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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Donald J. Trump

WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida, where I won the Straw Poll against all other Republican candidates with 85.7%, with all polls showing me leading in the Republican Primary by very substantial numbers, almost everyone predicting that I will be the Republican Nominee for President, and as I am leading Democrat Joe Biden in the polls by a lot, HORRIFYING NEWS for our Country was given to me by my attorneys.

Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden's DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and indictment.

So now, Joe Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court (in retrospect, based on his corrupt and unethical actions, a very wise decision!), together with Joe Biden's Department of Injustice, have effectively issued a third Indictment and Arrest of Joe Biden's NUMBER ONE POLITICAL OPPONENT, who is largely dominating him in the race for the Presidency. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before, or even close. They illegally spied on my Campaign, attacked me with a totally Fake "Dossier" that was funded by Hillary Clinton's Campaign and the DNC, Impeached me twice (I won!), they failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt (No Collusion!), they failed on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 "Intelligence Agents fraud, the FBI/Twitter files, the DOJ/Facebook censorship, and every other scam imaginable. But on top of all of that, they have now effectively indicted me three times (the DOJ staffed and runs the D.A.'s Office in Manhattan), with a probable fourth coming from Atlanta, where the DOJ are in strict, and possibly illegal, coordination with the District Attorney, whose record on murder and other violent crime is abysmal. THIS WITCH HUNT IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND A COMPLETE AND TOTAL POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT! It is a very sad and dark period for our Nation!

Under the United States Constitution, I have the right to protest an Election that I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen, just as the Democrats have done against me in 2016, and many others have done over the ages. But the Democrats have gone much further than has ever happened before - they cheated on the elections. Rather than looking at the CHEATERS, the WEAPONIZED DOJ AND FBI target and harass those who complain about the cheaters, and the massive fraud that took place. The prosecutor involved in this case, and likewise the Boxes Hoax, the Manhattan and Atlanta District Attorneys, the New York A.G., etc., has been overturned unanimously in the Supreme Court, headed and caused the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, and failed miserably in his prosecution of John Edwards, where the case was forced to be dropped, along with numerous other catastrophes. He has had a vicious but disastrous career, and is a known biased and obsessed Trump Hater (as is his family). Whether it's their failure to mention the Presidential Records Act (Prosecutorial Misconduct), their dominance of the Manhattan D.A., including the fact that a Hillary Clinton lawyer, Mark Pomerantz, left a top Democrat law firm (run by Chuck Schumer's brother) to join the D.A.'s Office and become a prosecutor against me, and then quit, against all rules, regulations, and laws when the Office would not prosecute (he wrongfully wrote a book while working at the Office and is now under scrutiny!), or a perfect phone call made to many lawyers and a Secretary of State, without any protestation of my call, because nothing that was said was wrong, (it was clearly a complaint about an election), these are all Hoaxes and Scams made up to stop me from fighting for the American People - BUT I WILL NEVER STOP!

This has been a neverending fight from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, many years ago.

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have, and I’m allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act, he’s not. What about the Classified Docs he had in Chinatown, and on his garage floor in Delaware. Is he being charged under the Espionage Act? What about Penn Center, which receives China money, or the 1850 boxes that he is not wanting to release? Was Obama, Clinton, Bush, or others so charged? No, only “TRUMP,” because I am illegally being targeted!

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Donald J. Trump

Joe Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine is straining the U.S. military to the point of disaster. Just last week, Biden shockingly admitted that our arsenals are so badly depleted that the United States is running out of ammunition. Now, we see the ranks are growing so thin that reserve troops are being forced to support Biden's calamitous policy in Europe, while our own borders remain undefended.

Joe Biden can't even walk up the steps of Air Force One without tripping. The last thing this incompetent administration should be doing is pushing us further toward World War Three.

Yet Biden has proclaimed that he will continue sending American treasure and weaponry to fuel endless war in Ukraine for "as long as it takes." When I am reelected, it will take 24 hours. This conflict must end. Not one American mother or father wants to send their child to die in Eastern Europe. We must have PEACE.

As President, I will AGAIN rebuild America's military and restore the readiness and deterrence that Joe Biden has so dangerously squandered, and I will return to a foreign policy that puts AMERICA FIRST, so that we can once again have PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.

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Donald J. Trump

I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor. I am doing it for our Country, to show how evil and sinister a place it has become. MAGA!!!

