TIL a jewish doctor treated Adolf Hitler's mother for cancer and billed the family at a reduced cost and sometimes refused to bill them outright. When the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938, Hitler awarded the doctor special protection and personally intervened to ensure his safety.
Use baking sheets to polish your faucets and other chromium details
LPT: Check the inside of the door before hopping in an Uber and make sure child locks are turned off.
Got dropped off and couldn’t open my door and it was because the driver had child locks intentionally turned on so he could open the door for you. I ripped him a new one how unsettling that was.
TIL about Civil War Survivor Jacob Miller. In 1863 he was shot between the eyes and with a bullet lodged in his brain he was left for dead. Jacob regained consciousness and made it to a field hospital. Jacob lived for another 54 years, dying at the age of 88 in 1917.
TIL only one person has visited all 193 UN-recognized countries, as well as space. His name is Jim Kitchen.
When I have something in the fridge I cannot forget to bring with me I put my car keys on the handle.
TIL that the CIA spent $20 million to train and modify a cat to be a spy only to have it get run over on its first mission.
YSK that Bananas aren't supposed to be Spicy.
Why YSK: You might be allergic to Bananas. If you feel like your tongue is weird after eating any fruit, you might want to get that checked out.
Today I learned taking photos instead of actually viewing the scene causes your brain to outsource the memory; this causes you to not retain the information as detailed as you normally would. This is called the photo-taking impairment effect.
LPT: Just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean you have to spend it with family/loved ones who are detrimental to your mental health. Happy Thanksgiving!
TIL about Willem Arondeus, a gay painter and artist. When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands he joined the dutch resistance. He participated in the bombing of the Amsterdam public records office to hinder the Nazi German effort to identify Dutch Jews. He was caught and executed soon after his arrest.
LPT : If your dad comes into your room while you’re busy for a chat, don’t get annoyed, enjoy the chats while you can or you’ll regret it
TIL 50 cent and Ja Rule had a long running feud. In 2018, 50 cent brought 200 front row seats to a Ja Rule show via Groupon, just so the seats were left empty.
LPT: Make it a constant habit during the day to correct your posture, relax and open your shoulders, and loosen your jaw and teeth from clenching or grinding, it will do you good!
TIL about "corner crossing," a legally ambiguous method of entering public land that has otherwise been deliberately blocked off by a private party for their exclusive use.
TIL that in Australia, hot chips (french fries) are usually served with something called "Chicken Salt"
TIL the Beatles last public concert played at Candlestick Park San Francisco in 1966 was a major flop and not even close to a sellout with over 20% of the tickets left unsold. The Beatles never performed before a paying audience again.
TIL that the US is home to a major supervolcano at Yellowstone Caldera. If it erupts again it won't wipe out humanity but could severely alter weather and climate patterns to the point where it caused a new ice age.
LPT Request: what’s good to know before you need to know it?
For example, CPR. What else is good to know before that information could be the difference between life and death? Thank you all in advance!
LPT: Never buy a home/property adjacent to undeveloped land expecting it to stay that way.
YSK that hôlding on võwels whïle typing on mobile, brings up âll thę æccent options.
Why YSK: it’s a simple way to keep people from assuming you don’t know the difference between mais and maïs. ALSO, some consonants have variants as well!
TIL the White House has military social aides who's jobs include everything from escorting dignitaries to providing a dance companion or small talk to lonely guests.
TIL about the Peter principle, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence".
YSK Walmart employees frequently come to work sick because they can be fired for as little as 3 sick days - including stockers that touch all the products you bring home. It's very likely that Walmarts are one of the greatest Catalysts of Flu season and general disease spread.
Why YSK I started working for Walmart recently and was shocked to find out that employees frequently come in sick because they are afraid of being fired.
As an employee when you call in sick you earn one "occurrence" or "point".
At 5 'points' you are eligible for termination.
And during "Key Event Dates" (around holidays) you earn double points for calling in sick. Meaning you could be fired for getting sick for just three days or less.
This policy inadvertently incentivizes employees to come to work while they are sick to keep their job (and their income).
I'm honestly blown away that this policy is legal with the amount of customers they have and the amount of disease they are definitely spreading.
I would recommend not supporting Walmart in any kind of way, but if you have to shop there at least sanitize the products you buy to keep yourself and others safe. And if you work there, just take the points, please don't come to work sick, it's extremely selfish to potentially get 1000's of people sick for a paycheck.
Because I find it unethical to come to work sick, I will definitely be racking up 'points' from all the sick days I've had to take so far (from catching other employees sicknesses) and can hopefully find a more ethical company to work for very soon.
LPT: Blood is not thicker than water
For everyone who's about to suffer through another family gathering with people they have been told to love unconditionally no matter how shitty, abusive, racist, sexist, or fucked up they are. You don't have to. You don't. It's okay to cut them out of your lives. You will be so much healthier for it.
Foil, baking soda, salt and boiling water. Cleaning my inherited silver plated flatware.
TIL the oldest cat ever lived to 38 years and 3 days - 1967 to 2005.