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[Guide to flash Stock]
Same method for downgrading from RUI to COS6 (Unlocked bootloader & TWRP is required)
1. Flash TWRP by Mauronofrio (type #recovery)
2. Flash vbmata (type #vbmeta)
3. ("A" for downgrade to ColorOS 6 / "B" for Flashing RUI)
(A) Download the COS6 A.12 (Global) or COS6 A.22 (Chinese) files from here 👉 COS6_A.12 or COS6_A.22
(B) Download the latest RUI OTA file from 👉 Realme website (Eg: C.01/C.02)
4. Take all your data's backup (Including Stock OS ozip file) to PC as you need to Format Data (Which will erase all your files)
5. Then transfer the Stock OS ozip file to device internal storage
6. Go to TWRP >> Wipe > Wipe all except Internel storage & USB
7. Go to TWRP >> Install >> Flash the Stock OS ozip file
8. Go to TWRP >> Wipe >> Format Data >> Type YES
9. Wait for few minutes as it will take time to boot & Enjoy 👍👍
🔰 Note: This method is not for relocking bootloader. Your bootloader unlocked remains same. If you want to relock bootloader (type #relock_bootloader)
But ig Realme Bootloader unlock Servers Are dead
Читать полностью…List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
WTA, Can realme UI with Android 11 use the deeptest here?
Читать полностью…Yeah, I don't like your flooding. Ridho has been temporarily muted for 1 hour.
Читать полностью…Oh damn! Thank you, bro. It is working now!!
Читать полностью…minor leakage in R1 side secondary vertical damper
Читать полностью…If You Want to unlock bootloader you have to go to A10
Читать полностью…[UNLOCK BOOTLOADER]
(Works For both Global & Chinese Variant)
➡️ Deeptesting_RealmeUi.apk
➡️ Deeptesting_Global.apk
➡️ Deeptesting_Chinese.apk
If anyone need help, tag admins 👤
Читать полностью…Search in settings Quickswitch and change the launcher
Читать полностью…Flashed again, no default home app sadly. Rom is unusable
Читать полностью…I know brother but there is no launcher app showing in default home app
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