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В гостиничных номерах мини бар, холодильник с напитками, и прочие цацки. Заоблачные цены на эти товары рассчитаны на ультра ленивых пижонов, с крайне слабой финансовой конституцией.

Пачка презервативов (2 шт.) облегчит гостя на $50!!!

Возите всё необходимое с собой. Как вариант, прогулка в магазин займет 10 минут.

#travel #Vegas

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Сейчас в Вегасе проходят National Finals Rodeo (NFR). Никогда ранее не встречал такой концентрации людей в ковбойских шляпах и сапогах. Ощущение будто половина Техаса колонизировала все приличные гостиницы. Смотрятся эти персонажи стильно и уверенно. Особенно дамы. Даже подростки щеголяют в этих не дешёвых головных уборах.


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Trade wars always hurt exporters more.

Back in 1930 the Smoot–Hawley Tariff act was signed into law. During 1920s, due to improvements in production, agricultural output in the U.S. soared and prices went down. Farmers were experiencing lower standards of living, due to a widening gap between prices for their produce and goods they were buying. During 1928 Republicans maintained majorities in the House and in the Senate. Hoover was a Republican too. The same trifecta we're having today. Both chambers passed the legislation, lobbied by farm interests, with wide margins.

The problem was that the U.S. was actually running a trade surplus at the time. It was an exporter of manufacturing goods and agriculture to the rest of the world, just like China is today. Without abilities to sell to US market, other countries were not receiving cash to pay for their imports, mostly from the U.S. Many countries retaliated in kind. Global trade collapsed. Manufacturing sector, which was already far more important, took a plunge. This was one of the major causes for the Great Depression.

Keep that in mind when you hear proposals to raise tariffs on goods from Mexico. US actually has a sizeable trade surplus with its southern neighbor.

#economics #politics

December 2024

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Методичка популиста.
1. Обозначить цель для конфронтации, которая и так никогда не произойдёт. Публично предостеречь мнимых врагов. Цена – 0.
2. Подождать. Цена – 0.
3. Через время заявить избирателю о победе - враги не добились своей цели. Profit. Политические очки в корзину.

Именно в таком ключе стоит понимать следующую цитату Трампа.

The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy

С таким же успехом можно предостеречь инопланетян от попыток изменить ротацию Земли, а позже отчитаться о достигнутых успехах в противодействии им. Сторонники плоскости нашей планеты и креационизма будут рукоплескать.

#politics #twotypesofpeople

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30 лет в Америке!

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Meanwhile in Brooklyn
6 Sheep Seen Sprinting Through Brooklyn Friday | Brooklyn, NY Patch

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In 1902, the U.S. purchased the rights and assets to the Panama Canal project from a French development company for about $40M in gold. The initial asking price was $100M. In 1903, the U.S. paid Panama, a newly created state plucked away from Columbia with Uncle Sam's help (fascinating story on its own), $10M + $250K in annuities. In nominal terms, that is greater than the combined sum of all the previous land purchases combined:
- Louisiana in 1803 for $15M
- Florida in 1819 for $5M
- Alaska in 1867 for $7.2M
- Philippines in 1898 for $20M

The key figure in negotiations with the French, who happened to convince Theodore Roosevelt to select the Panamian project vs. the Nicaraguan alternative, was J.P. Morgan. If one would ask Gemini for the reasons behind his involvement, a list of generic answers would appear. Financial interests, political influence, strategic importance, and patriotism. Although these were generally correct for almost anything J.P. was professionally involved with throughout his career, AI fell short in identifying the reason.

Teddy, who assumed the presidency in 1901 after McKinley's assassination, turned out to be quite a different politician than business elites were counting on. He aggressively pursued anti-trust policies. To that end, he opposed the merger which created the Northern Securities Company, a railroad trust formed in 1901. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was applied. This was a direct blow to the House of Morgan. Especially humiliating was that it came from an unelected official.

Morgan desired to restore his reputation and favorable regulatory regime first and foremost, which forced him to make inroads with T.R. When J.P. learned about Teddy's drive for a canal and the treasury's inability to finance such purchase he lobbied for a meeting and ultimately was successful as strategic planner, negotiator and financier.

