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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Donald J. Trump

ANOTHER one of Crooked Joe Biden's Illegal Immigrant Criminals was just charged with raping and murdering ANOTHER innocent American woman! Rachel Morin was on a run in Maryland, just like Laken Riley was in Georgia, when she was brutally killed by an illegal monster who was wanted for murder in El Salvador and fled to the USA because he knew Crooked Joe would let him in. Now Rachel Morin's 5 young children will grow up without their mother because Crooked Joe refuses to shut down the border. As a matter of fact, this week, Biden is preparing to give MASS AMNESTY to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens! This is unsustainable and can't be allowed to continue! On day one, we will SHUT DOWN THE BORDER and start deporting millions of Biden's Illegal Criminals. We will once again put AMERICANS First and MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! To Rachel Morin's family and especially her 5 children, May God be with you! DJT

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Donald J. Trump

Is this really who you want to be your President?

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Donald J. Trump

The Turning Point Event in Michigan was incredible yesterday. It was rated as the most enthusiastic audience they’ve ever had - IT WAS SOLD OUT, BUT COULD HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT FOUR TIMES OVER. It was a great honor to be there!

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Donald J. Trump

WE MUST HAVE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS! Look at what is going on in Puerto Rico and beyond.

“Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico’s primaries”

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Donald J. Trump

Look at the Pope — He’s freaking out! This can’t be normal, can it?

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

Corrupt Soros backed Manhattan D.A, Alvin Bragg, at the direction of Crooked Joe Biden and his DOJ, has always known that there was NO CRIME in the Case he filed against me. He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,” but when forced to attack me for Election Interference purposes, Bragg attempted to make it look as bad as possible by “stacking the counts” - A TOTAL SCAM. The reality is that the whole Hoax is just about Legal Expenses being paid and marked as….Legal Expenses. Instead, the Prosecutors made up 34 counts out of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!

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Donald J. Trump

Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. Sam is now running for U.S. Senate in the Great State of Nevada, primarily because he knows that Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left are A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Our Country can no longer stand with this Corrupt and Incompetent “President” calling the shots. As your next Senator, Sam will fight tirelessly to secure our Border, end Migrant Crime, stop Inflation, grow our Economy, STRONGLY SUPPORT OUR GREAT MILITARY/VETS, protect our always under siege Second Amendment, and restore PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.

I have gotten to know Sam and his beautiful wife, Amy, a U.S. Army First Lieutenant, and I know in this next chapter of their Life of Service together, they will continue to make us all proud. Sam has already proven his Love for our Country, being horrifically wounded, and making the Comeback of a Lifetime. Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

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Donald J. Trump

Great Patriot Charlie Kirk, Head of Turning Point USA, has a wonderful new Book coming out next week, “RIGHT WING REVOLUTION.” It is a MUST READ for those who want to take our Country back from the Radical Left Lunatics who are destroying it. This will be very helpful reading for those looking to Save our Nation. Get your copy today!

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Donald J. Trump

The Fake News Washington Post came up with the ridiculous idea that Donald J. Trump will call for Mandatory Military Service. This is only a continuation of their EIGHT YEAR failed attempt to damage me with the Voters. The Story is completely untrue. In fact, I never even thought of that idea. Only a degenerate former Newspaper, which has lost 50% of its Readers, would fabricate such a tale. Just another Fake Story, one of many, made up by the DEAD Washington Compost!

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Donald J. Trump

I am the only Candidate who has ever called for delivering relief to our wonderful Service Workers by NOT TAXING THEIR TIPS. It was my idea that Tips should not be taxed, and only I will GET IT DONE - And do it IMMEDIATELY upon my return to the White House. Crooked Joe Biden has taken the totally opposite approach, trying to TAX more and more of their Tips, even hiring 88,000 IRS Agents to collect! In fact, Crooked Joe substantially increased the Reporting Requirements for Workers (2023!), and would go still further if I wasn’t here to watch. Biden could never, and will never, get done what I’ve proposed - Just like he never got Student Loan Forgiveness done. With Biden, it’s ALL TALK, AND NO ACTION. Hopefully Rank and File Union Members, Union Leadership itself, and Workers all over the Country, both Union and Non-Union, will support Donald J. Trump, because I’m NO TALK AND ALL ACTION! TRUMP KEEPS HIS PROMISES, AND STANDS WITH OUR GREAT WORKERS. PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT!

