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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

In interviews, questions about the stack and heap are common, excpecially where is what object stored? You can impress the interviewers by discussing trivial types in Swift. Mention that you can use an underscored function to determine whether a type involves heap allocations and reference counting or not.

// POD - Plain old data
_isPOD(Int.self) // true
_isPOD(Array<Int>.self) // false

How to know if a value type includes heap allocations and ref counting

Trying to understand POD (plain old datatypes)

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

What a huge update with Swift 6 – it's packed with cool new features! A lot of the updates are all about making concurrency smoother and more efficient, which is super exciting. Plus, there are other great improvements and language tweaks that make coding in Swift even better.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Stephen and Brandon wrote an article to address common questions and misconceptions about the Composable Architecture (TCA). They aim to clarify its benefits, its relationship with SwiftUI, and its suitability for various apps. The article also tackles comparisons with Redux, and concerns about complexity, performance, and boilerplate code. Additionally, it discusses action modeling and state management efficiency within TCA.
#TCA #architecture

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

If you also thought that in VStask the default spacing value is always 8, then this article is here to clarify.
#SwiftUI #Layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

TIL there’s a secret debug menu 🤯;t=YNy4qFziI3PFPTlrSCXpmA

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

A bit of nostalgia from the early 2000s 😍

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Apple’s released Swift 5.10 – it's making concurrent programming safer with full data isolation. This milestone sets the stage for Swift 6, which will enforce data isolation by default, improving usability and eliminating data races.
#swift #concurrency

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Oh, look at this gem! Chris Eidhof from has built a guide for visually understanding how SwiftUI's layout system works. It's even possible to adjust some layout parameters to thoroughly grasp the consept.
#swiftui #layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

A few non-obvious tips about using dynamic member lookup in conjunction with SwiftUI Binding.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

I came across a great video about creating a Design System using the example of button styling. I particularly liked the approach of expanding a simple button with additional fields such as description and title by combining different styles.
#SwiftUI #design_system

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Interesting approach for storing API keys by using on-demand resources with enabled prefetching instead of embedding them directly in code, that could lead to expose them as plain strings when extracted from IPA files.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

There is a lot of criticism of GeometryReader in the iOS community: some try to avoid it, others consider it very useful, others don’t even know what it is. All these problems are discussed in a long article prepared by the author.
#SwiftUI #Layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

One of my favorite blogs is regularly sharing in-depth articles about SwiftUI. In their latest post, the author delves into the new CustomAnimation protocol, explaining what it is and how to use it effectively.

For more animation-related posts, check out the full series here

#SwiftUI #animations

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

If you're already using the latest Xcode, you can find a brief overview of debugging enhancements and new features within Swift 5.9 itself.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Lottie now officially supports SwiftUI.
#Animations #Lottie

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Found a good article describing the nuances of using StateObject and ObservedObject.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Xcode 16 brings a lot of updates - I want to share some of them that I find interesting:

- Predictive code completion
- Support for EditorConfig
- Explicitly built modules - more actionable error messages, improved debugger performance, and better scheduling decisions which maximize parallelism. LLDB can now import explicitly-built Swift and Clang modules directly
- A new code deduplication algorithm brings additional code size savings and an improved static link time performance
- New execution engine for Previews - shared build products between Build and Run and Previews, switching between the two is instant
- Previews now support previewing views inside of static libraries
- You can cut text from the Source Editor, and then use the “New File from Clipboard” to quickly extract part of a source file into a new file
- Buildable folder references - only record the folder path into the project file without enumerating the contained files. This minimizes diffs to the project when files are added and removed, and avoids source control conflicts with your team
- Swift-DocC now warns about documentation for parameters and return values that doesn’t exist for that documented API
- A lot features in Instruments
- Swift Testing - an all-new testing framework built for Swift from the ground up

#Xcode #wwdc

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Author decided to explore the Attribute Graph - a key part of how SwiftUI updates the user interface. While the topic is advanced, it provides valuable insights for developers eager to dive into layout mechanism under the hood. 🤯
#SwiftUI #layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

I often find that developers are confused about which component is best for them: ZStack or overlay (+background). So I hope this short article will clarify the differences and help delve deeper into the unique properties of these two modifiers.
#SwiftUI #layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

WWDC 2024 - June 10 to 14. 🥳
#wwdc #Apple

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Great long-read of making a native text editor app as a solo dev (you probably heard or used it - Paper app).

In the second part the author concentrates on the deep-tech stuff - how text editing works internally.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

I found the strength to write an article about making customizable components in SwiftUI.

p.s. the standard for writing articles has been met, expect the next article to be published next year. 😄
#SwiftUI #design_system

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Clickbait news. Apple introduces new programming language!

… for writing configurations.

It combines the simplicity of static languages with the capabilities of general programming, featuring classes, functions, conditions, and loops. Pkl ensures safety with type checks, offers ease of use with IDE integration, and supports package sharing and integration into various programming languages.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

This article is a great reminder to avoid using AnyView as much as possible, or use it carefully when really necessary. The author conducted some measurements of using AnyView (and without it) in lists and compared the results.
#SwiftUI #performance

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Apple has announced that, beginning January 2024, all Apple Developer Program memberships will include 25 compute hours per month on Xcode Cloud at no additional cost.

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

As in the previous article the author once again made a really great job. This time he prepared an in-depth analysis of the ViewThatFits component, providing a detailed explanation of its functionality and the underlying reasons for its operation. Moreover, the author went a step further by recreating this component using the Layout protocol, showcasing both a profound understanding and practical application of the subject matter.
#SwiftUI #Layout

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

For those who already use the Logger type, Xcode 15 brings handy improvement — support of filtering console logs and more directly in Xcode, eliminating the need to launch the Console app. You can filter logs by their type (networking, ui), jump to code where a log message has been triggered and so on.
#Xcode #logging

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

The author made research and reverse-engineering of inner working of async/await. This substantial article promises to be an in-depth exploration of the subject, so be sure to have plenty of tea ready.
#Swift #concurrency

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Airbnb shared their SwiftUI adoption story, including their motivation for replacing Epoxy (declarative UI framework) and UIKit, their integration process, and the results and challenges they've faced.
#SwiftUI #AirBnb

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Readaggregator - iOS, Swift, Apple, Programming, Mobile

Explore an in-depth article on SwiftUI's layout process. The author provides a comprehensive breakdown, including the Layout protocol, the functionality of frame, fixedSize, and idealSize, and much more.
#SwiftUI #Layout

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