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Real Factz®

👆 The Salema Porgy is a species of fish that can cause hallucinations when eaten. In Ancient Rome it was consumed as a recreational drug. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 A strawberry isn't an actual berry, but a banana is. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 A report found that the free weights at the gym have 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 People who work 11 hours or more a day are 67% more likely to have a heart attack than people with an 8-hour work day, according to a study. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women. @Realfactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Half of all women who die from homicide are killed by their current or former husbands or partners. @Realfactz

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Real Factz®

👆 People with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance. @Realfactz

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👆 Ears and Nose never stop growing. @Realfactz

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👆 The ozone layer is showing signs of healing, thanks to the worldwide ban on chlorofluorocarbons. @Realfactz

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Real Factz®

👆 People who procrastinate may be more likely to have insomnia, a study found. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 47% of millennials said in a survey they sometimes use their Smartphones to avoid people around them. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 When two people kiss, they exchange between 10 million and 1 billion bacteria.

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Real Factz®

👆 "Otherkin" are people who identify as mythical creatures instead of humans.

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Real Factz®

👆 Edison electrocuted an elephant in 1903 to prove Tesla's AC current was dangerous. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 XANTHOPHOBIA is the fear of the colour yellow. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 One pint of donated blood can save up to 3 lives. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 When you first meet people it is common to forget their names - a phenomenon called the ‘next-in-line' effect. This is because people are too worried about themselves, and what they'll say next, to focus on remembering the names of people they're introduced to. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Fidel Castro led Cuba for five decades and was the world's third longest-serving head of state, after Britain's Queen Elizabeth and the King of Thailand. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 1 in 3 worldwide deaths in 2012 were caused by Cardiovascular diseases. @Realfactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Globally, women are paid less than men. Women in most countries earn on average only 60 to 75% of men's wages. @Realfactz

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Real Factz®

👆 In Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower. @Realfactz

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👆 When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb. @Realfactz

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👆 Female glow-worms attract mates by the green luminescence of their "lanterns." @Realfactz

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👆 Before he married Martha, George Washington was in love with Sally Fairfax, his best friend's wife. @Realfactz

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👆 Physical exercise 4 hours after learning improves long-term memory, a study found. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Kissing a baby on the ear can make it go deaf because of a condition known as "cochlear ear-kiss injury."

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Real Factz®

👆 Kissing someone for one minute burns about 2 calories.

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Real Factz®

👆 No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance. @RealFactz

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Real Factz®

👆 Injecting gold into the body can help fight cancer. @RealFactz

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