Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States https://donaldjtrump.com
Crooked Democrat Prosecutors, many of them Racists in Reverse, are trying to steal a second Presidential Election. They did it in 2020, and we’re not going to let them do it again in 2024. MAGA!!!
Читать полностью…The sirens that went off in Ukraine during Biden’s speech were STAGED, FAKE, PHONY. He knew it, and so did everyone else. Scam!
Читать полностью…Join these popular conservative voices on Telegram:
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🇺🇸 @PearFEED (top posts)
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Kim Jung Un of North Korea, who I got to know and got along with very well during my years as President, is not happy with the U.S. and South Korea doing big training and air exercises together. He feels threatened. Even I would constantly complain that South Korea pays us very little to do these extremely expensive and provocative drills. It’s really ridiculous. We have 35,000 in jeopardy soldiers there, I had a deal for full payment to us, $Billions, and Biden gave it away. Such a shame!!!
Читать полностью…World War III has never been closer than it is right now…
HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY! This is a time, perhaps more so than at any time in our Country’s history, that we need GREATNESS in the position of President. Does anybody believe that we have that now? I don’t think so. WE ARE A NATION IN SERIOUS DECLINE, & WE MUST MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, & FAST, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!
Читать полностью…Our once great Country has never seen Political Weaponization like they are seeing today. This is the Gestapo and KGB all wrapped up into one. We’ve got to take our Country back and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
Читать полностью…Join these popular conservative voices on Telegram:
🇺🇸 @real_DonaldJTrump
🇺🇸 @TheIJR
🇺🇸 @EpochTimes
🇺🇸 @TheAmericanTribune 🔥
🇺🇸 @Project_Veritas
🇺🇸 @JimJordanOH
🇺🇸 @WesternJournal
🇺🇸 @AmericasDoctors
🇺🇸 @LetsGoBrandon
🇺🇸 @KayleighMcEnany7
🇺🇸 @NTDNews
🇺🇸 @TrumpChannel
🇺🇸 @PearFEED (top posts)
See More: t.me/ConservativesOnTelegram/183
EPIC FAIL: Rihanna gave, without question, the single worst Halftime Show in Super Bowl history — This after insulting far more than half of our Nation, which is already in serious DECLINE, with her foul and insulting language. Also, so much for her “Stylist!”
Читать полностью…Will Trump Hating Prosecutor Jack Smith be investigating the FACT that they SPIED on my campaign, even as I was in the Oval Office, they Stuffed the Ballot Boxes (per 2000 Mules), used Covid to cheat, that the FBI pushed Twitter & Facebook around, causing massive voter disruption, and so much more? That’s really what he should be looking at, not asking a very decent Mike Pence why he didn’t send the votes back to State Legislatures for scrutinization, which he could have done. Get the RIGGERS!
Читать полностью…We must Make America Energy Independent Again! https://rumble.com/v28w5uc-agenda47-president-trump-on-making-america-energy-independent-again.html
Читать полностью…Biggest story on Election Fraud in USA History currently going on in Congress. Mainstream Media HATES IT! Horrible Borders, even worse Elections - 2020 WAS RIGGED!
Читать полностью…He said, “We’re going to need oil for another decade.” And then what, Joe, our poor Country will be economically destroyed, and never able to recover from what you’ve caused, and that includes the millions of people who are illegally pouring through our Borders!
Читать полностью…So “funny” to watch the Biden folks try to explain the Balloon episode with China and, as always, use Disinformation to try and bring me into it. In the midst of a heated exchange they say “this happened during the Trump Administration, that’s right, ya, ya, The Trump Administration, that’s it.” Just like Russia, Russia, Russia, and all the rest, it’s Democrat disinformation (lies!), IT NEVER HAPPENED!
Читать полностью…This is the most dangerous time in the history of our Country. World War III is looming, like never before, in the very dark and murky background. “Leadership” is solely responsible for this unprecedented danger to the USA, and likewise, the World. HOPELESS JOE BIDEN IS LEADING US INTO OBLIVION!!!
