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Where to learn full use of the IDE?
Hello everyone. Excuse me, I would like to ask you if you can recommend reading, courses, YouTube videos, Medium articles, whatever it takes to know and learn how to use the Android Studio IDE. I feel that I do not know its full potential and I think I am wasting a great opportunity there. Thank you all very much...
How do I speed up Android Studio?
Whenever I open Android Studio, it'll randomly start freezing for 10-20 seconds at a time. Any way I can speed it up? Using an i7-2600, 16GB RAM and not using an emulator....
SharedFlow is not getting collected in previous fragment when another fragment is added on top
Here is my MainActivity :
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var binding : ActivityMainBinding
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
binding.button.setOnClickListener {
binding.fragmentContainerView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
So Long, and Thanks for All the Bytes
Tiny App, BIG Results! Open Any URL Faster with on Android with Intent Filters!
Video/photo data collection
GitHub - CharlesMoreira1/lingshot: Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack Compose, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...
Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1 Canary 10 now available
The first Dev Preview of Android 15 is here!
ChatGPT and DALL-E for WearOS (WristAssist v3)
I developed an app (WristAssist) for Smartwatches that allows you to talk to GPT-3 and GPT-4 just like the real ChatGPT.
You are even able to generate images with DALL-E, and share them to your phone.
The app is available in PlayStore and at GitHub. ...
Firebase notification
If a I want to send notifications to users how many user can i handel in free version ...
I created a new launcher app for productivity. I ran Google ads. Installs coming. but no users use productivity mode. I use Firebase events for tracking this.
People who have the Events feature available on Google Play, how do you create one?
May I ask if someone in this sub has the Events & Offers available to use in their Google Play account? Please let me know how I can check if my account has this feature as well.
How to take a good path, with trying to get a job? And how I can tell, when I truly know basics about specific framework, library in android development?
I've just got my engineer, and I wanted to get back to learning android. I've wanted to start new project, and learn new things. The struggle is - I don't know what kind of project to do. For now, I've got two projects, which are using
* Retrofit, okHttp
* LiveData,Flow
* Room database
* Navigation components
* Unit tests
* Hilt
and other, smaller things, like RecyclerView, Glide etc. I'm constantly getting worried, that whenever I'll point these libs in my resume, I will fail whe...
Does an android app has unique fingerprint on every device?
I need to use an app with 2 different accounts. Its agains the rules of the web site to have 2 different accounts, but i have no problem using it when i use browser and delete cookies, etc...
But if i download the app and after each use I delete the cache and data of the app, can i be detected by something like fingerprint/ID of the app or something else?...
Seriously, how do you work?
I've been working with Android on personal projects for a few years and I'm just wondering if i'm doing it wrong, or if this is truly the "experience".
1. Android studio is spotty, at best. Wireless debugging seems to work with the luck of the gods, and every now and again it gets stuck on indexing and you have to delete cache files. Goodbye 2-3 hours of your time trying to figure this out.
2. Google documentation is not great. Try implementing Health Connect - the documentation is from previou...
Is media3 migration worth it?
I have a small music & podcast player app that was built on Android's native MediaPlayer. Eventually, I migrated over to Exoplayer2. Only a few months later, Google's Android team deprecated Exoplayer2 and launched media3. The , so called, migration script provided by the Android team doesn't properly work. There is tons of unncessary name changes involved in the migration. And wha...
Logging Interceptors
Where is the Energy Profiler on Android Studio
Hello, dear Android Development community,
I am facing a problem. I want to see the Energy Consumption Profiler from the Profiler tool. However, it says that it has been moved to the System Tracing.
Energy Profiler has moved
However, in System Tracing I can't find anything regarding the Energy Profiler">No Energy Consumption Found
I'm Surprised
The last time I did "native" Android development was late 2020 for a freelance project, and I HATED every bit of it!
Java is already a maze of boilerplate, but I can live with that, but the views XML designs? That's unbearable, everytime that I've ever touched Android Native those XML designs made me sick to my stomach, and I haven't mentioned yet how slow Android Studio was, or how bad Gradle build times were.
After that project I decided to quit Android development and switch to Flutter, and...
Custom ROM that lets you take control over your network filtering
I am looking for a custom ROMs, if any, that can make you take a stricter control over the web content that arrives to your smartphone.
The goal would be to have a phone with certain locked DNS entries, which cannot be changed unless factory resetting the phone, and that can't be bypassed with stuff like VPNs, Tor, DOT, DOH or other common methods. Or essentially something that would make a lot easier and permanent to filter web content and have major control.
This is quite specific, i know....
Is a dependency injection framework really needed for Kotlin?
Dependency Injection frameworks like Dagger really make a lot of sense of Java or a mix or java and Kotlin but when it comes to pure Kotlin code, why can't we provide default values in constructor itself? That solves the largest problem of Dependency Injection principle - that dependencies can be swapped out with fakes or mocks for testing.
For injecting dependencies via interfaces, we can just provide a default implementation in the interface's companion object. That way we can pair an interfa...
Android 15 Developer Preview released
Different ways to change the color of Status bar and Navigation bar in Android Jetpack Compose
shubhgajjar2004/different-ways-to-change-the-color-of-status-bar-and-navigation-bar-in-android-jetpack-compose-edd1c5542257" rel="nofollow">
What have your interviews been like recently? Android has changed alot in 2-3 years . What are some questions asked in recent interviews?
Mods sorry if this post isn't allowed.
We all know android has changed a-lot and now interviewers are asking for kotlin knowledge. What are some interview questions asked that you didn't expect? or What subjects you feel are important to know now. Tool recommendations that you feel could help any developer out there when developing apps.
This is not a "help me" post more of a bringing awareness to changing technologies etc. ...
Android app doesn't work on S24 Utra
I develop an app for my company. My boss is using it. Today I received a notification from my boss that the login screen failed to enter information (entering information in editText did not display). My boss is using the S24 Ultra. My App has been deployed for 3 years and works normally. I'm not sure if it's my boss's phone or the s24 ultra because I don't have a physical device to check. Does anyone have an app error on s24 ultra?...
Openmw android launcher
On-device AI / ML / NLP to convert natural language text into JSON calendar event?
I'd like to create a prototype app that converts a text input (natural language) into a specified JSON format on device.
For example, the user could write (or say, which will be converted to text with speech to text) something like:
>Set up an event for next Monday at 18:30 with Tom to discuss the new CI/CD pipeline. Make it 15 mins.
Schedule a weekly sync with Adam and Kate for Mondays at 8 in the morning.
These should be converted to something like:
"title": "New CI/CD pipeli...
Associating app link to an Android library
Cross-posting here for more visibility. This issue is driving me nuts:
I have developed an Android library that has UI components/screens that will be consumed by my own app as well as multiple other client apps. There is a flow within my library that will launch a browser to complete some tasks and ...
Invalid Data deletion link on Play-store
I have submitted an update to my app on Play-store with data deletion link on the Data safety form, but I got an email containing this error after 10min.
Policy Declaration - Data Safety Section: "URL provided does not link to a valid page"
This is the page the link opens: