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[ROM flashing guide]
➡️ Unlock bootloader (#unlock_bootloader)
➡️ Flash TWRP (#recovery)
➡️ Flash Cos6 or RUI as required
➡️ Format data & Reboot
➡️ Copy ROM file + gapps from PC to Device
➡️ Open TWRP wipe all except internal storage
➡️ Flash Custom ROM
➡️ Format data & Reboot system
🔰 Note:
▫️ Downgrade from RUI to COS6 if needed to boot cos6 based roms
▫️ Format data will erase all your internal storage (#format_data)
▫️ If facing boot image destroyed error, flash vbmeta (#vbmeta)
[Guide to flash Stock]
Same method for downgrading from RUI to COS6 (Unlocked bootloader & TWRP is required)
1. Flash TWRP by Mauronofrio (type #recovery)
2. Flash vbmata (type #vbmeta)
3. ("A" for downgrade to ColorOS 6 / "B" for Flashing RUI)
(A) Download the COS6 A.12 (Global) or COS6 A.22 (Chinese) files from here 👉 COS6_A.12 or COS6_A.22
(B) Download the latest RUI OTA file from 👉 Realme website (Eg: C.01/C.02)
4. Take all your data's backup (Including Stock OS ozip file) to PC as you need to Format Data (Which will erase all your files)
5. Then transfer the Stock OS ozip file to device internal storage
6. Go to TWRP >> Wipe > Wipe all except Internel storage & USB
7. Go to TWRP >> Install >> Flash the Stock OS ozip file
8. Go to TWRP >> Wipe >> Format Data >> Type YES
9. Wait for few minutes as it will take time to boot & Enjoy 👍👍
🔰 Note: This method is not for relocking bootloader. Your bootloader unlocked remains same. If you want to relock bootloader (type #relock_bootloader)
Kya aage future mein bhi koi chance NAHI hai bootloader unlock hone ka???
Читать полностью…In online forum someone said that service centre can unlock upto 1000 device
Читать полностью…Download the rom .. extract the zip then keep the boot.img along with dtbo.img aside .. flash it via
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata
1. Fastboot Method - vbmeta img
Type the command in ADBfastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
2. Recovery Method - vbmeta zip
If u have Custom Recovery then simply flash it
NOTE: Before flashing 1st method make sure you are using latest adb/fastboot or platform tools or you might face error. (Type #platform_tools)
I have not unlock bootloader till kow. After doing that can I flash android 15 custom ROM directly. My mobile is running in android 11
Читать полностью…List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
[Official Custom ROM Specific Groups]
▫️ Ancient ROM | Realme X
➡️ @ancientRMX1901_RMX1921
▫️ RROS + OctaviOS | Realme X
➡️ @RROS_RMX1901
▫️ Hyper Build Support | Realme X
➡️ @newgrouphyper
▫️ Realme - Oxygen OS community
➡️ @realmeoxygenos
Читать полностью…List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
Is realme server down to unlock bootloader of realme x right now????
Читать полностью…Bro Why Th Will Service Centre Unlock Your Phun
Читать полностью…first Rollback to A10.
Then use *deepest apk* to get bootloader unlock permission.
Unlock Bootloader using PC.
Flash Custom Recovery.
Then Flash whichever Custom Rom that you want 🙂.
List of notes in Realme X | OFFICIAL:
- apatch_guide
- battery_calibration
- best_rom
- channel
- chmod_guide
- cos6_a12
- cos6_a22
- cts
- dc_dimming_apk
- disable_system_apps
- dolby_pie
- dolby_q
- downgrade_rui1
- dtbo
- dual_speaker
- fix_fastboot_ryzen
- flash_tool
- fonts
- format_data
- gamespace_rui
- gapps
- gboard_gapfix
- gcam
- gcam_ar
- gsi_guide
- image_destroyed
- kernel
- laucher_mods
- lawnchair_gestures
- magisk
- magisk_22.1_canary
- minimal_adb
- netflix_apk
- netflix_customrom
- oneplus_launcher
- ot
- pbrp_a12
- permissiver_v5
- platform_tools
- pubg_90fps_unlocker_module
- realmeui_rollback_cn
- realmeui_rollback_gl
- recovery_logo_stuck_fix
- relock_bootloader
- relock_guide_rui
- remove_bloatware
- romflash_guide
- rom_groups
- roms_a09
- roms_a10
- roms_backup
- root_f.02
- rui2_f.06_cn
- rui2_fwb
- rui2_ofox_f2fs_recovery
- rui_ad_blocker
- rui_bankingapp_fix
- rui_cn_globalization
- rui_firmware_only
- rui_recovery
- screens
- selinux_manager
- shadymods_rui
- stock_flash_guide
- stock_recovery_rui2
- termux_adb
- themes
- theme_trialfix
- twrp_a12
- unlock_bootloader
- usb_driver
- usbfix
- vbmeta
- vbmeta_rui2
- viper_a11
- viper_q
- youtube_vanced_nonroot
- youtube_vanced_root
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
Yeah, I don't like your flooding. Adnan has been temporarily muted for 1 hour.
Читать полностью…Rollback to RUI 1.0 :
Flash from file manager or stock recovery...
N.B= Backup your data because all will be deleted after flash..
For Indian Variant : Download
For Chinese Variant : Download