Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump Reserved for the 45th President of the United States https://donaldjtrump.com
Court documents suggest FBI had informants in the Proud Boys
Vindman's Case Against Trump, Giuliani Thrown Out of Court as More Anti-Trump Lies Exposed
READ: https://letsgobrandon.plus/vindmans-case-trump-giuliani-thrown-court-anti-trump-lies-exposed
→ @LetsGoBrandon
I had great success over the years, starting in 2016, in beating Club for Growth, a Conservative group of very nice people who, for whatever reason, fought me all the way. Then they wanted to get together with me (were losing a lot), made peace, and we had an unblemished list of endorsement victories, but sadly, broke over J.D. Vance, who they didn’t like, & I did. They spent a fortune against him, but I endorsed J.D., he did great, & WON big. Guess they now like RINOs!
Читать полностью…Agree with this 100%! Mitch McConnell is a disaster for the Republican Party and the Country. He should have improved Infrastructure to fix it, not the Green New Deal, wrapped up like Infrastructure. He gave the Democrats 4 Trillion Dollars to throw out the window, and backed bad candidates like Lisa Murkowski.
Читать полностью…It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault. Spending money to defeat great Republican candidates instead of backing Blake Masters and others was a big mistake. Giving 4 Trillion Dollars to the Radical Left for the Green New Deal, not Infrastructure, was an even bigger mistake. He blew the Midterms, and everyone despises him and his otherwise lovely wife, Coco Chow!
Читать полностью…RIGGED ELECTIONS, OPEN BORDERS = Third World Countries. The USA is a failing Nation!
Читать полностью…So in Maricopa County they’re at it again. Voting Machines in large numbers didn’t work, but only in Republican districts. People were forced to wait for hours, then got exhausted or had other things to do and left the voting lines by the thousands. Even Kari Lake was taken to a Liberal Democrat district in order to vote. Others weren’t so lucky. This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes. They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!
Читать полностью…What a great idea for our country. I’m sure he’d be great on the Border, on Crime, and a really sharp negotiator against the new President for Life in China!!! https://breakingheadlines.news/co-hosts-cant-help-laugh-msnbc-host-suggests-fetterman-presidential-material
Читать полностью…Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?) in Virginia couldn’t have won without me. I Endorsed him, did a very big Trump Rally for him telephonically, got MAGA to Vote for him - or he couldn’t have come close to winning. But he knows that, and admits it. Besides, having a hard time with the Dems in Virginia - But he’ll get it done!
Читать полностью…Very strange things are happening with the votes cast in Nevada and Arizona. Stay tuned!
Читать полностью…Now that midterms are over, and a success…
NewsCorp, which is Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and the no longer great New York Post (bring back Col!), is all in for Governor Ron DeSanctimonious, an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations, who didn’t have to close up his State, but did, unlike other Republican Governors, whose overall numbers for a Republican, were just average—middle of the pack—including COVID, and who has the advantage of SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!
Ron came to me in desperate shape in 2017—he was politically dead, losing in a landslide to a very good Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam, who was loaded up with cash and great poll numbers. Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse him, he could win. I didn’t know Adam so I said, “Let’s give it a shot, Ron.” When I Endorsed him, it was as though, to use a bad term, a nuclear weapon went off. Years later, they were the exact words that Adam Putnam used in describing Ron’s Endorsement. He said, “I went from having it made, with no competition, to immediately getting absolutely clobbered after your Endorsement.” I then got Ron by the “Star” of the Democrat Party, Andrew Gillum (who was later revealed to be a “Crack Head”), by having two massive Rallies with tens of thousands of people at each one I also fixed his campaign, which had completely fallen apart. I was all in for Ron, and he beat Gillum, but after the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen.
And now, Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, “I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future.” Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer…
This is just like 2015 and 2016, a Media Assault (Collusion!), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive. The Wall Street Journal loved Low Energy Jeb Bush, and a succession of other people as they rapidly disappeared from sight, finally falling in line with me after I easily knocked them out, one by one. We’re in exactly the same position now. They will keep coming after us, MAGA, but ultimately, we will win. Put America First and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
If CNN were smart, they’d open up a Conservative network, only have me on, and it would be the most successful network in History. Fox only made it because of me, Twitter only made it because of me, and even Facebook is now in the tubes, having lost almost $90 billion in value since I was taken off, which was considered one of the biggest mistakes in business over the last two years, because with Trump go tens of millions of people who believe in MAGA, who want to Make America Great Again, and Put America First!
