Hack for bathroom stalls that don’t have a hook to hang your purse- Maybe the door lock can be used to hold it.
TIL the "Night Stalker" originally had no idea his identity had been revealed. He walked into an LA store when three women started screaming "El Matador!". Confused, he bolted from the store only to notice his face printed on every newspaper stand. A crowd formed and beat him before he was arrested.
LPT : To break any bad habit. Do not count the days. Disassociate your identity from the habit itself.
Identity is one of the strongest emotional force for humans. People will almost do anything to maintain their identity.
Example :
For breaking smoking habit : Use : I’m not a smoker.
For breaking drinking Habit : Use : I’m not a drinker.
Any negative habit you want to break : Use : I’m NOT that kind of person.
Finally, reason for NOT counting days : Why count days ? So you can tell someone/yourself how many days you had a streak when you relapse? ( I know it kind of sound harsh ) Then what, start counting again to get demoralized again ?
Say you had streak of 500 days, and then had a relapse, then breaking that 500 days streak will start haunting and demoralizing, which is why most people are not able to break the bad habits.
Btw, if you’re still counting days, it’s not a habit!
Think on it!
LPT They’re not playing, “hard to get” they’re just not interested in you. It’s better to move on.
TIL that a team from New Zealand built a special, tiny treadmill, to help a kiwi named Ruata rebuild strength in the injured leg.
TIL of how a woman successfully sued a casino for her winnings when they claimed it was a machine error. She later donated the full sum to charity.
TIL that there is a thunderstorm named "Hector the Convector" that forms daily each afternoon, year after year, from September to March on the Tiwi Islands in Australia.
TIL that the US post office turns children’s letters to Santa into a giant gift registry that allows citizens to fulfill children’s Christmas wishes
TIL Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, despite being 6'4", had a voice that was described as “a thin tenor, or rather falsetto, voice, almost as high-pitched as a boatswain's whistle.”
TIL that "Ye" in "Ye Old Hat Shop" isn't pronounced with a 'y' sound. It's pronounced with the long-forgotten letter, 'thorn,' (or the *th* sound) that looks like a letter p with the hump part scooted down to the middle.
TIL Apollo 11 astronauts had to sleep on the cold lunar module floor but astronauts from Apollo 12 on were provided with adjustable hammocks which helped reduce the cooling effects of contact with the cabin floor
TIL That the reason you can see corn in poop is because corn kernels are coated in cellulose, which is strong enough to withstand the rigors of the human digestive system.
TIL that numerous writers who have worked on the comic book character John Constantine have, independently of one another, claimed to have been approached by him in real life, despite him being a fictional character
Drove 3 hours to a different state to go to IKEA. Finally bought the MALM bed frame and didn’t know we needed wooden slats. Our old bed thing ended up fitting perfectly! IKEA hack?
LPT: Stop trying to please people who already don't like you and embrace the joy of being the most annoying person they've ever met.
YSK If your car lease is ending soon, the residual value in your contract is probably much less than the value of your car. Basically, you will have equity at the end of your lease.
Why YSK: The used car market was way different 3 years ago, used cars are typically now worth much more, So when you leased a car back then, they most likely calculated an end-of-lease value MUCH lower than what your car is worth today. Also if you ended up working from home, your mileage is probably less than the max allowance in your contract...
You are potentially sitting on a 5-10K+ equity on the car.
The dealership KNOWS this and will try its best to hide this from you and lure you into another lease. Be smart and look up your contract...You have the right to buy it back at the residual value. If you sell it on your own, you can make a nice profit.
ysk you can trespass customer at the job you work at
Why YSK: To the younger generation working in customer service, don't get in a shouting match with customers nor take their abuse. You have the power to say "you're trespassing and you need to leave now. That's your only warning." They now have to leave the premises or be charged for trespassing when police arrive.
Obviously do not abuse this law but rather use it when you've done your best to assist a belligerent customer and yet they still refuse to be cooperative OR when they are verbally abusive and creating a public disturbance. Civility is a requirement to do business not just a recommendation.
Check your state laws on trespassing of course but "As a business owner or representative you may refuse entry to any person as long as the reason is not discriminatory e.g. if it is known that the person has been abusive to staff members, you can ask them to leave. This request revokes their lawful right to be there and they must be given the opportunity to leave."
P.s. extra points to you if you get a customer that thinks you're bluffing...
LPT: Keep your children from waking you at sunrise on Christmas with a small gift at the foot of their bed
Growing up, every year we had one of those tiny <$10 LEGO sets at the foot of our bed "from Santa." That occupied us for a little while building and then playing together with them. This gave the parents time to start a pot of coffee and whatnot before the main activities kicked off.
Edit: Lots of talk about "that's what stockings are for" - I dunno why, but in my house growing up we always did those dead last as in "after dinner even." And we also were told straight-up that those were from our parents; I think the mention of "stocking stuffers" so much in ads and stuff made it hard to keep that secret.
TIL about the Glass Armonica, a musical instrument invented by Ben Franklin. Inspired by playing glass cups, bowls were mounted on a rotating spindle allowing a musician with wet fingers to play music. Mozart and Beethoven wrote for it but after 60 years strange rumors spread and it fell out of use.
TIL Chernobyl is actually a haven for wildlife. Paradoxically, the environment has become a sanctuary for biodiversity, due to the lack of human activity and interactions in the area.
LPT: When showing people pictures on your phone, zoom in slightly so they can't easily swipe to another picture.
YSK that many public library systems provide renewable, temporary, free access to journals like the NYT, WP, WSJ, and LAT as long as you have a valid library card
Why YSK: If you look up these journals alongside keywords for libraries, you can usually find a page where you can get temporary access for 24 hours or a week to a journal.
It's a great way to access the news without breaking the bank.
TIL that the person who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA was Francis Crick, who was high on LSD when he deduced it.
TIL about Ted's bottle. Ted d’Auvergne, a New Zealand WW2 soldier was at the pub and late for his embarkation train. He asked the publican to set aside his 2nd bottle of beer to drink when he came home. Ted was killed but the promise was kept and that bottle of beer is still there
LPT: If you're good at wrapping presents, don't let anyone know that you're good at wrapping presents.
LPT: If someone you know has a b-day on or near Xmas, please don't wrap their b-day gifts in Xmas wrapping paper
My son will be 18 on December 25th and has always gotten less for his birthday than anyone else in our family. I get that money is tight right now and it might not be feasible to spend as much on his birthday gifts as, say, my other son whose birthday is in August. So, as a gift giver, please try to separate their birthday from the holiday and make it special however you can. Use birthday gift wrap and perish the thought of saying "this is your birthday AND Christmas present". That's a dick move.
LPT: Switch your self-talk from negative to positive. This will transform yourself from being your own worst enemy into your own best coach!
A practical way to make this happen is to encourage yourself to start setting and reaching one small goal at a time to build your self-talk momentum. Believe that reaching many small goals will lead to breakthroughs and reaching larger goals. It will take time to switch from negative to positive self-talk and you might learn things about yourself, but you will grow into a person who expects to reach goals. This switch might be challenging depending on your situation (there are even deeper behavioral approaches that help with this like CBT/cognitive behavioral therapy). I used this positive self-talk plus small goals formula to help overcome extreme anxiety including reaching small goals over and over and over until this started sticking and this led to reaching many goals in all areas of life.
Using this formula, you might reach goals you never thought possible! Are you ready to try this starting today?