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Dead disc drive?
Hi! I'm planning to replace my disc drive, but before that I want to make sure it's worth the try.
Basically, my xbox stopped to read discs one day. It was able to "detect" that a disc was inserted before, and would show a message saying it was"unable to read the disc, please try to clean it and restart the system blabla...". I tried to clean the lens, nothing new. Bough a new lens (cheap one on Aliexpress) and now it doesn't even recognize wether a disc was inserted or not. It's been a while since I abandonned the idea my xbox would work again, but now I definitely want to fix it so I can play all my physical games again :)
Short: Do you think it's worth to buy a new disc drive, or the daughter board died? If anyone could tell me what happens when this board is dead it would be good :)
Thank you in advance!
Series x can I play original games on it
I am want to play some Xbox original games
Like this game
Playboy the mansion
Sims 2
The sims bustin out
The urbz
Can I play these game on series x
Download speed glitch?
I have this glitch at the moment whenever I install something where it’ll start off at my average of about 200mbps, and then gradually decline after about a minute or so to the point where there is no download speed whatsoever? All my other devices are fine so it isn’t my internet, is anyone else having this?
why do people add or msg you out of the blew after playing with them?
I play in a lot of online multiplayer lobbys and often I'll get a request or msg right after the game ends or even during or before the game starts, that's normal for me.
What isn't normal to me is when someone you played with adds or msgs you after a decent amount of time, like 3 days to a week later. I'm just curious why some decide to hit me up way after, they don't even say much just "GG" or emojis. like you really went through your recently played with and msged me after a week that's crazy
I have two Xbox accounts under the same email, when I try to log into my main account I have it automatically puts me into the other account under that email. Is there a way to either delete that account or have the option to move and choose my other (main) account as I can’t access it.
Can anyone help??
Can’t Buy Persona 3 Reload
Drive to Bricklandia, Mix Potions and Leave No Friend Behind | This Week on Xbox
What controllers support paddles?
Extending wireless controller range
Curious how this can be achieved
I'm about 8-9 metres away from my Xbox using the controller wirelessly and it works mostly but occasionally drops out every few mins. Seems better when I plug it into power in the wall somehow?
I've reach that the series s/x controller has 12 metre range. Is that with that console only or would I be able to use the new controller with my Xbox one and try the benefit of more wireless range?
Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox
The game where pistols can two shot your feet in core (just witnessed it on kill cam), but smgs take 4 bullets to the body to kill you in hardcore.. or 2 to the head. The game that requires 45 gigs of space for a new map. The game that spams an error message every game when you turn crossplay off. The game that patches bugs in zombies that aren't hurting anyone, instead of focusing their resources to add new content or fixing bugs that actually hurt their game. The broken game that costs $75 to play but mostly just reuses the same old maps we've played for years. The game with countless cheaters who have zero skill at anything in life. Why even play if your so bad you need to cheat? Cheating to win isn't a win, it's pathetic. Then when you're not getting cheaters your put against sweat squads ready for paid tournaments. I grinded so many camos and achievements on this game. I used to think it was fun. All it does is annoy me now. I used to love quick scoping with a sniper, there aren't many new MW3 guns that won't kill me faster than it takes to pop one single shot off... im trying to quick scope, not no scope. I need some time to scope in before I pull the trigger. There shouldn't be any ARs, SMGs, BRs, or pistols killing me with two or three bullets in core. MW2 took like 5 or 6 (at least). Why do MW2 smgs take two headshots in hardcore?? New melee? Sounds fun... Guess what, it's stronger than any other melee. Stormender vs Karambit, Stormender wins. Go figure. Push those new weapons so hard we HAVE to use whatever you made. I want to play the game I bought my way, but they literally force you to use the meta.
