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Removing dents in rugs and carpets
TIL The F-35 cost the US $397 Billion Dollars vs $26 billion in today's cost for the entire atomic bomb project
YSK: Starting Dec 7th Amazon customers with Alexa-enabled devices (or Alexa phone app) can say "Alexa, thank my driver," and the driver of their most recent delivery will be notified of their gratitude as well as receive a $5 tip at no charge to the customer.
Why YSK: I am not here to debate the business ethics of Amazon as a corporation. Bottom line is they employ a lot of people who rely on them for income. This holiday season Amazon will tip the first 1m drivers who receive a “thank you” from their customers through Alexa app. Since it costs you absolutely nothing, this is a very simple way to give your delivery driver a little extra holiday cash.
Top 5 drivers with the most “Thank Yous” will also receive an additional $10,000 cash.
No I don’t work for Amazon and no I am not some paid promoter. I saw this posted on my local community page and thought it was worth sharing. Drivers work hard especially during the holiday season. They deserve a lot more than a $5 tip, but even a little something is better than nothing.
Here is the official announcement from Amazon
LPT: Talk to your coworkers about your salaries.
Just happened today. Got moved into a new position. I knew the guy who was in that position previously. We talked about our salaries and I knew what he was making. Boss gave me a 10% pay raise for this new position, but I knew that the guy who had it before me (same experience , education etc) was making 21% more. I told the boss, boss looked a little angry. He said fine, and gave me the 21% raise.
TLDR: got double the raise I was offered because I talked to my fellow employees about our salaries.
TIL nine women, called "The 9 Nanas," kept a decades-long secret that even their husbands knew nothing about. For 30 years, they gathered at 4 a.m. to bake cakes, send care packages to people, anonymously pay bills and buy clothes for those in need.
TIL Alpha Centauri, the nearest solar system, is 4.4 lights years away or about 40 trillion km's. It would take roughly 18,000 years to reach it with our current technology.
YSK: Trying to coerce someone into participating in prayer is a violation of one’s right to not practice religion.
Context: I grew up very religious up until around college. As I’ve grown older, I’ve have become Athiest. I don’t hate on religions and to each their own when it comes to belief. I do have some trauma associated with my experience in the church, but I don’t want to delve into that.
My family, my wife’s family, and even my company (faith based nursing company) are all religious. Anytime before dinner, moments of grief, before meetings, etc, everyone is asked to bow their heads in prayer. I never do, as I don’t believe in any of it. Without fail every time, family members, colleagues, and even management have noticed I am not bowing my head and closing my eyes and either nudge me to participate or have straight up called me out for it. It’s become so mainstream to just bow your head out of respect, it doesn’t matter to some whether you believe or not.
I don’t begrudge anyone to pray if you are religious, have at it. But YSK trying to coerce others into participating is a total violation of one’s right to practice/not practice religion. Some may say it is disrespectful, and “what does it hurt” to just participate even if I don’t believe.
Why YSK: Respect should go both ways when it comes to belief. Calling someone out or making them uncomfortable for not participating in your rituals may bring up past traumas and crosses the line into coercion.
LPT: Try doing chores while listening to podcasts if you haven't
How scammers get your gift card information
Removing sticker residue from glass
TIL That loneliness is as harmful as obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
TIL that the NFL has already paid out more than a billion dollars to players affected by chronic traumatic encephalopathy, with 99% of deceased NFL players testing positive for the neurodegenerative disease.
TIL John von Newmann was a child prodigy who could divide 8-digit numbers in his head by age 6. By age 8, he was fluent in Ancient Greek, had mastered calculus and would amuse his parents' friends by reciting book pages after just glancing at them. He also developed the modern computer architecture.
LIMESCALE hack please
i have a big and thick deposit of limescale on my baththub and i need to clean it, do you guys have any ideas? i tried with vinegar but doesn't really work, any solutions? thanks
Any tips for keeping the auld Christmas tree fresh looking?
As the title says looking for tips to keep the tree looking fresh and smelling fine
YSK: If you're in a wreck and need to be towed, make them tow the vehicle to your home or a repair shop.
Towing companies might make it seem like they have to tow it to their yard, or not even ask you where you want it towed, but they only want to do this because you'll have to pay a daily fee for your vehicle to sit in their storage . If you're keeping the vehicle, make them tow it to your house, or a repair shop approved by your insurance.