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Donald J. Trump

The DOJ will not defend me in the E. Jean Carroll civil case, which is all part of the political Witch Hunt, lawyered up by a political operative who I just beat in another case, financed by a big political funder, and “judged” by a Clinton appointee who truly hates “TRUMP.” The statements that I made about Carroll are all true. I didn’t Rape her (I won that at trial) and other than for this case, I have NO IDEA WHO SHE IS, WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE, OR ANYTHING ABOUT HER.

The Carroll civil case against me is a Miscarriage of Justice and a total Scam. The trial was very unfair, with the other side being able to do and present virtually anything they wanted, and our side being largely and wrongfully shut down by an absolutely hostile, biased, and out of control judge. My lawyers, due to their respect for the Office of the President and the incredulity of the case, did not want me to testify, or even be at the trial.

The net result of this horrible INJUSTICE, where a completely unknown to me woman made up a ridiculous story, wrote it in a book to increase publicity and sales, I correctly disputed the story and got sued for Defamation, whereupon a hostile Judge and Jury shockingly awarded a woman who I don’t know, have never known, and don’t want to know, $5,000,000, while at the same time throwing out the Fake Rape claim. WE ARE STRONGLY APPEALING THIS TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration. These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended. If, as Biden inadvertently admitted, the reason for sending cluster bombs now is that the United States is “running out of ammunition” (a great breach of classified information), that only further emphasizes the urgency of immediately deescalating this bloody, dangerous, and out of control conflict. It certainly means we should not be sending Ukraine our last stockpiles at a time when our own arsenals, according to Crooked Joe Biden, are so perilously diminished. 

There could be no more vivid proof that Joe Biden’s policy of endless war in Ukraine has tremendously weakened the United States than the humiliating admission that the USA is now out of ammo, something our enemies are undoubtedly salivating over. This "admitted" weakness is an invitation to enemies all over the world. Joe Biden is needlessly and dangerously leading us into World War III, which would be a nightmare beyond imagination—obliteration! 

We must stop this insanity, immediately end the bloodshed in Ukraine, and return to a focus on America’s vital interests. Most importantly, we must completely rebuild our depleted military so it is once again so strong—like it was just 3 years ago when I rebuilt it—that no nation would even think of threatening our people. We must have "PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH" and in a short time, the Presidential election of 2024 will produce that result.

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Donald J. Trump

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Donald J. Trump

The public is demanding to know the White House “Cocaine Story.” Just like I QUICKLY PROVIDED SECURITY TAPES FROM MAR-a-LAGO on the BOXES HOAX, the White House has Security Cameras (far more than Mar-a-Lago!) all over the place, especially the location in question. THEY 100% KNOW WHO IT IS. If they don’t release information, it means they destroyed the tapes & the Cocaine was for use by Hunter, & probably Crooked Joe, in order to give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy!

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Donald J. Trump

Crowd Goes Wild as Trump Arrives at UFC Fight - Even the Announcers Are Stunned

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Donald J. Trump

Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt. Biden’s Special Prosecutor, by comparison, has spent almost nothing. Prosecutorial Misconduct for purposes of Election Interference!

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Donald J. Trump

Deranged Jack Smith purposefully omitted the Presidential Records Act from his sham Indictment, even though he knows that the PRA is the only law that applies to this subject. Nor does he mention the Clinton Socks Case, or any of the many others cases that are exactly on point, and completely vindicate me. He should be ashamed of himself but, more importantly, he, the DOJ, and the FBI, should be sanctioned for PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT and Grand Jury Abuse. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Where are the White House SECURITY TAPES, like the ones I openly and happily gave to Deranged Jack Smith, which will quickly show where the Cocaine in the White House came from??? They already know the answer, but probably don’t like it!

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Donald J. Trump


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Donald J. Trump

Happy FOURTH OF JULY to everyone. We are working hard, we will take back our Country, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. The 2024 Election is our LAST GREAT CHANCE!

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Donald J. Trump

Way ahead of Biden and all Republicans in the polls. Thank you!

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Donald J. Trump

Just heard that I (WE!) won the big Turning Point Straw Poll in a BLOWOUT, getting 85.7% of the Vote. Ron DeSanctimonious came in a solid 3rd with 4.3%, Vivek got 2%, and Sloppy Chris Christie, as usual, got a big, fat, ZERO! Turning Point put on a GREAT event in West Palm Beach, setting all kinds of records, including in attendance!

