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Application Fails Closed Testing, Additional 14 Days Required
I had my app in closed testing, and after the initial 14 days and submitting the form, I was informed that it didn’t pass and needs another 14 days of testing. This is the first time this has happened to me, and I don’t fully understand the process of closed testing. How does this work?
What should I do now? Do I simply wait another 14 days, or should I update the app version? Currently, the control panel doesn’t show a countdown; it just indicates that I need to test for another 14 days.
Issue with selection screen
Hey! so i noticed there were no good web browsers for Google TV that you did not have to pay for or looked to sketchy, so i decided to try making my own. I get the issue that when one of the options is selected it wont load the corresponding URL. Each of them loads up the first one. I would apricate any help
package com.example.allbrowser
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.KeyEvent
FCM notifications
Is this firebase cloud messaging only for sending from a server device to a client device? Can I use it to send a notification from my android device to itself at some chosen time? Someone recommended it for use in the taskmanager app I'm making but it doesn't seem to fit that purpose...
Struggling with Android Development: Seeking Advice and Resources
Hello Reddit Community,
I am currently in my final year of a Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program and I feel the need to significantly improve my skills in this field. Additionally, I am keen on learning Android development. However, I am facing some challenges that I hope to get some advice on.
1. Finding Quality Resources: I am having a hard time finding good resources that can help me effectively learn and practice both CSE concepts and Android development.
2. Version Mismat...
What a junior should know?
What are the basics that a junior should know to be able to get a job as an android developer?
And anything else you find interesting but don't want to know?...
Monorepos in Android Projects
Hello everyone, I’m coming here looking for information about mono repos in Android, have you managed to implement it? Any good source of info about it? I have an app with many modules each on a different repo, that i’d like to join in a monorepo, but frankly I haven’t found good info about it...
Recommended CI/CD Tool for Beginners to Learn Actions and Workflows?
So, I'm a mid level dev, but I have never really dug into CI/CD (except from using it at work just as a user, so not setting it up or anything). The only time I got into it was for a week, at my last job, by copy-pasting the workflow of a pipeline and trying to make changes to actions. Unfortunately I got fired a week later.
Now I find myself in a position where CI/CD experience is one of the requirements on all mid level positions I see. So, which CI/CD free tool do you recommend for learning...
Passing data between compose screens
I have a camera screen composable. I am trying to click few images and pass the uri back to the Composable that invoked the Camera Screen. There seems to be no good way to do this?
This guy sums up pretty much all the ways I can think of doing it.
1. NavArgs (Ugly solution, because lets say i have 30 image uris, it will be too long)
2. Shared viewModel (Possible solution, but its too complex v...
GPT is now auto-replying my apps' reviews 😂
I connected ChatGPT to auto reply on my app users reviews every day, based on rating, content and language.
It connects to the Google Play API and OpenAI's API, great combo.
It came out pretty well, and now I can dedicate my full "attention" to the users.
CameraX preview not working with navigation
I have this camera preview screen with ocr that works as is but if I tried to access it in my homescreen via button the screen itself opens but the camera preview doesn't work. I've read through the states documentation and app architecture and I learned a fair bit but i'm pretty new to this in general so I honestly have no idea what i'm looking for this particular problem. I also checked stackoverflow and asked there to no avail. Though I suspect that i'm probably not setting up the lifecycle o...
Can I make my paid app for free for a certain time only in google console?
For my paid app, can I make it for free for a certain time only? Is it possible in Google Play Console?...
Android Studio - Debugger crashes before the application even atarts
I don't know why this happens, but it usually occurs when when I build the project a few times. Clearing the .gradle and .cxx folders seems to fix it temporarely. The android studio debugger crashes and shows the disassembly before the Native Activity even starts at random. It is probably not my code's fault as it happens before the code is even executed and running the app directly from the physical device makes it run perfectly. It also shows some error on the ide when this happens.
Building an app that uses generative AI to make reading in a new language easy.
how to solve this error
2024-07-03 16:52:14.491 1872-2259 ResourcesManager E failed to add asset path /data/app/com.example.themoviesapp-sfg8JXv-vV4kE6VnFafb-Q==/base.apk
2024-07-03 16:52:14.491 1872-2259 ResourcesManager E failed to add asset path /data/app/com.example.themoviesapp-sfg8JXv-vV4kE6VnFafb-Q==/base.apk
2024-07-03 16:52:14.492 1872-2259 ResourcesManager E failed to ...
Installing android studio on low end old pc
Hello, I know that android studio is extensive and needs at minimum i5 gen 2 to work(I might be wrong), but I have no work arounds around the processor, the only thing I can't change in my laptop.