#AmericanImperialism #history
November 2024

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Пять игроков в ковбойских шляпах закрывают стол блэкджека от камер наблюдения.

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Вегас. Гостиница. Мы заходим в лифт где уже несколько человек. Поехали. Одинокая дама вышла на своем этаже. Оставшийся мужчина обращается к нам с вопросом, знаем ли мы кто была наша попутчица. Я не совсем понял постановку вопроса и озвучил недоумение.
- Она сенатор от штата Миссисипи.
Ответил он.

В какой ещё стране, вот так просто, без охраны, обычный человек может случайно проехаться в лифте с сенатором?


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As an IT pro with 25+ years of experience I never stop to be amazed how this industry innovates, rediscovers itself and sells its products and services to the corporate world.
Big tech conferences carried out by major firms are only one avenue to achieve these goals. They're often structured to mesmerize tech geeks with the latest and greatest. The idea is that these folks will create internal pressures at companies they work for to influence how IT budgets are spent. Smart.

Yet those in the know, people who actually make purchasing decisions, often with directorship titles play a different game.

First, a must have, is to attend lavish private dinners thrown by vendors with whom business was conducted. This allows for proper and legal thanks in vendor selection.

Second, sign up for vendor sponsored wine and dine events at fancy places. This is Vegas. Options are endless. These are vendors who are eager to get one's ear, hoping to influence buying decisions. Sales people will work the guests at the dinner and filter out lonely tech geeks. Then the higher ups will move in and invite, who they think are decision makers, for drinks at the bar. This is where a "vendor management" specialist will steer the party to a high end establishment.

In a classic good cop - bad cop style, one of us was highly critical of services an IBMer was selling passionately. By midnight the vocabulary was far from politically correct, but respectful nevertheless. Each new criticism was countered with purchasing more booze. And then it hit me.

Even during my past Vegas trips I was less exposed to the bar scene, where numbers of good looking professional ladies are through the roof. But last night, as we allowed vendors to buy us drinks, I suddenly became aware of the competition!


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For some, the phrase "I don't understand" is a call to action. To learn, to develop and to acquire understanding. For others it's an excuse.


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Манхэттен. Приличный концертный зал. Пять минут до начала выступления. Публика в ожидании. Вдруг громкое приветствие через весь балкон.

- Изя, у нас тут два свободных места, идите к нам!
- Моня, спасибо, нас четверо.
- Изя, у нас хорошие места!
- Моня, нас четверо.

Все два часа Моня втыкал в телефон. Размер шрифта был таким, что можно было читать его переписку за несколько рядов. Почти под занавес, Моня резко подскочил со своего места и продемонстрировал эксцентричные движения в ритм музыки. Доставив много положительных эмоций сидевшим рядом. Но творческий запал быстро иссяк. Не дождавшись окончания композиции, бухнулся в кресло и вернулся в телефон.

Выступала DAGAMBA. Свежо, драйвово и динамично.

#BrightonBeach #twotypesofpeople
November 2024

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• At $63 trillion, the total value of US stocks is now four times bigger than all of Europe’s bourses combined. Ten years ago it wasn’t even twice the size.
• Europe doesn’t have a single public company valued at more than $500 billion. The US has eight worth more than $1 trillion.

The Stoxx Europe 600 Index is trading at a record 40% discount to the S&P 500 and this year’s underperformance is on track to be among the worst on record. The euro has slumped to its weakest level in over a year.

November 2024

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2010 год. Армяне. Мошенническая схема. Создали 118 фиктивных клиник и доили Медикейт (государственная мед страховка) на 163 ляма. 35 лям успели получить. 73 обвиняемых. Сроки.

2024 год. Три армянина и один еврей. Устроили шоу в шкуре медведя и ломанулись в авто с целью трухануть страховку. Не фартануло. Не знаю кто писал сценарий, а кто режиссер, но то ли армяне уже не те, то ли опять евреи виноваты.

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