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I died to Ez-Mine Bismuth


...Please tell me I'm not the only one. I thought the bombs would just go off in a place I'd avoid them, not instakill me xD
...I love this game, haha.


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the longest grind I have ever done in WoW

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Tanking and Healing will never be more popular until Blizzard remove friction and raise skill floors.

Blizzard have tried a lot of things over the last few expansions, the latest being to remove self-determinative mitigation for tanks for put more responsibility onto healers... But in doing this (and previous similar tweaks) and trying to solve a perceived problem, are Blizzard missing the forest for the trees?

- Why does no one want to tank PuGs?

- Why is healing less popular now?

- Why do DPS have to wait 30 minutes for a group?

It's fair to say the crux of all of these three questions is the same; There is a tank and healer availability bottleneck.

From a purely high-level viewpoint the solution seems to be fairly clear... Look at the friction, look at the pain points, look at the stressors, and... Remove them. If a large section of the player base is actively choosing to avoid two out of the three Trinity roles consistently, in large numbers, then the obvious causal factor would be design decisions that alienate them from wanting to participate in these roles.

This could be situational like damage spikes or lack of control over your own mitigation or self-sustain. It could also be consequential, like, for example, feeling like shit after getting abused as a tank/healer for making a minor mistake after putting up with the additional responsibility inherent with those roles. It's more stressful and entirely thankless.

I hate to say this but I think the only solution is to make the roles more forgiving across the board. Shift some responsibility to DPS players. Simplify fight mechanics. Increase tank health pools. Simplify tank/healing rotations, reduce cooldowns or add more "oh shit" buttons.

To be honest, this post isn't really directed at all the potential posters that might come in here and say "I'm fine, people need to get good." The problem is that people don't want to "get good", they just avoid the roles entirely.

This is something we're trying to change. We're trying to reduce a bottleneck and make life easier for everyone, including DPS players with long wait times. You want to actively make design decisions that make more people want to tank and heal. That's the start and the end of it. Am I wrong?


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Our tank ragequit a Heroic Mists of Tirna Scithe within 5s just because we opened the herbalism shortcut at the start.

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Named daughter after my dads WoW character

I just wanted to share this with people who would get it.

I used to play WoW with my dad when I was 10 years old. We shared an account and would spend hours playing together side by side (much to my mothers dismay as we were often late for dinner- we waited 5 hrs for that alterac valley queue hello)

I quit when I went to high school but my dad continued to play up until his dementia stopped him from being able to login. My husband and I (Tippity and Sippity in case anyone here remembers us) actually picked it back up during COVID and got to play with him which was super fun.

My dad passed away earlier this year in February from stage 4 lung cancer with Mets in his brain.

The main we created together was a shaman called Amivanna.

She forever stayed his main for the decades he continued to play afterwards.

I got pregnant pretty much right after he passed. I just gave birth to my baby girl 2 weeks ago and we named her middle name “Amivanna.” It’s a weird made up name but I know my dad is beaming down on her thinking “that is just so cool.”

I miss him every day but I know my dad lives on through her ♥️ and what do we know maybe she will turn out to be a gamer like him!


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Crochet Moonkin

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Blizzard is silly to design Warbands to encourage alts, yet make crest farming so disgusting.

Whenever I login and i view my warband, think of starting an alt. But I get put off once I think of the gadzillion crests that need to be farmed per alt. Surely there must be some ketchup mechanic? Its been 11 weeks into S1, we cannot be expected to farm crests as if dungeons were fresh.
Additionally, I find all the supposedly alt-friendly systems all useless in face of crest farming feeling so disgusting.

When you began an alt, how did you approach the crest farming requirement?


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Alternative/New Orgrimmar by me

Hey folks! I was bored + had too much free time on my hand, so I created a map of an alternative Orgrimmar! Or perhaps a "wishful thinking Orgrimmar" for a future revamp?