Why YSK: Could save you a good bit of money.
TIL people who received bionic eye implants lost vision after the company who created them went bust.
LPT: Beach towels are larger than bath towels and come in more colors/designs
Stop settling for boring neutrals that barely cover a third of your body and start wrapping yourself in the giant cartoon towel you deserve
TIL of Malthusians. They believe a finite earth can’t sustain mankind’s indefinite expansion unless checked by law, war, famine, or natural disaster
TIL in 2010, Washington D.C. held a mock election and invited hackers to test its online voting system. They managed to elect Master Control Program from "Tron" as mayor, Skynet from "Terminator" to Congress, and Bender from "Futurama" to the school board. It took D.C. officials two days to notice.
LPT: The taste of sweetness is relative. If you reduce sugar in everything you eat, very soon they will still taste just as sweet, but with fewer calories.
If you can bear it and have never tried it, I’d really suggest trying a sugar cleanse. Doesn’t need to be super strict, but just spend a few days up to a week of cutting out as much sugar as you can. No candy, no juice, no sweetened coffee or tea, etc.
Just stuff like regular bread can start to become really sweet. You might start to catch sweetness in black coffee (if you haven’t before), and fruit will taste like candy.
It’s more like a hot and cold thing though and sensitivity to sweetness can change in seconds. That’s why if you eat a sweet candy and then go to a less sweet bread, the bread can taste super bland.
This all made me realize that if I start to reduce sugar consumption, it won’t just help me be more healthy, it will actually start to help me appreciate the flavor of things I used to think was bland.
YSK: A company offering a "lifetime" membership or warranty is more likely for the lifetime of the company, not you. Keep that in mind before you buy
Why YSK: I had a "lifetime" membership to a company that offered an "unlimited" amount of classes I could take free of charge. It just went bankrupt, and while it was bought by another company, my membership was converted to one for the parent company that expires after two years. Keep that in mind when shopping, and if you can, try to estimate how long you think the company will be in business for.
TIL in 2016, Microsoft released an AI chatbot designed to learn conversation by interacting with humans. It was shut down in less than a day after it began praising Hitler.
Perfect sealent bead, every time
LPT request: How to overcome worries of ending up homeless or poor?
The world is going through a storm right now, many wars are ongoing and many countries are having financial issues
Lately, I started having worries of ending up homeless, alone, or without money and food
What should I do if it has already happened to me? And how can I overcome these thoughts?
Thank you
TIL A Carthaginian peace is when the losing side is punished to the point it is crippled. The Treaty of Versailles was described by some economists as a Carthaginian peace and there were plans to cripple West Germany after WW2 but the Marshall Plan to rebuild was chosen instead.
YSK that many 'influencers' intentionally make controversial content to spread their brand and boost their signal, and the most effective method of getting these kind of people to go away is to completely and totally ignore them
See this infographic (with my own edits) courtesy of /u/RecalcitrantMonk.
Why YSK:
Because we all unintentionally amplify and spread these toxic ideas and shit-takes when we share this kind of content that is nothing more than pure pabulum and basically amounts rage-bait - content with absolutely no true value whatsoever. I commented on a thread the other day because one of these insufferable skidmarks was on the front-page of /r/ImTheMainCharacter, albeit in a way that was meant to make fun of them - but the outcome was the exact same - his content was spread to hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of eyes, and if even 0.1% come away from that inspired to consume more of that kind of content, well - we're all worse off for it.
Also important to keep in mind the power of youth in driving these trends - a lot of these morons are propelled forward by a horde of literal teenagers, children and adolescents - if your life's work is making content for mostly children and teenagers and none of it is actually enriching or educational your value to society is a negative, you suck hard and we would all be better off existing if you simply didn't.
So what do you do when somebody you know brings up one of these total losers in real life?
You laugh in their face and give them a look of extreme pity, like you genuinely feel sorry for them, because you really should.
Any energy or engagement beyond that is wasted.
Tape and zip tie hack
TIL a reporter at a British newspaper received an anonymous tip telling him to “call the American Embassy in London for some big news” about 25 minutes before JFK was assassinated.
TIL That retired adult film star Asia Carrera is not only a member of Mensa, with an IQ of 156, but she also played piano at Carnegie Hall when she was a teenager.