Don't get me wrong, I pop off too... I often do very well... but I'm not even playing to compete. I'm definitely not playing to get dookied on by cheaters. I'm playing to have fun, chill with friends, and relax. Lately it's done nothing but piss me off. How hard is it to tell someone is watching me through a wall? How hard is it to tell they hit every shot and its all headshots. One game I played, the guy literally ran around the map spinning at max speed, popping no scope headshots the very instant you were ANYWHERE within sight.
Glad I bought Elden Ring while Activision figures out how to get a handle on their crap game. That game has true class. It's endless fun, original, cool art, it doesn't bug out constantly, and it's like 56 gigs. It has an entire open world and it's 4 times less space than MW3.
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
So I recently decided to buy the old Xbox one edition of minecraft and found a video on YouTube where the guy says that even if you have the disc you can't play it. I have also seen a few people online saying they can't play it even with the disc. I wanted to see if this is true or not so I know whether or not I should cancel my order for the game.
This happen to anyone else trying to sign into Xbox app?
I’m looking for a cool gamertag that’s simple but has numbers for vowels or “x”s. I’ve had mine for several years and it’s gotten boring.
Thumbstick rubber/silicone replacement
Questions on Purchasing Skyrim
I'm thinking about buying Skyrim for my Xbox One since, apparently, I can't play my 360 copy on it. In the Xbox Store, one of the editions that is available for purchase consists of the Special Edition and the Anniversary upgrade for 17 USD. There's an X/S marking for that edition. Does that mean it's only compatible with the Series consoles?
The other edition is just the Anniversary Upgrade for 20 USD. Is that the full game or just an add-on?
Xbox app
Is there a way to send voice messages on the app?
Red Dead 2 won’t download?
Can anyone recommend games similar to Goat Sim?
Asking for the SO. She’s played goat sim and loved it. She’s currently playing maneater and nearly finished after a week, she likes the silly type games she can just veg out to but also with a clear goal.
Can anyone help so I can get some peace please? Money not object
Rig headset
I have the old version of the rig 800 with dolby. I was wondering if it was worth upgrading to the newer versions? Is the sound better.
Also what versions of the rig is better as far as sound 800 or 900. I don't really care about leather or metal bands just performance.
Massive update size
When CoD updated it said the update was the whole size of the game, I know that can’t be right. When my ps would do that I could just cancel the download and restart it and it would be the actual update size, but I can’t cancel on xbox because it says it’ll delete the game? Does anyone know how to fix this issue. It’ll take a month for me to download 210 gbs lol
No Sound on Console
Suddenly I have no audio output from my xbox unless via headphones
I have reset all the audio settings, tried different HDMI cables and connected it to a different TV all to no avail
Any ways to fix this?
Does anyone have an actual great place to get a rapid fire controller? I got one off amazon for almost 140 dollars and it barely works. So instead of getting another and hoping for the best i am going online and trying to find the most reliable source and someone that is actually legit.
Config triggers sensitivity question
Hey people.
Is there away to configure the sensitivity on the Xbox one controller.
It’s for when I’m using sniper gun.
My problem is when I shoot I jerk the controller when hit trigger.
Especially at long range shooting.
Sent paddles in with controller by accident
I recently sent my controller in to be fixed/replaced on warranty and forgot to remove the paddles. Will they be returned to me?
Can I have my Xbox one and my Xbox series s set to My Home Xbox at the same time?
Friend can't find game after downloading it.
Bought a friend of mine GTA Online, it was redeemed, and they were able to download it. However, now it's not showing up for them despite them logging out and back in.
Glad this shit aint happening on the latest consoles
Upgrading to a One S
I've spent over 7 years playing with the original Xbox One. I tried my hand at the Xbox One X but I had constant bricking issues with launching games like red dead 2 and fortnite and some other issues. So the guy that sold me the Xbox One x on ebay is giving me his old Xbox One s, hardly used. Is there anything I should know about the one s? Is it a solid console? Is it really that much of an upgrade from the original Xbox One? Will I have issues running certain games that require more power? Let me know!