Читать полностью…For those many people that are being fed the fake narrative from the corrupt media that I am Angry about the Midterms, don’t believe it. I am not at all angry, did a great job (I wasn’t the one running!), and am very busy looking into the future. Remember, I am a “Stable Genius.”
Читать полностью…I’d like to apologize to Melania and Sean Hannity for all of the Fake News and fictional stories (made up out of thin air, with no sources despite them claiming there are!), being dumped on you by reporters and “News” Organizations who know these stories are not true. The Fake News Media is “Crazed” and totally out of control. I only wish the public could understand how really corrupt and crooked they are. They MAKE UP stories and then push them down your throats. Our Country is in big trouble!
Читать полностью…WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! https://rumble.com/v1udtj8-live-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-special-announcement-at-the-mar-a-lago.html
Читать полностью…Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!
Читать полностью…Wow! They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!
Читать полностью…Hopefully, tomorrow will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!
Читать полностью…We. Will. Not. Be. Silenced.
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Idiot, and possibly corrupt, officials have lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona. MACHINES BROKEN IN REPUBLICAN AREAS. A NEW ELECTION MUST BE CALLED FOR IMMEDIATELY!
Читать полностью…Now they’re finding all sorts of Ballots in Clark County, Nevada. They are pulling out all stops to steal the Election from Adam Laxalt. Mitch McConnell, the Republicans Broken Down Senate Leader, does nothing about this. He’s too busy spending vast amounts of money on bad Senator Lisa M of Alaska, when Kelly S is FAR better. Should have fought and stopped the steal in 2020. Gave Dems 4 Trillion Dollars, never used Debt Ceiling. He is the WORST!
Читать полностью…WE WON! Pelosi is gone, we take Congress and, if we can stop their very obvious CHEATING, will also take the Senate. Big Victory, don’t be stupid. Stand on the rooftops and shout it out loud!
Читать полностью…These people are incompetent corrupt. Their finding some very strange ballots? Be careful, we MUST PROTECT KARI & BLAKE! #2020 https://postmillennialnews.com/upBfXv
Читать полностью…So sad to see Republicans attack and foolishly tarnish the results of the Midterms. WE WON, Nancy got fired and is on her way to foreign lands, Republicans are taking over the House and, importantly, its Committees, and may very well win the Senate Majority, depending on whether or not Arizona or Nevada Elections are RIGGED (which I believe they are!)?
Читать полностью…The New York Post today has a story about the Wall, but my progress on the Wall was slowed down by News Corp Board Member Paul Ryan, who together with the Broken Old Crow Mitch McConnell, weren’t able to get me the funds. I ended up getting them anyway, after two-and-a-half years of lawsuits, through another source, and completed the Wall plus certain additions that were made, which could have been done in three weeks, but no, the Biden Administration stupidly wanted Open Borders.
Читать полностью…Clark County, Nevada, has a corrupt voting system (be careful Adam!), as do many places in our soon to be Third World Country. Arizona even said “by the end of the week!” - They want more time to cheat! Kari Lake MUST win!
Читать полностью…Despite having picked so many winners, I have to put up with the Fake News. For me, Fox News was always gone, even in 2015-16 when I began my “journey,” but now they’re really gone. Such an opportunity for another media outlet to make an absolute fortune, and do good for America. Let’s see what happens?
Читать полностью…There is a Fake Story being promulgated by third rate reporter Maggie Hagaman of the Failing New York Times, that I am blaming our great former First Lady, Melania, and Sean Hannity, that I was angry with their pushing me to Endorse Dr. Oz. First of all Oz is a wonderful guy who really worked hard and was a very good candidate, but he WAS LONG IN THE RACE before I ever Endorsed him, they had NOTHING to do with it, he was not a “denier” (his mistake!), & I was not at all ANGRY. Fake News!
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