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TIL the Peace Symbol represents the flag semaphores for ‘N’ (flags held at 5 and 7o’clock positions) and ‘D’ (flags held at 12 and 6o’clock) and stands for Nuclear Disarmament.
LPT: If I cashier gives you a discount while shopping at our store don't demand the same discount with another member of staff next time, we were feeling kind, don't get us in trouble
TIL Jonah Hill was only paid $60,000 to appear in The Wolf of Wall Street, with the studio using his desire to work with Martin Scorsese as leverage to pay him the lowest fee possible. Whereas Leonard DiCaprio, who also produced the film, was paid $10m.
YSK that your weight can fluctuate as much as 5-6 pounds (2.25-2.75 kg) throughout the day. If you're trying to gain or lose weight, it's better to track overall trends instead of day-by-day results.
Why YSK:
There are several factors that can influence your bodyweight including water retention, recent bowel movements (or lack thereof), menstruation cycle, medications you're taking, and more.
If you're going to track your bodyweight, it's important to weigh yourself at a consistent time of day such as in the morning before eating, and to do it on a regular basis, such as every Sunday. If you decide to weigh yourself everyday, your weight can fluctuate and it's more important to track trends instead. Personally, whenever I'm trying to lose weight, I use the app Libra: you can add your weight everyday and the app automatically calculates trends in your weight loss or gain based on consistent changes.
Just because the scale hasn't tipped in your favor for one day isn't a reason to become discouraged! However, if you're noticing that trends aren't going well over the course of several days or weeks, you will likely have to make some changes in your diet and/or exercise regimen.
TIL that Dante Alighieri was exiled from Florence for corruption in 1300 and sentenced to death if he returned. He wrote most of his great works, including divina commedia while in exile. In June 2008, nearly 700 years after his death, the city council of Florence pardoned Alighieri.
TIL: “non-dairy” products (such as CoffeeMate creamer) can still contain milk and dairy derivatives. “Non-dairy” is not defined by the FDA. However “diary free” is & products with this labeling do not contain dairy.
YSK: One tablespoon is equal to three teaspoons.
Why YSK: One tablespoon is 15 grams of powder or 15 milliliters of liquid. One teaspoon is equal to 5 grams of powder or 5 milliliters of liquid. So if you're cooking a meal for one person and the recipe says it serves three, an easy way to cut the ingredients down to a third is simply to use a teaspoon of an ingredient when it asks for a tablespoon.
TIL Persian king Xerxes I attempted to build a bridge but a storm destroyed it. In retaliation, he ordered the strait itself to be whipped three hundred times, and had leg cuffs, shackles, etc,. thrown into the water.
How to fold a coat
LPT: Be nice to customer service. They can sabotage your account.
Source: I was a call center customer service rep for 10 years. I've handled accounts for huge phone corporations, electronics, and even hospitals.
In that time, I've seen coworkers give rude customers "mild inconveniences" like temporarily cutting off parts of the customer's service, e.g., blocking channels on their cable plan or not crediting a customer's account when there was a billing issue on our part.
Anything that could be done without getting fired and with enough plausible deniability that would require the customer to sit through 40+ minutes of hold time to call us again to get resolved. I've seen it done to a couple of Karens from time to time who really deserved it.
Overcoming loneliness.
I need tips on ways to overcome loneliness.
I have a husband who i love dearly, he has no supportive genes, and only works, games, hangs out with friends, drinks, and doesn't talk much.
My friends are non existent, I have no family close by.
I'm six mths pregnant & desperate to get outta this funk.
TIL anti-communists wanted the story of Robin Hood removed from education because they considered 'stealing from the rich to give to the poor' as communism
LPT: Get in the habit of drinking a glass of water before drinking anything else, it'll cut your soda consumption in half
TIL Dean Martin refused to attend JFK’s inauguration because Sammy Davis, Jr (who helped Kennedy campaign) wasn’t allowed to attend because he was black.
TIL that classical music and metal fans have the most similar personalities, based on a study of 36,000 people in more than 60 countries. "Both have the same basic motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a shared 'love of the grandiose.'"
TIL there was a short-lived British band called 'Earth' whose only lasting legacy is they caused a different British band with the name 'Earth' to change their name to 'Black Sabbath' to avoid confusion.
TIL that until WW2, cheese fondue was unheard of in most areas of Switzerland. The cheese speciality only became the "national dish" as the result of a marketing campaign run by the Swiss Cheese Union.
TIL that in the UK, kestrels were once called “windfuckers”.
LPT: If you need a suit and don't have much budget then $20 at Goodwill with $50 of alterations will look a hundred times better than a $70 suit.
Cheap suits are cheap because the store can sell them to the maximum number of people with the fewest variations. That means making them boxy, and adding baggy trousers.
If you can get a suit that fits in the shoulders (the one place it can't be cost effectively altered), then it can be made to fit you by shortening the sleeves, slimming the waist and adjusting the trousers.
