
3) Casts the mobs spam forever so a single interrupt barely even helps you. (Looking at you, web blast).
Gear is barely going to help with some of this stuff. Even if I am 600 ilvl, getting to 620 ilvl isn't going to make the 2 mil autos kill me much slower. Maybe I'll survive 3 autos instead of 2.
Your reminder that literally every post you see about Delves being problematic were reported by myself and thousands of others on the beta, on here, on twitter, and on the forums and NONE of it was heard or acted upon.
"This is not solo content or solo friendly" "Some classes literally can't solo on a certain level because they lack the required utility" "Why is the scaling is so bad?" "This is not what was advertised, this is insanely oppressive if you're not *insert utility bloated class*"
All of these and more were ONCE AGAIN reported and made known during beta. It was very well documented. None of this was a secret or a surprise to many of us yet somehow the dev team was just completely taken aback despite being told about it during Beta.
I truly don't know what beta is for anymore because apparently, it's not to polish things up and make them work properly pre-launch.
Doing Delves with my spouse was so fun, and now due to the hot fix we can't play together.
Why would they do this? I loved being able to play with my husband, now we have to run solo because delves as a pair is completely broken. It's so upsetting, they took the best thing they've made for casual couples and destroyed it in a surprise hot fix.
Edit: just a reminder we are all here because we love WoW (I think) and want to engage with other people who play! Please keep be kind to each other in the comments.
"Not every class needs an interrupt" - Blizzard before designing content that needs an interrupt to be fun.
I am referring to the famous, healer priests don't need an interrupt post. I challenge the devs to do delves 8 and on and tell me how it's not needed.
As a preface, I have been playing priest since F&F vanilla alpha, and I am a 0.1% m+ players, so my skills aren't lacking. Yes delves are doable as a healer ( I do have bran lvl 48 ) to do damage, but it's the most unfun i've had in 20 years. There are literally some bosses and encounters that are DESIGNED for you to interrupt a cast. Fighting a boss and prayer bran will interrupt a certain cast is the most frustrated I've been in 20 years in this game. E.g when Zekvir spawns, if you can't interrupt the aoe, you are slowed to oblivion, so you can't run out of the AoE and you have a debuff that is ticking for 500k for 20sec.
To any priests struggling here are some tips:
1. You can fade so bran tanks everything
2. Mindcontrol the caster mobs makes it 10 times easier.
3. Good luck if you bran isn't high level.
Blizzard, I'm a DPS, why do you expect me to output 1mil hps? This is ludicrous. I want to have fun, not punch a whole in my wall.
The Delve hotfix made them feel impossible in as a duo now
**delves got fucked up***
Been doing 8s all day. Did them in the morning and had no issues in a party, 2 -5, felt fine.
All of as sudden tonight did another duo with a friend and the mob HP was hugely inflated and everything was killing us in seconds, and he was a tank. They messed something up.
It was a good couple days. See ya'll in M+
Firepower Friday - Weekly DPS Thread
Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.
Delve Scaling is Seriously Messed Up
Some people on the WoW forums have been testing Delve damage taken scaling:
Tier 8 Earthcrawl Mines:
Protection: Nerubian Slasher Melee hit you for 1.1 million damage
Ret (wearing exactly the same gear, including shield): Nerubian Slasher Melee hit you for 400k damage
Holy (same thing): 600k
Affliction Warlock (cloth armor btw): 286k
Meanwhile I have been playing all 4 Druid specs in solo tier 8 Delves. Feral and Boomkin take normal damage, Guardian takes about 150% more, and Resto about 50% more, so similar scaling relative to Paladin. But the funny thing is this scaling completely disappears when you enter a group. I invited a single DPS to my party and suddenly my Guardian Druid was taking normal damage rather than losing 60-70% hp to a single Shadow Bolt cast, and the Delves became laughably easy. Monster HP also reduced by about 30% in most cases.
Do you guys think this is a big issue? What are your thoughts?
New Store Mount Leaves A Mess - Miniature Vendors Everywhere
SO many upgrades so little currency.
If Blizzard wanted Delves to be solo content, they should have lowered the amount of kick-required spells and made them ground-targeted instead.
I feel like a lot of people are complaining that their specific spec doesn't have enough kicks to deal with the amount of required kicks in delves, and they're correct.
However, the problem with this is that other areas of the game are built around the amount of kicks currently in the game. Delves, on the other hand, seem to require the same amount of kicks from other group content in this solo-content enviornment. Classes shouldn't be changed to fix delves, delves need to be changed to fit the classes.