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Donald J. Trump

​Rep. Wesley Hunt, Descended From Slavery, Says He’s Proud of American Heritage


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Donald J. Trump

​Trump to Host ‘Sound of Freedom’ Screening Next Week


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Donald J. Trump

It has just been announced that the “investigation” of Cocaine in the White House has ended. Despite all of the cameras pointing directly at the “scene of the crime,” and the greatest forensics anywhere in the World, they just can’t figure it out? They know the answer, and so does everyone else! In the meantime, they continue to target and investigate me, for years, in what has been called the greatest Witch Hunt of all time - Over NOTHING!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE & a Two Tier Level of Justice.

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Donald J. Trump

Sloppy Chris Christie, who is polling at 1% and left his State, New Jersey, with an Approval Rating of 9% (the WORST number in State History), was interviewed on FoxNews (of course!) and stated that I only built 47 miles of Border Wall, knowing that the actual number is 463 Miles, as reported by the Department of Homeland Security. This does not include many Miles that we fixed or renovated, or areas that I got Mexico to secure. BEST BORDER EVER! He also lied about Russia & many other subjects!

Sloppy Chris Christie is thrashing about, doing and saying anything to stay relevant. He desperately wanted to join the Trump Administration, but I said “NO!” In 2016, he spent most of his time away from New Jersey in order to campaign for President, much like Ron DeSanctimonious is doing now to Florida. Chris ended up getting run out of New Hampshire, where he had almost no vote or popularity. They knew him well - CHRIS CHRISTIE IS A TOTAL LOSER!

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Donald J. Trump

On the anniversary of the July 11 protests in Cuba, Joe Biden has betrayed the Cuban people and surrendered Cuba to Communist China. By allowing China to sink their teeth into the island and establish military bases 90 miles off our shore, something unthinkable, Biden not only risks our own national security, but he abandons the dream of freedom for those many amazing Cuban Americans who under my administration, were going to get their wish.
Today, we also ask God to strengthen and watch over all the political prisoners and protestors being cruelly held captive by this evil regime. Three years ago, the Cuban nightmare was ready to end. The Biden administration has given it up - but I will get it back again. We pray for the day when all of Cuba will be free.

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Donald J. Trump

Was Crooked Joe Biden on Cocaine when he instructed the FBI/DOJ to illegally invade my home, Mar-a-Lago, in complete and total violation of my 4th Amendment Rights? Was he on Cocaine, or various other substances, when he, for the first time in U.S. history, had his political opponent, who is leading him in the Polls by a lot, indicted and arrested (twice, if you include the DOJ run Manhattan D.A.’s Office)? WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE!!!

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Donald J. Trump

I love Iowa, protected & expanded Ethanol, got 28 Billion Dollars from China for our great Farmers, ended the Estate (Death!) Tax on farms, made the best TRADE deals in history (USMCA, China, & many more), introduced the World to our FARMERS, & kept Iowa’s “First in the Nation” status. I opened up the Governor position for Kim Reynolds, & when she fell behind, I ENDORSED her, did big Rallies, & she won. Now, she wants to remain “NEUTRAL.” I don’t invite her to events! DeSanctus down 45 points!

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Donald J. Trump

The PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT rules the FAKE Indictment brought against me by the Department of Injustice and Deranged Jack Smith. They never even mention this FACT, and should be severely sanctioned for that and the WEAPONIZATION of Law Enforcement. I have been illegally TARGETED by very corrupt DOJ & FBI Trump Hating Thugs!!!

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Donald J. Trump

THANK YOU — IOWA, and thank you to all of the INCREDIBLE Law Enforcement Officers from both Iowa and Nebraska!!!

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Donald J. Trump

Whatever happened to the 1,850 BOXES of Documents that Biden won’t show to anybody? What about the Docs found in Chinatown, D.C., and those in his unsecured garage, where Hunter stayed as China was sending Biden millions and millions of dollars for doing absolutely “nothing?” Maybe the nothing was “for doing plenty!”

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Donald J. Trump

Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden. But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was “very small,” & it wasn’t really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish. Has Deranged Jack Smith, the crazy, Trump hating Special Prosecutor, been seen in the area of the COCAINE? He looks like a crackhead to me!

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Donald J. Trump

As my Poll numbers go higher & higher, the Communists, Marxists, & Fascists get more & more CRAZY with their ridiculous Indictments & Election Interference plans & plots, all controlled by an out of control, & very corrupt, DOJ/FBI. They have WEAPONIZED Law Enforcement in America at a level not seen before. Deranged Jack Smith, who is a sick puppet for A.G. Garland & Crooked Joe Biden, should be DEFUNDED & put out to rest. Republicans must get tough or the Dems will steal another Election. MAGA!

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Donald J. Trump

Trump’s Documents and the Bob Kerrey Precedent



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