Читать полностью…Little respected Representative Eric Swalwell was just kicked off the Intelligence Committee for reasons of “Integrity and lack of Intelligence” and, for having the poor judgment of dating and falling desperately in love with a Chinese Spy, Fang Fang, whose honey net has gotten massive amounts of information for her beloved China. This idiot is now calling (for publicity purposes only!) for some Great American Patriots, including me, to be banned from the Capitol. Fortunately, people understand that Swalwell is a “low life,” not respected by anybody, and merely used for entertainment reasons by the Fake News Media to continue their assault on President Donald J. Trump, and America!
Читать полностью…So interesting to watch FoxNews cover the small and unenthusiastic 139 person crowd in Staten Island for DeSantis, but stay as far away as possible from coverage of the thousands of people, many unable to get in, at the Club 47 event in West Palm Beach, Florida. I call FoxNews the RINO Network, and their DOWN BIG Ratings accurately reflect the name. If FAKE NEWS CNN was smart, which they're not, they'd go Conservative & “All Trump, All the Time,” like in 2016, and become a Ratings Juggernaut.”
Читать полностью…ANYBODY running for the Office of President of the United States should agree to take a full & complete Mental Competency Test simultaneously (or before!) with the announcement that he or she is running, & likewise, but to a somewhat lesser extent, agree to a test which would prove that you are physically capable of doing the job. Being an outstanding President requires great mental acuity & physical stamina. If you don’t have these qualities or traits, it is likely you won’t succeed. MAGA!
Читать полностью…If you watch and understand the moves being made by Biden on Ukraine, he is systematically, but perhaps unknowingly, pushing us into what could soon be WORLD WAR III. How crazy is that?
Читать полностью…Biden and FEMA said they would not be sending federal aid to East Palestine. As soon as I announced that I’m going, he announced a team will go. Hopefully he will also be there. This is good news because we got them to "move." The people of East Palestine need help. I'll see you on Wednesday!
Читать полностью…Many of the so-called “documents” that the “Gestapo” took in the Raid of Mar-a-Lago, unlike the”No Raids of Biden,” were merely inexpensive and very common folders with words such as “Presidential Reading,” “Confidential,” “Classified,” or other words stamped on the front cover. There was nothing inside of the folders because, during meetings where information was passed out, say at the Oval Office, when finished the papers inside were taken back, but the empty folders were left behind.
I would put them in a pile and keep them as momentous. Nothing wrong with that, but sounds to me that the Injustice Department views these as DOCUMENTS - They are not! These people are just out looking for trouble! Should be checking Biden’s unsecured classified docs instead. How about the 1,850 Boxes sent to Delaware. That’s the mother load! Or separately, how about revealing who spied on my campaign, stuffed the ballot boxes, or paid off the FBI? That’s what people want to hear!
Radical, Woke NARA, which placed nasty Warning Labels on our great Constitution, Declaration of Independence, & Bill of Rights, colluded with the Department of Injustice, FBI, & Hopeless Joe Biden & his lawyers to try and hide the FACT that Joe has, & had, Classified Documents at his China funded “Think Tank,” & other locations. These same Weaponized Agencies Persecute & Harass me, my family, & my supporters. They are a disgrace! RESTORE EQUAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA. Shut down the Marxists. MAGA!!!
Читать полностью…Biden’s SOTU Speech was, at 27,000,000, the Lowest Rated such Speech in history. I was close to 50,000,000 people watching. So how did Biden get 81,000,000 in the 2020 Presidential “Election?” I’ll tell you how—It was RIGGED!!!
Читать полностью…Look, he worked hard tonight, it’s not a natural thing for him, it never was, and never will be, but you’ve got to give him credit for trying. I disagree with him on most of his policies, but he put into words what he felt, and he ended up the evening far stronger than he began. Give him credit for that. Many things weren’t mentioned that should have been, but that’s for another time. I’ve done a little clip, perhaps you’d like to watch it. Good night everybody, and God Bless America!
Читать полностью…Stumbling, bumbling, he just can’t get the words out. I don’t want that to happen, but the World is watching, and it's not a pretty sight!
Читать полностью…Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, radically deranged Mark Pomerantz, led the fake investigation into me and my business at the Manhattan D.A.’s Office and quit because D.A. Bragg, rightfully, wanted to drop the “weak” and “fatally flawed” case. Now, Pomerantz got himself a book deal, and is obsessively spreading falsehoods about me. With all of this vicious disinformation being revealed by a “prosecutor,” how can I ever be treated fairly in New York, or anywhere else? End the Witch Hunts!
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