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Coming to Game Pass: Manor Lords, Another Crab's Treasure, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and More - Xbox Wire
Why people think that realism has anything to with how good a game looks?
Sorry but cyberpunk 2077 better looking than many games with fantastic artistic design just because it’s pushing photo realism? Kinda weird what people think
Voice changers
I wanted to download a voice changer on xbox but idk where to look. Idk if they are prohibited or not but i wanted to ask before i do anything. i wanted to get one to mess with my friend but cant find one. I wanna know if there againts any rules or such or if i have to download them online or sum?😁
I just broke my controller
Can any Xbox controller that is wireless connect to my Xbox one s?
screen casting from chromebook to xbox one
i downloaded wireless display app on xbox now how to get my chrombook connected ,anyhelp?
Do I need mp for aliens fireteam elite?
I stopped paying for live awhile back but would love to run through this game it looks like a blast but can I play it solo? And is it possible to invite friends without live or gamepass core whatever it’s all called now ?
Saints Row (2006) trouble popping achievements
So I've decided to try and get most of the achievements for saints Row, besides the online ones (for now), but some aren't popping those so far being completing all mayhem, racing, drug trafficking, escort, and hijacking. Was working on completing hitman missions, but after noticing that achievements are missing leaves me lost on what to do. Also I've checked and there are no cheats enabled on this accounts saves.
when i attempt to login account login not working
Core and Gold?
So I remember seeing a while back that Gold was turned into Core, but after looking around for a minute I noticed that Gold memberships were still a thing. What’s the difference between Gold, and Core? Also, is game pass like gold, where it gives you multiplayer functions, but it also gives you more games? I’ve never been all that clear on the subject, so some clarification would be helpful.
How to play Kingdom hearts 358/2 Days On Xbox Browser
I’ve seen how to play Super Mario 64 And tomb Raider is there Any way to play 358/2 Days On Xbox Browser
So, what exactly IS a season pass?
I'm so confused as to what this actually is. And also, is there a time limit on purchasing time? Is it like a Fortnight thing?
I've just bought Assassin's Creed Origins for Xbox One S, never played a game in the series. I'm reading some of the extra content on the train, and there's an paper ad for a season pass. Says it has hours of content. How can I access this content that I've payed for?
What happens when xbox one servers shut down?
As you definitely know xbox one runs of needing internet to play/do anything therefore what will happen when servers will get cut. Will it stay the unmovable console it is? Or will it become a useless console or a nodded beast?
Games you feel are still made with passion from “good” devs?
Dumb question but I’m curious and going to ask either way, are there any games you play were you still enjoy the devs who made it and feel they arnt screwing you over for every extra cent? Or I should say does that even matter to you or do you just care for a good game? 1 example for me would be bungie, back in the day I used to love watching behind the scene videos and interviews of them making the halo trilogy but by the time it was around destiny 2 it felt like they had no passion anymore just a team going to work to make a game for money which to be fair isn’t wrong just felt weird and different to me. Now I see all the bs dlc and micro transactions they’ve added and lost pretty much all hope for them and any game they make
Fortnite won't update
I have been having so many issues with Fortnite on my Xbox. Every single other game I have updates with no issues. Fortnite just won't. I've tried restarting my Xbox and everything else I was told to try. It won't work. I have tried uninstalling the game and it won't work. Is there anything I can do? I've tried reaching out to Xbox and epic games and have had no response.
Gamertag ideas?
Just gonna run you guys through a list of where it started and where I’m at now. Not trying to start a brand or anything just feel like I want something knew and can’t make up my mind.
Lvl1wifebeater (this is reference to the A shirt tank top being bullet proof I played a lot of pubg with this gamertag)
Lvl3wifebeater (this got banned each time and eventually I couldn’t level up anymore)
Orexindiff (I have narcolepsy orexin is the chemical I lack)
Made bloodrich01 back in 2015-2016 probably and used it until 2020. Just not really feeling the whole emo edgy cringe vibes name anymore. But I’m not sure where to go from here.
How do I find Xbox communities for Elden ring?
I’m having trouble with this could someone help? I made the switch a while back from PlayStation and I have no clue how to find…
XBox internet using PDANet Android USB tethering : how to fix UPnP not successful?
I am using PDANet and/or Easy Tether Pro to use my phone's internet connection. Then I have a CAT5 network cable from my PC going to the XBox. I have internet access and XBox Live working, I can play online, everything.
I have tried a lot of things, but I never seem to be able to get rid of that "UPnP not successful" in my XBox network settings.
download speeds at xbox are usually around 50-100Mbps and up to 220 Mbps at times
Retrocompatible Xbox 360 games that you cannot buy anymore?
With the upcoming shut down of the 360 store and the online Marketplace, I have been taking interest in retrocompatible games that even today with the retrocompatibility program are not widely available because they were delisted from the store, so, I wanted to do a list to compile that kind of games. The ones that I can think off from the top of my head are L4D1, L4D2 (which I recently had to buy on disc), Spec Ops: The Line and Driver: San Francisco.
where are community manager?
I am looking for a community manager with chinese language. Our project - a cross-platform MMO with an open world - is already in beta and showing excellent results! We want to attract Chinese players, and need a professional's help :)
a doubt friends. But is it possible to add emulators to the Xbox one?
Start up sound question
I recently bought an Xbox one Minecraft special edition, and the start up chime is the default chime. Don’t all Minecraft special edition Xbox ones have the special start up sound or did i get unlucky? Any and all help would be appreciated.
Audio output question
Looking to have Spotify come through my tv, and just the video game come through my headset. Is this possible?
Gamertag Ideas Needed!
I am in desperate need of some funny or badass gamer tag name inspirations, and Reddit always seems to come through!
My name is Sean, I live in Colorado and like to hike and am into EDC gear (knives and other pocket items)
Me and the homies mainly just play shooters (PUBG, Fortnite and DMZ).
Thank you in advance for even reading!
PAC-MAN Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs – Pre-Order Trailer
Microsoft Has Placed A Limit On Extending Xbox Game Pass Subscriptions In Some Countries
Time for an Adventure - Grandia HD Collection, Remastered for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Out Now - Xbox Wire
Unable to play purchased games
I received a Xbox One S from a friend. I tried game pass, but no longer have an active subscription. I enjoyed Fallout New Vegas, and purchased it today. I deleted the game and downloaded it again to be sure I'd be able to play without game pass when I try to start the software it tells me to renew game pass. Even after downloading it again after purchase. Any way to get the Xbox to let me play it? I shouldn't even require Internet to play after purchasing and downloading a single player game, which is why I bought it in the first place. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Difference between series S and one S
Recently I’ve been looking at buying a new xbox, since I’m on last gen. I’ve been wondering, is there a difference in the xbox series s and xbox one s? Like performance wise? Can they run the same games and stuff? I can’t find a clear answer when I google it, so if someone can tell me the difference other than price it would be great