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You know how girls are always talking about grey sweats on guys?

Well, the same thing happens with the grey sol shorts #justsaying #TantricCEO

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The skin eats everything we put on it

Wouldn’t you want to feed it yummy organic extra virgin olive oil?

rather than chemical slop from big companies

sol soap

The best and purest, handmade soap you can get

One bar lasts over a month

Available at

Our Black Friday Sale is on now

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Natural Bodybuilding: Back and Arms

New Video LIVE ON YouTube

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Vision or imagination is the ability to visualise conditions and things days, months, or years into the future; given the eyes of the mind there is not limit to your capabilities.

From the beginning of time, nothing has ever existed in the physical realm without first being envisioned in the realm of the mind.
Everything you see around you was brought into the physical realm by concentration of will/focus on a visualised image.

The law of visualisation calls into being in the outer material world everything that is real in the inner world. Imagination pictures the things you desire.

Make your mental image clear enough, picture it vividly in every detail. BELIEVE IN IT, and the force that takes the impression of your mind speedily brings it into everyday reality, through paths unseen to us but to us nonetheless.

There is nothing you rightfully desire that cannot be brought into being through visualisation. This is your power as a human, to use your mind to tap in to the global consciousness, God, in order to Live a life of abundance and health.

Suppose there is a job position you desire: see yourself as you are now, sitting in the general manager’s chair. See your name on the door. See yourself handling the affairs of the job as you would tackle them. Consider that picture EVERY DAY AND NIGHT.

Get the crystal clear image impressed on your subconscious, and the Magic behind your mind will take it away and find

Most people don’t see success in their lives because they are using the power of visualisation in the wrong way. If you picture sickness, fear, failure, lack, terrible things, even in a joking way then your powerful subconscious will bring these into your life. The successful and conscious man has no time to dedicate to such thoughts because he knows that it is power wasted.

Keynotes of successful Visualisation:
⁃ See things as you would have them be instead of how they are
⁃ Close your eyes and make clear mental pictures
⁃ Make them act and look as they would in real life
⁃ Day dream, but with a purpose.

Concentrate on one idea to the exclusion of all others, and continue to concentrate on that idea until it has been accomplished.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

hey team. any resources for an australian looking to get exemption from the special medical sauce? legal rules/rights, documents or otherwise.

Their work is likely going to mandate it soon.

For a friend. Thank you

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just sent! check inboxes

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Here is a collection of my books I’ve gathered over the past year or two

They range from the esoteric, to health, to bodybuilding, to love, to business and a whole lot more.

Zoom in, see any that appeal to your intuition and go consume the info! Adding to our brain’s capacity and knowledge pool will always be a great thing to do.

I recommend physical copies as you never know when they will delete ‘problematic’ books that don’t align with the powers that be.

Happy reading!

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Please Sign

"We are opposed to the Biosecurity Amendment (Enhanced Risk Management) Bill 2021, specifically in relation to broadening the scope of the current Biosecurity Act 2015 to include biosecurity enforcement orders upon "classes of individuals", specifically requiring them to wear specified clothing or equipment (108M), to be relocated and detained (108L), for an indefinite time (108 (2) ) and to provide body samples to the World Health Organization (108P). While we understand that these changes are meant to be imposed upon groups arriving into the country by plane or vessels, it does not expressly exclude the possibility of it also being applied to other "classes" of people such as the unvaccinated, or to certain ethnic, religious or politicosocial groups residing within Australia."

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞


a. Having no balance or symmetry: 
b. Uneven in distribution.

An asymmetric BET is one that is UNEVEN in terms of its return vs its ‘failure’

In life you can make bets or choices that have an exquisite return compared to what happens if it doesn’t come to fruition - your life being exactly the same as before.

There are potential long term benefits which exponentially outweighs the short term costs

Asymmetric Bets you should be making:

Asking out that hot girl
⁃ Possible return: model wife
⁃ Possible downside: she says no thanks 🙁

Taking a punt on a low cap crypto /early NFT
⁃ Possible return: 10x+ Return on Investment
⁃ Possible downside: you lose 500-1000 bucks (not lifechanging)

Paying for dinner
⁃ Return: friends have a beautiful meal and enjoy themselves
⁃ downside: ‘losing’ dinner money

Showcasing kindness
⁃ Return: someone feels amazing for the day, you have a new relationship started
⁃ downside: possible feeling silly? Literally none

Membership at High End Health/Fitness Club
⁃ Return: being around successful beautiful people and supercharge your health
⁃ Downside: spend a bit more money per week

Cooking own food religiously:
⁃ Return: a healthy body, better mind and strong fizeek
⁃ Downside: small time investment, more money on groceries

Just because there isn’t an exact tangible immediate return on things doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing

The biggest risk in life is taking no risks and never opening yourself up to the magic around you

Downside of life being the exact same.
Upside of magisterial proportions.

Think in terms fo asymmetric bets and see your life expand magically.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞


The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve but a reality to experience

The mental framework we operate from can determine whether we stress about every little thing, or laugh and roll with the punches and the ups and downs.

Life is not a puzzle where we have to figure out the best way to perform, where we can ‘fail’ and therefore become a failure. The only failure is not learning the lessons and not enjoying the process.

What is the meaning of life? Ultimately there is not one distinct path that, when discovered, will click everything into place and your life will be smooth sailing forever. However, if you can program your mind to enjoy the experience of everything then you will become much more resilient.

Despite the trials and tribulations of life, always consider life the most precious gift the Cosmic ever granted to us, because it is the vehicle through which we spiritually evolve and the source of the happiness we seek. The simple fact that we experience lows can mean we are alive and kicking. A ‘low’ means there’s something to be fixed, which we should be grateful to be conscious of!

The journey IS the destination.

The aim of all human beings is to perfect themselves; to become better persons. A constant beautiful struggle to be better than the version of yourself from yesterday. Don’t compare yourself to others, as they are on a different path. Apples to oranges.

Therefore, constantly endeavor to awaken and express the virtues of the soul that animates you. In doing so, you will contribute to your evolution and serve the cause of humanity, as we are all connected. When you improve yourself, you indirectly improve everyone.

If you can:
⁃ pursue what sets your soul on fire
⁃ do no harm to others around you, and in fact
⁃ RAISE others up by your interactions with them
⁃ treat animals well as you do humans
⁃ have a growth mindset where you are an eternal student
⁃ Smile at and love the around you DESPITE the negative feelings you may have
⁃ Treat pleasure and pain as temporaries and not let them define your actions
⁃ Express gratitude

Then you’re well on your way to succeeding in This thing called life.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞


There are many beliefs that we hold about the world that can create a feeling of battle or fighting with it - this often happens when we try to force a path that we are not meant to be on. People in lower levels of vibration feel that everyone is working against them, that nothing goes right for them, and that there is some panel of evil schemers who are acting against your success.No one is really working against you at a macro level, and within you lies everything you need to succeed.

Instead, affirm that the universe is aggressively on your side. Drum in the belief into your head that everything happens because it is a stepping stone to your inevitable success. The universe is a place of abundance, if you choose to view it that way. By shifting from fighting with the world to living with a secret power of the entire world being with you, you begin to act and live in a powerful way. With the entire universe on your side, what can stand in your way? The answer is nothing. By accepting and acknowledging that within you is a fragment of the entire world, why would the world conspire against you? Utilise the power and magic of being connected to the entire energetic swirling that is this world, and manifest its power in everything you do.

Everyone knows what paranoia is, but have you heard of Pronoia? a person experiencing pronoia feels that the world around them conspires to do them good. This is a state of being that is unendingly beneficial to curate. When you go through life with the default setting of ‘wow this is a good thing, everything that happens brings me closer to my total success’ it begins to fulfil itself infront of your eyes. Your subconscious begins to perceive all the ways that the universe is helping you out. In doing so, it creates more opportunities for abundance.

Belief becomes perspective and perspective creates reality. It does not seem logical, but It Is true. As we want to pursue the mental model that brings us the most success, when we cultivate pronoia we bring into reality the belief that the world wants us to win. When we believe this, more wins fall into our laps.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞


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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

How the Conscious Impresses on the Subconscious to Create Reality

“Reality is a stream divided into two parts - the conscious and the subconscious.

The conscious is personal and selective
The subconscious is impersonal and non-selective,

The conscious is male, the subconscious is female.

The conscious is the realm of effect, the subconscious is the realm of cause.
The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.

The subconscious does not originate ideas, but accepts as true those which the conscious mind feels to be true and, in a way known only to itself, objectifies the accepted ideas. Therefore, through his power to imagine and feel and his freedom to choose the idea he will entertain, man has control over creation. Control over the subconscious is accomplished through control of your ideas and feelings.

Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt - be it good, bad or indifferent - it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does not control his feeling may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states.

By control of feeling is not meant restpeint or suppression of your feeling, but rather the disciplining of self to imagine and entertain only such feeling as contributes to your happiness.

Never entertain an undesirable feeling, nor think sympathetically about wrong in any shape or form. Do not dwell on the imperfection of yourself or others.

To do so is to impress the subconscious with these limitations.

What you do not want done unto you, do not feel that it is done to you or another.
This is the whole law of a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.

Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature, must be expressed. ‘I am healthy’ is a stronger feeling than ‘I will be healthy’.”

- from Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

bLuE bLoCkErS dOn’T dO aNyThInG

If you work at a computer, check your phone at all after the sun goes down, use blue blocker glasses - I use the best at

You will sleep better as a result.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

Coastbrah in our 100% cotton joggers

Which are ON SALE

we are ALSO running a buy one get one half off deal with code: SWEATS-MATCH

Sort your winter training gear here

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

Who wants raw milk available everywhere you go?

This is the mission of $ MILK on Sol.

Legalize Raw $ MILK

We have seen our collective meme power on seed oils and so many other issues...

Let's continue the momentum

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

sol gym lifters club

against all odds

100% cotton oversized tees available now

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

An investment in higher quality food is an investment in your health long term

What are the hidden costs of the cheaper food you don’t realise?

"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food."

When you put the effort in to eat well and cook your own food, the energy, ease of digestion and mood you feel is worth every penny.

People will balk at the idea of spending a coupe hundred dollars on a water filter… but that is something you will use all day every day for years in order to facilitate the quality of your health for ever more. Think in terms of return on investment.

You eat better, you live better, look better and feel better. What will be the quality of your income when you feel a million bucks and have the extra energy to pursue your side hustle after work, rather than being lethargic from eating uber eats again?

The follow on effect on your epigenetic code of quality environment in al things will mean your kids are healthier as well.

People buy a pint of beer no problems every weekend, but spending 20 extra dollars a week on a high end health club with a sauna is considered too much. Realign the values of your monetary spending with what gives you the best long term benefits.

When you invest in yourself, you are more present and loving to your family and those around you. When you have all the micronutrients needed you perform under stress that much better.

Some tips for living higher quality:
- organic foods, free roaming animal foods (farmers markets have this for cheaper)
- water filter, shower filter
- higher quality whole food supplements free from filler agents (not cheap Chinese made garbage)
- non synthetic toiletries, clothes, cleaning products,

If you want a further, complete breakdown of how you should eat for vitality, read my book Cooking with Sol Brah, link in bio or head to

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

you should believe you have elite genetics in every capacity

Anything else is spiritual cuckery

Why would you set yourself up from the get go to lose?

You need to believe that you are effortlessly capable of building lean muscle at every stage of your life - if you give up and believe it’s not possible you signal to your body to exhibit that non-belief and then you’ve already lost

It’s like not running in a sprinting race, complaining that your lane to run in is longer than everyone else’s. You’re resigning yourself to last place without even trying.

I never had ‘good genetics’ until I started training hard for years.
Now that the results are there, people say I have ‘good genetics’. I Would still be a skinny lad if I hadn’t started training.
None of my family are as muscularly developed as me, none have eaten and trained and slept the way I have for years.

Epigenetic expression of the genetics you have are downwind of how you live your life and the environment your body is exposed to.

Limning biological beliefs:
“I have low testosterone”
“I am a hard gainer”
“My body doesn’t respond well to training”

And limiting mental beliefs:
“I’m a bad learner”
“I’m stupid”
“Nobody likes me”
“Most Businesses fail”

These are all common place and are reinforced by our society unconsciously, but never can you hold such beliefs and achieve success in your life.

Your previous conditioning is forming this perspective which is creating your reality.

with all things - your BELIEF in it is the powerful thing - this is why you should CHOOSE to see anything in your life as an inevitable sign of your impending massive success in any realm.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
What if I told you that giving up is the only failure?

You WANT to be the unrealistic one, the relentlessly determined person, the OUTLIER that takes everything in their stride
Most people are afraid of success and so subconsciously push it away. NEVER let mediocrity soak into you because people are afraid of their potential.