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Donald J. Trump

Crooked Joe Biden Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, just confused Ukraine with Iraq. He actually doesn’t know the difference, probably gets money from both, a Manchurian Candidate! He also said, in another Democrat Disinformation “hit job” like Russia, Russia, Russia, the “51 Intel Agents,” or the Fake FISA Reports, that I called dead American Soldiers, “losers and suckers.” Who would ever say such a thing? Only a sicko with an axe to grind would suggest that anyone would make such a statement. They even made these horrific words into an advertisement, which shows how desperate they are. No President, especially “dumb as a rock” Joe Biden, has done more for our Military than DONALD J. TRUMP. The Military hates Crooked Joe, and all of the failure he represents. Take down the Fake Ad, Joe, and stop the unprecedented Weaponization of “Justice” against your Political Opponent. You are destroying our Country!

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Donald J. Trump

We. Will. Not. Be. Silenced.
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Donald J. Trump

I truly wish people would remember that all of these “trials” are concocted and run by the Crooked Joe Biden White House, and DOJ, for the purpose of Election Interference and damaging Crooked’s Political Opponent, ME, as much as possible. These are not legitimate trials, they are merely part of an illegal POLITICAL WITCH HUNT the likes of which our Country has never seen before! MAGA2024

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Donald J. Trump

If you want to volunteer to help us turn out our target voters in your neighborhood, go to and sign up today!

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Donald J. Trump

The New York Post: “HOW NON-CITIZENS ARE GETTING VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS ACROSS THE U.S. —WELFARE OFFICES AND OTHER AGENCIES IN 49 U.S. STATES ARE PROVIDING VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS TO MIGRANTS WITHOUT REQUIRING PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP…” This is terrible, and the reason they want millions of people, many of them criminals, to pour into our Country. They are also using the big government agencies as campaign factories for “get out the illegal vote.” WHERE HAS OUR COUNTRY GONE? IT IS SO SICK AND TIRED. THE DEMOCRATS HAVE NO SHAME. WE MUST STOP THIS IN THE COURTS, IMMEDIATELY!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation, after they leave office. This could actually lead to extortion and blackmail of a President. The other side would say, “If you don’t do something, just the way we want it, we are going to go after you when you leave office, or perhaps even sooner.” A President has to be free to determine what is right for our Country with no undue pressure.

Without Immunity, the Presidency, as we know it, will no longer exist. Many actions for the benefit of our Country will not be taken. This is in no way what the Founders had in mind. Legal Experts and Scholars have stated that the President must have Full Presidential Immunity. A President must be free to make proper decisions. His mind must be clear, and he must not be guided by fear of retribution!

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

The Democrats are making up stories that I said Milwaukee is a “horrible city.” This is false, a complete lie, just like the Laptop from Hell was a lie, Russia, Russia, Russia, was a lie, and so much more. It’s called Disinformation, and that’s all they know how to do. I picked Milwaukee, I know it well. It should therefore lead to my winning Wisconsin. But the Dems come out with this fake story, just like all of the others. It never ends. Don’t be duped. Who would say such a thing with that important State in the balance? Vote for Trump, Wisconsin, I will not let you down!!!

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

Thank you, Dana White!

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Donald J. Trump

Professor Alan Dershowitz: “I’ve devoted sixty years of my life trying to defend and explain a Legal System based on Neutral Principles. That Legal System is gone. The Trump Case destroyed it.”

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Donald J. Trump

Biden Hates the Military!

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Donald J. Trump

Obviously, I never said that dead Soldiers are “losers and suckers.” Who would say such a thing? It was MADE UP DISINFORMATION by Radical Left Democrats, and Trump Haters, working with a failing Magazine, just like Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, FISA Fraud, 51 Intel Agents, and so much more. Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country. Nobody has done more for the Military than Donald J. Trump - I completely Rebuilt it, and added SPACE FORCE to boot! VOTE FOR TRUMP - MAGA2024!

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Donald J. Trump

See you soon—Join me live:

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Donald J. Trump

Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!

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Donald J. Trump

Rich Lowry: “Yes, it was rigged. The Alvin Bragg trial was everything that Trump warns about…The charges were rigged, the prosecution’s presentation of the case was rigged, the judge’s management of the case was rigged, the gag order was rigged, and the instructions to the jury were rigged. The whole thing was rigged from beginning to end, in the hopes of — to the extent this case and the guilty verdict will matter in November — rigging the presidential election… their recklessness has further undermined faith in the system, while the alluring idea that there’s a shortcut to diminishing or defeating Trump has so far proved illusory.”

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Donald J. Trump

I'm thrilled to be back in beautiful Arizona with thousands and thousands of proud, hard working American Patriots!

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