My laptop is HPG62 processor i3 4 cores
But I upgraded most of other stuff
64 bit, 8 Ram, installed zorin os for it to be light on hhd, added an ssd but windows 10 uses it
Can I install and use android studio? And if not, are there any alternatives/ work arounds? Because I'm currently in a class that...
How to Check Network Traffic of an Android App similar to using Dev Tools on a Website
I was tasked to make tests for the endpoints of something that is already deployed. The frontend is a mobile app and I was wondering if it's somehow possible to kind of see the requests/response similar to how I would be able to see them when I just open dev tools on a website. That way, I would always know which button press triggers which API call and don't have to look at the frontend code at all. Is this somehow possible? (Assume I have no access to the frontend code, I only have the app ins...
How Room DB with Flow works?
I’m experimenting with Room and Coroutines Flow observables in a simple project, but I'm encountering an issue where the Flow emits multiple times.
In the app, I’m fetching all data from the user's fixed expenses table (like a monthly streaming service, cable TV, etc.) and observing the Flow in my ViewModel. The DAO returns Flow<List<FixedExpense>>
In the ViewModel, I’m collecting the Flow inside the ViewModel scope. Inside the collect block, I check if the payment date is expired. If it is...
How to do new install with these conditions?
Hey guys. I hope you can help me.
My mother wrecked her Samsung Galaxy A40. It fell into water and then stopped working. After some time it turned on again but the touchscreen did not seem to work. So I did a reset using power button and volume down button. After that it went into a reboot loop. I can go into the boot menu however. Doing a factory reset, deleting cache and then restarting does not work. It just stays in the boot screen.
I am looking into Odin and adb. But I don't know what e...
Android SDK upgrade assistant
So on making emulator, the emualtor seems to flash and then is nowhere to be seen and the window shows this
Developer Console - Pre-Check for App-Update review? Thats new, was not there last month.
So on making emulator, the emualtor seems to flash and then is nowhere to be seen and the window shows this
Can I change my Google Play developer account type from individual developer to organization?
Deadline for my account verification is approaching and I am a solo developer of some small apps. Right now I'm going to get my account verified as personal account. But would I be able to change it to organization account later when I register as acompany in future?...
Using context aware SDKs during ViewModel init?
My understanding is that ViewModels should not hold references to Context, because it disrupts the view model lifecycle and leads to memory leaks.
In my app... I need to check permissions before fetching the user's current location. Doing so with ContextCompat requires the current Context.
ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.ACCESSCOARSELOCATION)
As such, I pass the context as a parameter from my compassable functions when clicking a button, opening a menu, e...
Thermal Print USB Universal Code
Hi, is there any github or project that i can refer for Thermal Print for USB? I did try and the problem of the code is it not printing any text except for showing it is success. Is there anyway or anyone knows how to make it printing some text?...
Android Studio: debugging is a kind of hell for years and years
I've been developing in Kotlin for Android Studio for a long time.
I'm making an app that has around 60 thousand lines and it already works, but I'm adding new features, and it's 90% complete.
I program like a "game" application, but without adopting a specific framework, as it is not exactly a game. I only have one activity and I don't use intents or fragments. All my windows are dynamic (I use custom dialogs) using a library I created myself, which allows an huge level of interaction an...
Good open source dealing with network calls and clean mvvm.
As of clean mvvm I have seen official compose samples, and I was doing many things wrong.
Is there a good open source project which deals with network call and follows clean mvvm. ...
Android Crypto Samples - bunch of crypto samples for crypto-curious Android developers
Hi all, if you ever thought (or struggle with) about implementing some cryptography operations in Android app I have something for you.
In crypto-samples repo I'm trying to explain basic concepts around crypto and provide useful (and easy to understand) samples on how to implement it directly in code.
Part of the encryption operations can be of course done using the security-crypto library from Jetpack, but sometimes there is a need to provide custom implementation, tune something, or you just...
Compiling arm-v8a to armeabi-v7a.
I wanted to use Node Video Editor. But, couldn't because Node video Editor only supports 64 bit. And, I have a procceser and OS both 32 bit. So, I was wondering is it possible to complie it's arm-v8a to armeabi-v7a. As, I have searched know myself. I dont think it is possible, but I just wanted to ask you guys the experts. I just tried replacing its arm-v8a file to armeabi-v7a file but, of course it didn't work, the app just didn't open. I also tried it with Adobe Premiere Rush because I just wa...
Additional text in bottom navigation view
I am getting "Audio Amplitude is: 5.12" upon nerd mode toggle. It is not required. I am unable to figure out how to remove the extra text.
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