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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

Solcast Apparel grey and black sweatpants coming VERY soon - cosy szn is inbound

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New Sweatpants and OG Sol Shorts Restock coming too

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The calves are relatively limited in the way they can be trained. Everything is a toe raise of some sort. Add into the mix that they don't provide a satisfying pump, as is the case when working the chest or arms. They just burn. The key to killer calves isn't in the exercises, but in the method in which they're employed.

That's the key.

It may be hard to believe that any workout session that lasts for only a few minutes can be very effective. Yet, in the case of calve training, it's not only possible--it's preferable.

Here's how it's done.

Pick only one calve exercise. Your goal will be to reach 75 reps.

Use a weight that you would normally choose for a twenty rep set. Complete the 20 reps and continue until you can't do another rep.

Rest just long enough for the burning to subside (no longer than 10 seconds) and continue with as many reps as possible, even if it's only 5 reps at a time.

Proceed in this fashion until you reach the target goal of 75.

That's it! Total time? Under 4 minutes. Granted, it's a very painful four minutes, but four
minutes nonetheless.


You may feel a tinge of guilt that the routine took so little time but you'll have a different point of view the next day when your calves are aching like they've never ached before! Do not be tempted to do more work! Wait and see. If you're still able to walk, you either didn't go heavy enough or you allowed too much time between "sets."

Once you're able to tolerate this routine, increase the number of reps to 100. Once that becomes too easy, (which I wouldn't count on happening in the near future) add more weight.

Give this four minute workout a try for a month and see for yourself if it doesn't make a dramatic difference in the size and shape of your calves.

Even if your calves aren't your best bodypart, there's no reason they can't look good. All it takes is 4 minutes a week. And a high tolerance for pain.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

This is a question that we probably receive the most in our DMs/emails. Younger guys in their late teens/early 20s that need direction. We get it so much that we built the Train Everything program around it. I am going to go over some of the key components you have to nail down to make sure you're on the right path.

I will go progressively from why to what to how.

1. Why not waste time? You need to understand you don't have as much time you think. More importantly, time is not linear. What this means is that your next minute will pass relatively faster than the last minute you just passed. And this passes exponentially faster as the minutes go by. This is why people always say they feel like time is going by faster as they age. So if you are doing a linear calculation of "I am 18 years old now, I have another 12 years left before I am 30", it makes sense on paper, but that time will realistically fly by like the difference between 18 and 30 is 5 years rather than the 12. What is the point of saying this? You don't have as much time as you think.

2. What should you do now that you know time is running out? You will never be able to logically walk yourself out of the proverbial procrastination/laziness. You are designed to save energy and you will not defeat your biology. What you can however do is use your biological survival instincts to trigger urgency. The way to do that is to put yourself in positions you are stacked against the odds. Yes, against the odds. You want to run a business? You have a 99% chance of failing, statistically. You want to apply for a job? You have a 90% chance of not even getting an interview. You want to close sales? You have a 60% chance of not closing, assuming you are an amazing sales person already. When you position yourself in these situations, with no fallback in place (no going back to your mom/dad, no borrowing money from friends etc) you will trigger your survival mechanism. You will watch your procrastination and laziness disappear.

3. What is the strategy you want to have to maximize profits and minimize pain? Your goal should be to stack up experience as fast as you can on other people's dime. This will allow you to make mistakes which is crucial if you don't want to rack up debt and lose peace of mind and learn expeditiously. My recommendation is going into sales, performance marketing or coding. These three fields will never go out of jobs as long as humanity exists. When you are learning in these fields, your end goal should be to graduate from this learning phase as fast as possible and do whatever you are doing, on your own terms.

4. How to avoid overthinking? General rule of thumb, you should not be thinking of anything that you are not doing. For example: You are not actively working in a sales job - you are not allowed to think "What if I don't close enough sales when I get a sales job". This way you stay tuned into reality rather than just going into full blown fantasy land of whats/ifs/buts. There is no reason to waste time thinking because when you really need to think, you will be in action and your thinking will be heavily optimized.

Side note, we are announcing the Train Everything program on Sunday so keep an eye out. Planning to take only 3 this time and one of the spots have already been taken. Will be sharing how the last group felt about the program this week.

Drop questions if you have any below. Until next time.


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read my cookbook here

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Who would you like to see me Solcast with?

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

The Fear Door

What we know as ‘fear’ is the state of our sympathetic nervous system being aroused. What this means is Our bodies are perceiving something as being Relevant to our survival in that moment.

It enables us to heighten the systems in the body that help us to become aware of our surroundings; to react quicker in situations that we perceive as new to us - hence possibly dangerous.

