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Читать полностью…List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui1_firmware_cn
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
[Android - 9 Custom Roms for Realme X]
◽ Lineage OS 16.0 by Sagar Makhar
◽ AEX by Sagar Makhar
◽ Flyme by PDYLZY
◽ Oxygen OS by PDYLZY
◽ Mokee 9 by Art_Chen
◽ MIUI 11 by Art_Chen
◽ Candy Rom by Rajat Gupta
◽ CrDroid by Raunaq Seth
◽ AICP by Raunaq Seth
◽ Pixel Experience by Ritik Gupta
◽ Derpfest by Ritik Gupta
◽ Evolution X by Ritik Gupta
◽ GamerRom by Cyberdev
First Of All you need to be on Rui 1 To use In Depth apk and
Second Of All You cannot unlock Bootloader Cz Realme Servers Are down
It won't brick But The first step is to unlock Bootloader
Which Cannot be done now
1. Drain your phone's battery to 0%, till it shuts down.
2. Charge the phone till 100%, without using it while charging.
3. Drain the battery to 0%.
4. Now charge up to any percentage you want and use normally.
I won't recommend you to do this frequently, it will degrade your battery. Just try to keep battery percentage in between 30% to 80% and it'll surely increase your battery's life in long term usage.
KernelSU-Next for Realme X (RMX1901)
For Android 14 and 15 RUI2 BASED ROMS
- NON-GKI kernel supports
- New manager features and UI ovehaul.
- Manager app can get auto updates from new releases.
Download: KSU | Manager
Screenshots: here
For more: here
Source: here
- Thanks to @Bava7325 for rui2 base source
[Guide to flash Stock]
Same method for downgrading from RUI to COS6 (Unlocked bootloader & TWRP is required)
1. Flash TWRP by Mauronofrio (type #recovery)
2. Flash vbmata (type #vbmeta)
3. ("A" for downgrade to ColorOS 6 / "B" for Flashing RUI)
(A) Download the COS6 A.12 (Global) or COS6 A.22 (Chinese) files from here 👉 COS6_A.12 or COS6_A.22
(B) Download the latest RUI OTA file from 👉 Realme website (Eg: C.01/C.02)
4. Take all your data's backup (Including Stock OS ozip file) to PC as you need to Format Data (Which will erase all your files)
5. Then transfer the Stock OS ozip file to device internal storage
6. Go to TWRP >> Wipe > Wipe all except Internel storage & USB
7. Go to TWRP >> Install >> Flash the Stock OS ozip file
8. Go to TWRP >> Wipe >> Format Data >> Type YES
9. Wait for few minutes as it will take time to boot & Enjoy 👍👍
🔰 Note: This method is not for relocking bootloader. Your bootloader unlocked remains same. If you want to relock bootloader (type #relock_bootloader)
List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui1_firmware_cn
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
Download the rom .. extract the zip then keep the boot.img along with dtbo.img aside .. flash it via
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
[Realme Flash Tool for Realme X]
Check Tutorial here 👉 https://c.realme.com/in/post-details/1280819845490802688
(Works For both Global & Chinese Variant)
➡️ Deeptesting_RealmeUi.apk
➡️ Deeptesting_Global.apk
➡️ Deeptesting_Chinese.apk
If anyone need help, tag admins 👤
Indepth app not working in realme x , it closes when I open . Please help I want to unlock bootloader
Читать полностью…When will realme server open for unlocking bootloader???
Читать полностью…Can anyone tell me that if I have no experience of flashing rom in this phone ..then it would brick or not ?
Читать полностью…https://drive.google.com/uc?id=10tf_nQGquq_qF5IEwqXjZunGpqG2gHA8&export=download
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