The maps were created by inkarnate.com


For some reason I can only upload 1 image so, here are the links to the others:
Points of interests: https://www.deviantart.com/aldrinsmith19/art/Orgrimmar-1-1131845805
The Cleft of Shadow Upper Level: https://www.deviantart.com/aldrinsmith19/art/Cleft-Orgrimmar-1-1131845976
The Cleft of Shadow Lower Level: https://www.deviantart.com/aldrinsmith19/art/Cleft-Orgrimmar2-1131846128

And then one without any text: https://www.deviantart.com/aldrinsmith19/art/Orgrimmar-2-Bare-version-1131846221

Anyways, here's some notes to add + how I imagine the city:

1. Keeping in mind that Orgrimmar is not just the capital of the Horde, but the Orcs at large. So I imagine all the different clans are represented in various forms all throughout the city. Especially in The Drag, and the Valleys of Honor and Strenght.

But I also want Orgrimmar to feel like a busy, large capital city. I'd imagine all kinds of Horde races going on about their daily lives. just random NPC citizens walking all across the city, even named NPCs - our heroes and allies we met during our travels. I would also love to see the allied races do the same AND the races which are members of the Horde, but not playable, so the: taunka, hozen, gilgoblins, hopgoblins, ogres, mok'nathal. Just going about their day-to-day business. Make the city feel *real*.

2. New districts:

a. Vol'jin Port: Well, yes I'm a Horde player so of course I'm sour about our best Warchief's death. I think he deserves proper recognition and a memorial. So that's why I named the port after him, and also put a *large* statue of him right there. In the same district, there is the Great Market of Orgrimmar. A large, busy market, filled with NPCs from all over the world selling their goods. I'd also place the Zen'shiri Trading Post here! The Horde Naval Command is located here, manned mostly by the Zandalari captains, blood elves and the Dread Fleet's Forsaken. Plus I'd love to see our unconventional allies from BfA making a return here: Fogsail Freebooters! The port also includes a statue of Cairne Bloodhoof, and Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer. I did not create ship routes, I'll leave those to your imagination.

b. Valley of Kinship: So this is the area surrounding the Orgrimmar Embassy. I love this place in-game as well, I simply wish they expanded it a bit more. Tons of allied race NPCs here, vendors, ambassadors, all kinds hanging out. Maybe even buildings dedicated to the allied races.
c. Talon Cliff: We all know Orgrimmar has multiple cliffs which are empty. Well let's use one of them as the new racial district of the Horde Dracthyr!
d. Corner of the Sun: Speaking of racial districts, here's one for the blood elves. I also included a church for the Light here (and as you'll see, every religion recieved a proper place of worship in the city). The Corner has tons of belf representatives, their organizations, arcane golems, and Auction House and a Bank. Enchanting, Jewelcrafting trainers and so on.
e. Corner of the Wind: Finally a proper place for the Huojin Pandaren. I think they are highly underrated, especially Ji Firepaw. I imagine it having a shrine for the Celestials, monk training grounds, a brewery, restaurant(inn) and also Hozen representatives.
f. Goblin Slums: This is an old-new district. If you didn't know, before BfA, goblins had a district in

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Best Addon for HC

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Murloc Monday - ask your questions here

*Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!*

That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting strangled by a Death Knight.

Questions can range from what's new in Dragonflight, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?

Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question.

Afraid of not getting an answer? Rest assured, we know that at least 90% [of questions get answered!](https://redd.it/djsvm8)

You may want to look at /r/wownoob as well!


Here are some handy guides to [start World of Warcraft as a brand new player](https://www.wowhead.com/new-players-world-of-warcraft) or [start Classic World of Warcraft as a brand new player](https://worldofwarcraft.com/news/23090134).

Unless you played in the current expansion, pretty much everything has changed. If you're returning after a very long break, check out the [WoW Returning Players Guide](https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/returning-players-guide).


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Y'all ever fly up to look at the Silithussy?

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Daughter wanted a Warcraft themed birthday, wife delivered!

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This seasons Shaman set:

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The Special Assignment: A pound of cure in Azj-Kahet has a big elite mob all the way at the top in a cave that gives 75% progress.

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Is it over, father?

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As a kid my cousin gave me this strategy guide even before I could afford a subscription to the game

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Reset Recruitment

Are you looking for people to run Only the Penitent? Trying to expand your guild? Have you created a WoW Discord and want to spread the word?