For instance the body redirects blood from the digestive system to the muscles and brain, as food is not a priority, moving and thinking IS.

In our lives, this feeling of ‘fear’ acts as a door through which lies our greatest experiences, lessons and opportunities in life. Because It is the unknown or the unfamiliar, our body turns up perception.

when we are presented with something that gets us ‘anxious’ or ‘fearful’ - be it seeing a beautiful girl and wanting to ask for her number, putting your hand up for a key new work responsibility, singing out loud infront of people for the first time... This preparation response is activated.

Too many times, we walk up to that door, feel that familiar feeling of fear and it keeps us from walking through - because we are afraid.

you worry about the possible embarrassment.
You worry about It going wrong, it not working out like you imagine it to.

But think back to all the times you DID take the ‘risk’, you fought the temporary feeling of fear and charged through that door to the other side.

It’s NEVER worked out WORSE off. And 99/100, it’s a positive experience, maybe you meet someone new or develop a new connection, you progress in some meaningful way, you learn a valuable lesson, you practice a skill…

All of this potential for life experiences is behind that initial Fear Door.

Reframe this Fear Door as the Excitement Portal.

When we feel the heartbeat rise, we get that feeling in the stomach - that’s your body PREPARING in the way it knows how for new experiences and beautiful challenges.

We are not ‘scared’ - we are EXCITED.

Then, using that newly awakened energy, charge through that Portal and into your new experience.

What’s on the other side, is up to you.

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With various internet outages today please go sign up to my email list at

Haven’t used much but communications will come through there if other platforms go down.


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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

Common Misconceptions about Semen Retention (SR)

SR is one of the most powerful tools for young men to supercharge their masculine energy, bringing an extra level of vibrance into all areas of their life. But some coomers or otherwise misinformed people rally against it:

⁃ If your argument is ‘I get too horny’

GOOD. This was DEFAULT state of man - this force is what encouraged man to CONQUER - TO achieve things in this life, to accomplish great tasks so that he becomes a man worthy of a high quality mate. The key is too transmute this horniness energy into creation, into physical activity, into singing and dancing, into LIFE. Even if you want to satisfy that horniness, then talk to real life girls! Do not allow yourself to fall into debase activity of touching yourself like a monkey.

⁃ If you don’t do semen retention because ‘finishing feels good bro’

Know that if you retain your semen and shift your energy up the spine you can access full-body orgasms that are far more pleasureable and lengthy than the standard ones AND keep your masculine power but not busting = Feels WAY better bro. Imagine pulsing waves of pleasure similar to when you bust, but through your body and up the spine to the point where your head feels light and you merge with your girl. Read Multi-Orgasmic Man for more.

⁃ If your argument is that you enjoy sex

You can still have sex! Just eliminate the 15 seconds of ejaculation at the end of that activity. IN fact, when you remove the end-based goal of sex of orgasm from the equation, you become much more present and conscious of the entire process of sex. Each moment within that is a different experience that only gets better the longer you do SR. Practice your kegel exercises to have control over your muscles and slow down if you are getting too close. Make sure to breathe.

⁃ If your argument is that your girl wants you to finish

Then make sure she knows why you’re doing it. When you’re harder, more often, when you have an insatiable desire to consume her, when you feel more radiating love for her, when your energy fields merge together in the heights of tantric passion - she will understand why you’re not busting and support it.

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🌞 Sol Nation 🌞

But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices—to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.
For us, who have grown staid over time, even this most moderate path of resistance will be not be easy to set out upon. But how much easier it is than self-immolation or even a hunger strike: Flames will not engulf your body, your eyes will not pop out from the heat, and your family will always have at least a piece of black bread to wash down with a glass of clear water.
Betrayed and deceived by us, did not a great European people—the Czechoslovaks—show us how one can stand down the tanks with bared chest alone, as long as inside it beats a worthy heart?
It will not be an easy path, perhaps, but it is the easiest among those that lie before us. Not an easy choice for the body, but the only one for the soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already have among us people, dozens even, who have for years abided by all these rules, who live by the truth.
And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country!
But if we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down, while our comrades the biologists bring closer the day when our thoughts can be read and our genes altered.
And if from this also we shrink away, then we are worthless, hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin asks with scorn:
Why offer herds their liberation? 
Their heritage each generation
The yoke with jingles, and the whip.

February 12, 1974

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