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When clicking on composable in code, Preview is not telling me where is that specific composable

It does not happen in XML or is there a bug in my studio?. To manage layout properly i have to rebuild app and than i can see layout deeply but my laptop is not enough powerful to handle build for small changes it cost my time...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Recommendations for freelance portfolio

I have no programming background and I am currently learning native android development by myself. As you can guess my portfolio is empty and I have 0 proof of the skills I acquired so I guess I should build a potfolio first before wasting money on connects that won't land a job.

My question here is how should I go about that? Should I do a 6 month big project by myself and that would be enough to start or should I do more smaller projects? I would appreciate telling me the number and the size...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Does android webview can do isolation?

How to isolate android webviews so that Cookit and indexeddb are not shared among multiple webviews when multiple webviews are opened?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Introduction to KGPs Gradle Model

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AndroidDev - Reddit

jetpack compose code push

There are code push solutions for flutter and react native, also webview app. But is there any for compose?

some i found:
1. some server driven ui with compose, tutorial and project
2. compile to dex/apk then use dynamic code loading, it's forbidden on store...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android studio: Nothing to show

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AndroidDev - Reddit

What permission must be in my xml to upload images?

My question is simple but I’m confused about the language used.

If users want to upload images from their camera roll, do I need a permission for that?

I don’t understand what READEXTERNALSTORAGE really entails, and READMEDIAIMAGES is “required only if your app needs to access images or photos that other apps created.”

I don’t really know what that means. I just want users to be able to upload photos, like on Instagram. Which should I use?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

New to Android Development from the Web

Hello everybody.

I've played around in android studio a few times, but only recently am I focusing on developing an application. I am working towards learning jetpack compose and just curious about the steps I should follow and what recent resources there are to learn all that's needed, not just the UI part.

I want to understand the build system, dependencies, and configuration before I jump into UI and logic. Anybody know of RECENT tutorials or at least the topics I should go over before beg...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Blend mode in Compose doesn't work

I'm trying to make so that my content (`Surface` with `Text`) is clipped by circle and only what's inside the circle is visible. I'm using `BlendMode.DstIn`, but it doesn't seem to work properly.

If I use solid black color, then I get the result if the mask has not been applied at all.
If I use semi-transparent color, then I get the result of content within circle being semi-transparent as well, but everything outside stays.

Why is the content outside of clipping circle ignored? `BlendMode.D...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

What is the right technique to automate Android builds from command line with gradlew command?

I want to build my Android Studio project from command line as opening it consumes too much RAM. Besides, my app is "WebView heavy", most of the work happens in HTML/JS/CSS inside of the webview, so it makes sense to build the APK/AAB directly from command line for testing. So far, I'm able to generate bunlde with the below command after setting the JAVA_HOME to `\path\to\android-studio\jre\jre`

gradlew bundle

However, this generates only the bundle file (*.aab) and that too the unsigned o...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Can’t hackers just remove the Play Integrity API?

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Local notification for android 14+

Hi I am new to android dev, i have an issue with my projects local notifications not working on android 14+ device for a new install.
I understand with android 14+ that the alarm/reminder permission needs to requested at runtime. When I use the same methods I use to request post notifications permission for this, nothing happens. The only way I have come up is to make an intent that takes the user to the settings page to toggle the alarm setting.
Is this correct way? Seems strange that other pe...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Have review times significantly increased for anyone else recently? It happened since we updated our Policy status.

Google are notoriously bad at telling you why your review is taking longer, even though from past experience there's always a reason, which you kind of just have to figure out yourself. Curious to hear if anyone else has noticed issues. Thanks...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

How can I get started developing an Android USB input device, like a custom keyboard/macropad? (more details inside)

I'd like to be able to build something like a macropad (or a similar type of small custom keyboard device), connect it to my Android phone, and be able to execute functionality based on keyboard inputs

An example would be something like a mini-keyboard with hard keys to allow music playback. Another example would be a game that requires some sort of custom USB controller

I can't seem to find any documentation on this kind of development. I'm open to writing an app that sits as layer between t...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Jet pack Navigation with non-compose app

Hey folks!

Working on application that previously didn’t use compose. Navigation was handled in the traditional nav graph and fragments. I added a few recent compose screens on top of a singular fragment.

I want to now add navigation between these compose screens; within that fragment.

1. Is that possible? Or do I need to continue with the older method (fragment and arguments)

2. Within that fragment, where I call set content, can I programmatically create a nav host and set which compos...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Share your thoughts and feedback: Movie Shelf App

Hello everyone,

I am a budding android developer and wanted to share my app - Movie Shelf App. It uses the TMDB API and Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore. Users can query movie data, add movies to watchlist and review and rate those movies.