Celebrities look good in their suits not because the material used is especially good, but because the suit has been altered to fit them right.
If you take your Goodwill suit to an alterations tailor (your local dry cleaner will recommend one) then the bulk of your budget is being spent on making it right for you rather than on the initial acquisition.
LPT: If you want to get some ideas,take a walk.
LPT Wear earplugs at loud concerts unless you want to wear hearing aids for the rest of your life
I used to go to so many concerts and stand up front with no earplugs! I used to play call of duty with my headset turned up all the way. Now I have insufferable tinnitus. Please wear earplugs!!
YSK: The reason you see ads for the same products, again and again, is intentional. It's called the familiarity effect - the more you get to see, feel or experience something, the more positive it becomes in your mind. Like a safe, familiar option.
Where it's being used exactly?
One of the examples is in digital marketing. There is a service that is often called "remarketing". Google ads and other platforms offer such services that allow showing ads to people that had already seen some kind of product, an ad, or a website before. This technique is often highly effective.
Are there scientific studies behind it?
In one study, over 200 participants had to watch 40 ideographs (drawn characters from a foreign Language), quickly flashing on the computer screen.
Some ideographs were shown many times while others only once.
Then participants were allowed to look at the ideographs and rate how familiar they look and how much they like them.
The results:
People rated familiar ideographs over 15 percent more positively compared to the ones that they rated as not familiar.
Here you can find other studies that look into the familiarity effect if you are interested. It happens with prices as well. Some studies show that people tend to pay more for things that are familiar.
Why YSK:
It's good to be aware of what advertising techniques are being used to make you buy something. Perhaps you looked at some product that you don't even need too much and didn't buy it. Now you are browsing some other, completely unrelated website and an ad appear for that item. If you're not very tech-savvy, you might think that it might be some coincidence, it's not. Now you know why.
LPT When you exercise, listen to the same music you would if you were out drinking or having a fun night with your friends.
Brings the good vibes back and makes your body remember how good it feels to move to that song.
YSK: Chronic marijuana usage during your brain’s developmental years can lead to mental health disorders if you’re genetically predisposed
Why YSK: If you don’t use marijuana during your brains formative years, you will be able to enjoy it when you’re older without as much risk of mental health disorders.
I just want to make sure young people understand that constantly smoking weed, especially starting at a young age, can lead to mental health problems such as bipolar in the future. I was a huge stoner back starting as early as 14 and smoked heavily in college. What most people who advocate for weed, is that smoking during your brains transformative years of being born till you’re about 25 to 26 can lead to bipolar and other mental health disorders, if you’re genetically predisposed.
If I had known this fully when I was younger, I definitely would’ve waited until 25-26 to start smoking weed. As long as it’s in moderation passed those ages, your chances of developing a mental health disorder decrease since the brain is fully developed. Since I smoked so much from ages 14-22, I developed bipolar and have to live a completely sober life unless I want to risk a manic episode. It’s not so bad, I’ve found medication that works with me and my life has dramatically improved since my first manic episode, and I haven’t had a manic episode in a long time now. But it does get somewhat annoying at times when all of the people my age are getting drunk and high but I have to abstain because of my weed abuse at a younger age.
I’m all for legalizing weed, I think it a great recreational drug as well as helpful for people suffering from various chronic illnesses, but I wish people were more upfront of how the psychoactive properties can affect a developing mind. If I could give advice to those between the age of 16 to 25, just stick to casual drinking for social events, and wait for weed until your brain is fully developed. For anecdotal reference, my oldest brother smoked a similar amount as me at a young age and is bipolar as well, however my middle brother waited until he was around 26 to smoke every now and then, and it doesn’t affect him. Do as you please at your own risk, but just know there can be unforeseen consequences to overdoing smoking.
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LPT- If you are someone who gets anxious driving to new places, if possible take a practice drive
I am someone who gets a bit anxious driving to new places, usually it's for appointments. I found it really helps to take a practice drive a day or two before I have to go so I can get familiar with the route and the surrounding area. If I cannot, I always make sure to leave a half hour to 45 minutes early so I can take my time and have extra time in case I get lost.
TIL about Jaime Escalante. He was able to help hundreds of students to pass the AP calculus test in a school where almost no students went to college. He was forced to leave the school due to death threats and intimidation from other teachers.
TIL Bryan Cranston learned how to roller skate for Malcolm in the Middle. "Bryan said, 'How much time do I have?' I said, 'A couple weeks.' He said, 'OK,' and he just basically practiced roller skating every free second that he had off the show and became an incredibly proficient roller skater.”
LPT: Before crossing the street, look at your shadow. It will point toward the drivers who have the sun in their eyes when looking toward you, and the length of the shadow is the strength of glare.
TIL Michael Phelps accidentally dated a man
TIL "Family Guy" creator Seth McFarlane has wanted the show to end for years, saying "7 seasons is the right lifespan for a series." Family Guy entered its 20th season in 2021