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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Donald J. Trump

All of these Fake Prosecutions are merely being done to Interfere with, and Influence, our Elections. It is a dangerous time in America!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Read the full story by Janice Hisle of The Epoch Times here:

IN-DEPTH: Trump Dominates GOP Field in Early Endorsements—Leads DeSantis by 72–5

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Donald J. Trump

TITLE 42 EXPIRES NEXT WEEK. This date will go down in infamy!!! Our Borders will completely collapse. We will be, officially, a THIRD WORLD NATION!

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Donald J. Trump

Back in the USA, but sadly I see so many really bad things happening to our Country. The DOJ and FBI are destroying the lives of so many Great American Patriots, right before our very eyes. The Court System is a RUBBER STAMP for their conviction and imprisonment. All this while the Radical Left protects and coddles extremists and murderers at a level, and with intensity, never seen before. GET SMART AMERICA, THEY ARE COMING AFTER YOU!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Going into the heart of Enemy territory, but maybe the Enemy is changing?

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Donald J. Trump

When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025, we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

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Donald J. Trump

This Article, as written in The Wall Street Journal, is a truthful and very important one. The whole New York Judicial System is RIGGED against me, and everyone knows it. It’s a disgrace, and not only this Judge, there are others that are just as bad or, believe it or not, worse! It’s all a political Witch Hunt, in coordination with heavy handed, dishonest, and highly partisan prosecutors, working in conjunction with D.C. “Justice,” the likes of which our Country has never seen before!

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Donald J. Trump

With the Great and Wonderful Nelk Boys!

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Donald J. Trump

Arriving in the Great State of Iowa!

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Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump Announces New Hampshire Elected Leadership Team

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Donald J. Trump

Biden announced his presidential campaign by, get this, a prepackaged video, one that took 7 takes to get it “right,” if right is what you want to call it. In it he says TRUMP & MAGA pose a threat to Democracy. NO, IT IS BIDEN WHO POSES THE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY IN THAT HE IS GROSSLY INCOMPETENT AND BASICALLY, DOESN’T HAVE A CLUE! WE ARE NOW A NATION IN SERIOUS DECLINE, A NATION THAT HAS LOST ITS WAY. WE ARE LED BY A HOPELESS PERSON, BUT WE WILL WIN IN 2024 AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump

​Megyn Kelly Responds to Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News: ‘Terrible Move’

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Donald J. Trump

Trump Tops Amazon's Best-Seller Chart - What's Even More Impressive Is When It Happened

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Donald J. Trump

Interview of President Trump by @MarkRLevin. Congratulations Mark on being Number One!

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Donald J. Trump

If the 51 “Intelligence” Agents didn’t defraud our Country with Disinformation about the “laptop from hell,” the Election results would have been entirely different, and we would not now be a failing Nation!

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Donald J. Trump

I am pleased to see that Vivek Ramaswamy is doing so well in the most recent Republican Primary Poll, CBS YouGov. He is tied with Mike Pence, and seems to be on his way to catching Ron DeSanctimonious. The thing I like about Vivek is that he only has good things to say about “President Trump,” and all that the Trump Administration has so successfully done—This is the reason he is doing so well. In any event, good luck to all of them, they will need it!

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Donald J. Trump

The Special “Prosecutor” is harassing and threatening my people over the Document’s Hoax, while NOTHING is being done with respect to Crooked Joe Biden’s MANY TIMES MORE Documents, especially those stored in CHINATOWN & Delaware. Another RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, style Witch Hunt. Under the Presidential Records Act, I have done everything right, except that I probably should not have returned documents until it was ALL settled. I had every right to have them, with the right, also, to Declassify.

ALSO, just as in the Mueller Scam case, you can’t have Obstruction of Justice if there is NO CRIME or, even more so, if they MAKE UP A CRIME!

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Donald J. Trump

The leaking coming out of the Special “Prosecutors” Office and DOJ is unparalleled, and illegal. THEY ARE LEAKING EVERYTHING, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME OR GUARDRAILS. These people are thugs and criminals who allow ANTIFA & BLM to thrive and flourish, but who use full Gestapo force to shut down opposition and Interfere in our Elections. which is what this BULL…. is all about!

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Donald J. Trump

Ireland and Scotland are two really great and beautiful places to be. I was in “Doonbeg on the Ocean” in Ireland, after having just left what are two of the other greatest golf courses anywhere in the World, Turnberry and Aberdeen. It was an honor to be there, and a far greater honor to own such incredible properties. Lots of work was accomplished during my visits, which were long planned, and great renovations and improvements were approved by me. A new 2nd Course just started in Aberdeen!

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Donald J. Trump

At Trump Doonbeg on the Ocean, Ireland, just before leaving for the U.S.!

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Donald J. Trump

Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs! #AGENDA47

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Donald J. Trump

Will be leaving for Scotland & Ireland soon in order to see and inspect my great properties there. The Golf Courses and Hotels are among the Greatest in the World - Turnberry and Aberdeen, in Scotland, and Doonbeg, in Ireland. Will be meeting with many wonderful friends, and cutting a ribbon for a new and SPECTACULAR Second Course in Aberdeen. Very exciting despite the fact that it is “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” that is on my mind, in fact, America will be GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!!!

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Donald J. Trump

The Color Guard for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department, representing the L.E.A.F. Foundation. Great Event at Trump International!

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Donald J. Trump

Trump retires 'Crooked Hillary' nickname, unveils 'Crooked Joe Biden'

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Donald J. Trump

John and his wonderful wife, Margo, just Endorsed me. Thank you both!

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Donald J. Trump

See you tomorrow—Manchester, New Hampshire!

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Donald J. Trump

My new book is here! Get your copy today, LETTERS TO TRUMP. Already a #1 bestseller. A must-have for any MAGA Patriot. Get your copy now at

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Donald J. Trump

Fred Ryan, Publisher and CEO of The Washington Post, has always tried to hide the fact that he’s also Chairman of the Reagan Library. He knew the reaction from Real Republicans, not the RINOS that don’t care, would be volatile. He’s also hiding it from his Liberal Friends. President Ronald Reagan would not approve!

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Donald J. Trump

We. Will. Not. Be. Silenced.
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Donald J. Trump

I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them. When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the “questions,” why subject yourself to being libeled and abused? Also, the Second Debate is being held at the Reagan Library, the Chairman of which is, amazingly, Fred Ryan, Publisher of The Washington Post. NO!

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