Here is the github link:

This is for my resume. Please share your thoughts and feedback on how I can improve it architecturally or in any other way.


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AndroidDev - Reddit

What makes you better than other mobile developers?

What are your attributes that you think that "makes you better", in a healthy competition way, than the other developers?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

I made an open-source Android transcription keyboard using Whisper AI. You can dictate with auto punctuation and translation to many languages. :)

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Testing locally on Android from a Mac

Hi all!

I would love some insight into this problem I am having. Is there any way to test my code locally (with https) on an android simulator device on my Mac? I have tried setting up an android emulator, but the error I got from a Pixel 8 emulator was

“Adbd cannot run as root on production builds”

Are there any other ways you would suggest?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

HELP need apps idea for beginner (got accepted in internship)

hello dev.

i am a beginner android developer and i had been accepted in a internship and i its going to start in 25 june and i had only made one project a quiz app project using java language and i had used the room and the mvvm there, now i need help i need to make some projects before 25 june i know kotlin language well and i know also some libraries like room, coroutines. retrofit but i had never used the coroutines and retrofit before but i know them well and there usage, soo i need some a...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Musical scale/key checker idea - no idea where to start... Long explanation.. 🙏

I want to make an app that has a list of musical notes (or buttons/radio buttons) that have a visual indicator they they're on or off.

As you toggle more of these buttons on or off there would be another section on the screen that has a list of keys that would highlight if the other buttons mentioned were part of that key.

For example.. If i toggle on buttons that indicate the notes: ABCDEFG then the C and Am scales would be highlighted. If i threw in a D# as well then that would break it an...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Lifetime Terminations Have Created a Thriving Black Market for Google Play Accounts

Hey Guys,

In the past three years, Google has adopted a stringent policy towards developers, enforcing lifetime terminations for violations. This has inadvertently led to the rise of a black market for Google Play accounts.

Through extensive research, I've discovered that numerous platforms, including Facebook, Reddit, and Blackhat Forums, are teeming with listings for Google Play accounts. You can easily find these by searching for "Google Play accounts for sale." The prices range from $100 f...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Bluetooth support on MacOS with Android emulator

Is there any way to connect to an external Bluetooth device with the Android emulator running on MacBook Pro using the Android emulator?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

What is HAL anyways?

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AndroidDev - Reddit

App suspended due to restricted login location

Has anyone else faced app rejections due to their app's location restrictions?

Our app was recently suspended after 3 failed submissions to the google play store due to policy violations. The first rejection was due to a minor issue with our privacy policy, and the latter two due to the tester failing to log in to our application.

In our access instructions, we specified that the app will only function within the United States and Canada due to security settings enabled in our authentication p...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Recommended Android for development purposes

What phone would you recommend for Android development? It must support a minimum of Android 12, and be as future proof as possible. ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Ideas for System Design Interview

Hey folks,

I'm helping a friend prepare for FAANG interviews by running System Design mocking interviews. I have extensive experience running these, but we've been doing it for so long that I'm running out of ideas.

Can you help me here? I don't necessarily need problems you've faced in actual interviews; it can be any problem you find interesting enough to tackle.

Some details on product requirements would also help a lot :)


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Confused about Material Design

Hello fellow devs,
I have a question that's been bugging me for a long time. Tried asking ChatGPT or searching Google but didn't find any satisfying answer. I hope to find it here.

As the title suggests my question is about Material Design. If an Android app is designed using Material 3 which is from Android 12 and above, the app will have everything from the new design system.

1. What about apps which are below Android 12?
What happens to the UI on those apps?

2. If I start a new app whic...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Track microphone usage using Kotlin with Jetpack Compose

I am working on an project in which I want to keep a track whenever microphone gets used and whatever is provided as input. I want to monitor microphone usage across the entire system. Something like ACCESS_BACKGROUND_MICROPHONE

Github repo link:

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Tech Test Trauma: am I just old, or is this unreasonable?

I'm a senior Android engineer, doing a bunch of job hunting. I've done a few tech tests, but this one has stuck in my maw and I'd love to check with the community: am I just getting slow and old, or is this unreasonable? Part of me is frustrated and a bit angry and wanting to vent at what I perceive as being unreasonable requirements, but it would also be really helpful to have constructive, differing opinions.

I'll paste the requirements below with a little editing to avoid identifying details...

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