Put your recruitment posts here!

Please respond to the appropriate top level comment that matches your advertisement, Region and Faction. If you're neither NA, Oceanic or EU then post under Other.


Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

Other Guild Recruitment Resources: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/discord#wiki/_guild/_recruitment)

Please report people advertising boost discords. They are forbidden.


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The new annulet ring coming in 11.0.7 has had 20-44% buff applied to its effects.


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I photoshopped the Legion horse to be black, can we please get this as a Deathcharger option?

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I finished a speed set in my fresh 80 druid. 212% movement speed unbuffed. Is it possible to go faster?

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I finally got Loremaster!

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Orgrimmar, where the Embassy is right now. I wish they had a large one, fit to one of the most populous and influential members of the Horde. Close to the gate to Azshara, this district is every bit of goblin fun and frenzy you can imagine. In the center, a large casino, multiple bars, workshops, industrial buildings and Orgrimmar's very own Goblin Beach, where you can chug down a kaja-cola and relax. On the hill walls, large neon ads and screens trying to sway you. And right on top of them, on the cliff is Orgrimmar's imposing Rocket Way! Which takes you right to the Bilgewater Harbor!
g. Cliff of Azeroth: This already exists basically, right on top of the Valley of Wisdom. But I expanded it a bit. So I imagine this is a place for all the neutral organizations of WoW. Embassies of the Earthen Ring, the Cenarion Circle, the Argent Dawn, Ebon Blade, the Dragon Aspects, the Illidari and the Kirin Tor. I placed the Temple of the Elements here, a place of worship for the shamans. Also kept the Western Earth Shrine with the Cataclysm portals.

3. The Cleft of Shadow: Obviosly make it a lot bigger. I split it into 2 separate levels:

a. Upper level: This is \~basically what we have in-game, but expanded a bit. I imagine the Shattered Hand and other Horde rogues hanging out here, and also the warlocks of the Horde. I added a little corner for the Stonedark Tribe of drogbar from Highmountain.

b. Lower level: This is the Forsaken racial district. The most prominent part is the Orgrimmar Apothecarium. Of course much smaller than its counterpart in Undercity, but it still has all the diabolical schemeing of the Forsaken: blight, alchemy, abomination factory and vile testing. I imagine this district is also very lively - no pun intended - with lots of various Forsaken NPCs, leper gnomes, dark rangers, abomination guards and so on.

4. Other points of interest:

a. Grommash Hold: MUCH bigger than in-game. I'd like it to have a bigger throne room and a room for Council Meetings. On the outside, I imagine it having statues of all the previous warchiefs. Yes, all. That's controversial, sure but still.

b. Temple of da Loa, Temple of the Earth Mother, Church of the Forgotten Shadow: well, self-explainatory. It would be really cool to have these religions properly represented

c. Orgrimmar Academy: this is a school/place for the Horde's mages. Blood elves, nightborne, Forsaken are the main teachers here, and of course the other races are represented as well.

d. Hall of Heroes: this is a big building dedicated to the champions of the Horde. It has statues, plaques and whatnot remembering named NPCs who either died for the Horde, or did something significant. Maybe the player character could have something for them here? Just a thought. I'd also place PvP vendors and stuff here.

Ok, that's all. Let me just add that this is based-off on my alternative story, so that's why you'll see a "Windrunner Gate" and a "Gallywix Casino". I'm aware they are no longer present, just ignore it, let's pretend it's Azshara Rear Gate and Gazlowe Casino or whatever.
Also, about the Underhold...well yeah. I didn't create a map for it, it's because I don't really know what to do there. So that's why it's missing. Also, if you have any further ideas I'd love to hear them. What else would you put in the city? What would you change if you could?


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I did it

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Poor griffin, ridden by a bird fatter than it

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Can we get Upright Male Worgen?

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Sethrak Heritage Armor [Art by Matt Neves]

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Never Mined - Dark Legacy Comics #929

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Mages when they see someone

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What is the best hunter pet and why is it a mudskipper?

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The Gates of Dame'Quiraj are opened once more

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