Spells such as the Threadweaver's casts or Rot Bolts shouldn't require a kick to mitigate damage, but instead require players to avoid ground-based damage. This includes Melee mobs using more frontals or "shockwave" abillities. If a player could position themselves to avoid the damage instead of requiring solo players kicking everything it would incentivise players focusing on the personal skill of positioning.
Positioning is the solo-player test of skill. Imagine in raids where each individual person must pay attention to player-targeted ground-based attacks, whether that be to drop a spell on a certain interactable in the room, avoid a spell targeting other players, or player positioning to avoid harming other raid members. This all requires personal player skill to accomplish, and it should be more what Delves are based on instead of the Mythic Dungeon skill requirement of kicking specific spells to avoid being one-shot. I believe if Blizzard focused Delves on ground-based spells and player positioning rather than requiring players kick everything, it would incentivise players to increase their skill rather than rolling the class with the most sustain and the most kicks.
Another round of hotfixes incoming for Delves later today, just posted by Blizz
Delve fixes later today
A random group of people were able to enter my solo delve instance which caused Brann to bug and become attackable.
a massive difficulty spike on content midweek without warning feels awful
just did a +7 delve as a full group and it was an absolutely miserable experience. mobs were hp sponges that took forever and there was constant one shot mechanics due to the mob damage.
you want delves to be harder fine, but do it at reset not after some of the player base got to do the content while others are now locked out due to the insane difficulty increase.
What was hotfix aiming at? To hotfix fun out?
Please stop using live as grounds for testing. We had early access for that and 2 weeks before start of the season. Yet now you are fixing delves so that mobs are oneshotting or doubleshotting everyone regardless if you are in group or solo. Why am I struggling so much in 595 gear when 600 gear is recommended is frankly absurd. Gotta love dying to 2.5kk poison ticks which I can't dispell when my healthpool is 4.5kk.
One-shotted by mob at Delve 8 (Tank Spec)
RIP Tier 8 Delves 9/10-9/12
Let me just say that while I only knew you for a few brief days, they were some of the most fun days I had.
Thank you
P.S Those webs will summon nerubians DONT STAND IN 'EM
I think Delve difficulty might be getting overtuned ATM... (T6 as a Tank)
The War Within Hotfixes - September 12 - Delve Hotfixes
Delve scaling is currently screwed up in several distinct ways (tank vs. dps spec, solo vs. group, ilvl/armor class)
After seeing some discussion on the forums and doing some testing of my own, I want to summarize what I've found so far:
* **Tank specs receive ~3x more damage than DPS specs**, and healing specs may receive 1.5x more damage than DPS specs
E.g. with a paladin holding a shield and one hand in tier 8 Earthcrawl Mines:
1. Protection: Nerubian Slasher Melee hit you for 1.1 million damage
2. Ret (wearing exactly the same gear, including shield): Nerubian Slasher Melee hit you for 400k damage
3. Holy (same thing): 600k
* **Adding a person to a group reduces the max hp of (as mentioned in another post) and damage done by enemies**
E.g. shadowbolt hits my protection paladin (solo) for 1.3 million hp, but the same mob hits for only 400k when adding a dps to my group. Max hp of mobs decreased by 30% as soon as the second player entered as well.
* **ilvl seems to override armor class or visible stats**
Obviously ilvl increases your damage, stamina, and secondary stats like versatility slightly, but for a given Nerubian Slasher ability for my characters:
1. Ret paladin at ilvl 565 (plate) melee hit for 400k physical damage
2. Affliction warlock at ilvl 588 (cloth) melee hit for 286k physical damage
Hopefully this information will be useful. I've seen some people switch out of tank spec and be able to clear many tiers higher as a result, and also joining or forming a group completely changes the difficulty of the delve more than you'd probably expect
Good luck out there, and keep an eye out for the inevitable tuning changes
Slootbag conducted his own testing the last several days and discovered that Delves, the supposed solo content pillar, are in fact substantially easier to do with just 1 more person in the group because the scaling is broken.
Hey Mistweavers - your Jade Bond hero talent is healing for very little because the 10% from your Shadowlands conduit is overriding the 500% from the talent.
How do you all feel about the Trading Post now it's been out for a while?
The Trading Post has been out for a while now. How do we all feel about it?
Personally I've been enjoying every month something is new to come and check out, I will on average find about 1/4 of the items I'm interested in. But the rest are meh. But the quality of them has been exceeding my expectations. Such as the assassin bandoliers and capes, and even the tabards. Been loving them. I'm very very hyped for the skirt and thigh highs to make a return for December as I missed them at February and it's a high demand item for me personally (moonguard realm btw)
Also the freebie you get for completing the months journal is great too. I love free cosmetics or mounts.
Were these chains added solely to annoy players? I hit them every time flying out of the portal.