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TIL before overdrive guitar pedals were invented, rock pioneer Link Wray would intentionally stab the speaker cone of his guitar amps with a pencil to achieve a distorted sound. This resulting effect can be heard on his 1958 song “Rumble”.
TIL when Marie Curie fell into a depression, Einstein wrote her a letter telling her he felt lucky to have met her, and, referring to the newspaper articles constantly attacking her, he advised her “to simply not read that hogwash, but rather leave it to the reptile for whom it has been fabricated.”
TIL that priest Father Damien worked in Hawaii for 16 years, providing comfort to the lepers. He built homes and he treated lepers with his medical expertise. He prayed and comforted the dying. He later contracted leprosy but continued to give to the people and helped improve an orphanage.
TIL that despite the fact that 75% of the world's tornadoes happen in the US, the deadliest Tornadoes happen in Bangladesh. Of the 43 recorded Tornadoes with at least 100 people killed, 20 of them happened in what is now Bangladesh, compared to 15 in the US.
TIL the team captain of the Thai soccer team that was rescued from the caves 5 years ago died from head injuries during a soccer camp in the UK 5 months ago
TIL with the exception of three Canadian cities, Elvis Presley never performed outside the United States
YSK: Your job doesn't care about you
Why YSK: most people's main source of stress is work. Unless you're one of the rare few that genuinely loves their job, don't put in more than the bare minimum, for the sake of your own mental health. Your managers and supervisors are not your friends and will take advantage of your labor without hesitation. You're not a person to them, you're just another worker ant. They'll do anything they can to keep you submissive and obedient, and will try to make you feel like you're part of a "family" at your job. You're not. Your boss doesn't care if you have family or friends that you want to spend your time with, they think you working for them is more important and will pressure you into work under the guise that they are "blessing" you with hours and that you should be grateful to them for that. Use your time instead to do the things you love, as much as possible. You don't want to look back on your life when you're old and see nothing but work. That's not a life well-lived. So take time off when you need, and if you hate your job then consider looking into finding another one. Your job doesn't care about you.
TIL that the Soviet space probe Phobos-2, , designed to explore Mars' moons, failed because 2 of its 3 computers died, and since it used a system where the computers voted on any decision, the 1 healthy computer was unable to outvote 2 dead computers
YSK: Your local government (US) is very likely facing a labor shortage and is eager to hire for almost any position.
Why YSK: Local government is the most prolific form of government in the US and accounts for the vast majority of people interactions with government. It is also facing a massive labor shortage. Many states have municipal associations that have a running feed of open municipal jobs. Like this one.
Local government is very different than state/federal and largely functions like an independent conglomerate. It is not just police, fire, and DPW jobs. Arborists to financial analysts to masons to geoscientists to engineers are all positions in local government. The wages are often competitive, union protected, carry great benefits, and pensions. These positions are incredibly economically resilient. Local government often has real entry-level positions (not ones requiring 3 years of experience), offer great chances to move up and scheduled annual raises with COLA. A high school diploma/GED is often more than sufficient for positions with on the job training. Many municipalities will sponsor training like CDLs.
I am the CFO of a medium size city and we constantly have openings, and we are in good shape compared to other municipalities I talk to. I have multiple times where people have been offered a job the same day they turned in an application.
While only anecdotal, it is common for people to report they are happier working to support their community than for a large company.
LPT REQUEST People who feel little to no anxiety/fear how do i do it?
i’m 22 and fear controls my every action sometimes i don’t even go outside in fear of dropping dead (agoraphobia) how do you stop feeling fear and anxiety or overthinking everything, i’m getting better but want some tough love!
TIL that the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” is about a baseball-obsessed girl. The part sung at baseball games is only the chorus, where she tells her boyfriend where she wants to go on a date.
LPT Request: Advice on asking for more money at work
A co-worker quit two weeks ago, I was offered her position which in someways would be a promotion but was told I would have time to consider things. Then this Friday I was called in and told aspects of her job would be divided between myself and my boss as the company does not wish to hire someone to replace my current position. I also have to take on call one day a week and every 5 weekends now. The only mention of pay change was that I might have to go salary instead of hourly. There’s been talk about revenue losses from their other buildings and I know when I go in on Monday to discuss the fact I need to make more money she’s going to use that as an excuse why they can’t afford it. Any advice on what to say or ways to approach this. I’m a great worker but not a great negotiator or good at business schmooze bs.
LPT request: as someone who doesnt know what they want to do and is a senior in high school, how do i not become that person who ends up just having to pick something to do just because they have to and not because they want to?
TIL Men should not try to "save up" sperm when trying to get their partner pregnant. Sperm quality significantly decreases after 7-10 days of abstinence.,seen%20after%207%E2%80%9310%20days.
LPT: If you're a woman driving all alone when your car breaks down, move over to the passenger seat to call and wait for help. Then, if someone sketchy stops to "help" you, you can say that your husband/boyfriend will be back at any moment, and it will look plausible.
TIL that the children’s song “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” is a sanitized version of “Do Your Balls Hang Low?”, which was popular with British soldiers in WWI. General Douglas Haig once heard a column of soldiers singing it and went to berate their commander, only to find the commander singing along.
How can i clean this algae out my water fixture?
TIL the bow of the USS New York was forged using 7.5 tons of recycled World Trade Center steel
TIL Of Xenophon, who was described as the greatest general that preceded Alexander the Great. Xenophon was the father of retreating and successfully led his 10,000 men out of Persia following betrayal and constant attacks by the Persians.
TIL toilet paper wasn’t “splinter free” until the 1930’s
TIL that in 2005, a Ph.D. student at the University of British Columbia nominated a fire hydrant to run for the Board of Governors (and even acted as its "translator"). The hydrant pulled in 900 votes, missing a seat by six ballots.
TIL that Adolphe Sax, the son of instrument designers, was prone to accidents. As a kid, he fell from a 3-story height, drank acidic water he mistook for milk, swallowed a pin, fell into a frying pan, was burned in a gunpowder blast, and fell into a river. He grew up to invent the saxophone.
LPT: when you can just barley feel the start of a sore throat, how do you stop it?
on vacation and don’t feel like dealing with this. I usually chug some emergen-c stuff but are there any other alternatives that work?
Edit: title should say barely lol
Edit 2: oh my lord I have never had this many replies. I can’t respond to everyone but I promise I’m reading them all and will try a few of them and I appreciate everyone’s input! Im feeling better so I’m hoping it was just how I slept or something I ate.
LPT Request : How to fake being happy and well-off (Or stop this)
I have a smart peer group who earn more, live more and are considerably happier as compared to me. I don't complain but I can't really tell them times are hard for me at present and I'm surviving barely, often resorting to having to skipping meals to not spend money. Some of them have caught upon this and keep asking if things are going good? But I do not want to feel like a loser in front of them and thus I'm not able to tell clearly.
LPT: when you just watched some education content on youtube (or wherever you watch videos) take a note of what did you understand and what is the most important thing that you learned
If you really want to REMEMBER things which you have just learned, take a note somewhere of what did you understand and if you did not understand it go watch the video again.
TIL the quickly drying Colorado River’s #1 outflow of water is to feed cows
LPT Request: Folks who are always smiling and outgoing, how do you do it?
I often see folks at workplace who are always smiling and outgoing, like the moment you come near them, you just feel this positive aura.
Is this a part of the personality or is this something that can be incorporated over time with practice?
Please feel free to share your personal experiences and any advice that might be helpful.
YSK: There is nothing to regret about not seeing the deceased loved one the last time. And even if the last time you saw each other, you were in a fight or any other unpleasant situation, it's OK.
Why YSK: Any unpleasantness or pain you have shared is part of your relationship. And as for the good times, nothing can replace them. The wonderful moments you had shared with each other are much more important than "seeing them the last time". This comes from my own personal realization. I hope everyone in grief would be OK. And it will be OK.
TIL that Ancient Romans added lead syrup to wine to improve color, flavor, and to prevent fermentation. The average Roman aristocrat consumed up to 250μg of lead daily. Some Roman texts implicate chronic lead poisoning in the mental deterioration of Nero, Caligula, and other Roman Emperors.
TIL the U.S state of Rhode Island changed its name in 2020, and was the first state to ever do so