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Message notifications with Cloud Functions

I'm developing a chat app with kotlin for android, and I read that for notifications the most reliable way was to use firebase FCM with Cloud Functions to send notifications when detecting changes in the database. But for some reason all the notification sent from Cloud Functions is shown as it is sent by the server.

Is there any way to modify it before displaying it to, for example, show the names of the contacts in the notification? I thought that with the onMessageReceived() of the service ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Why Did Samsung Take Control of My Banking App? Inside Android’s ‘Clobbering’ Dilemma

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Switching to Samsung from iPhone

Recently I got my hands on a s21 ultra and I wanted to switch from my old iPhone XS Max. The process to transfer all of my data has been a huge mess to say the least. Managed to transfer almost everything except for one thing, Viber Messages. For some reason I cannot get back my chat history when I connect to my Viber app on my Samsung. After many hours of research in the deep mines of YouTube, i managed to find ONE software that does this (transfering Viber Messages from iPhone to Android) and ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Seeking Advice on Freelance Pricing for Wear OS App Development

Hi AndroidDev Community,

I need some guidance on how to price a freelance project I’ve just completed. I’ve developed a Wear OS app that records heart rate data from a smartwatch, stores it in a database, and periodically sends the data to a server. I’ve hosted the test database on Firebase, and the app is currently available for internal testing through the Play Store using my own Play Console account. The Firebase account is also mine. Eventually, the client will provide their own API for fin...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Data Structures : That Power Your Database Part - 1

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Data Transfer Between Fragment and BottomSheetDialogFragment Using Dagger and Navigation Component

den4icccccc/data-transfer-between-fragment-and-bottomsheetdialogfragment-using-dagger-and-navigation-component-79fd1f6e6890">den4icccccc/data-transfer-between-fragment-and-bottomsheetdialogfragment-using-dagger-and-navigation-component-79fd1f6e6890" rel="nofollow">

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Hacking Android on runtime using Frida tool

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Faster Gradle builds and Android Studio syncs by unloading modules, making Android Studio much more responsive.

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Payments on Hold

I got following email from Google a few days back.

Your payments might be on hold for one or more of the following reasons:

No form of payment: Sign in and visit your "Payment settings" page to select a form of payment.

I couldn't find the mentioned settings in my Google payments profile.

Have anyone got the similar email and have any clue about this.


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Can anyone help me? Lua on Android

I'm trying to port a sdl2 game to android(never done before)

I compiled boost, libiconv an other libraries but I'm stuck with Lua.

The problem is that I can't find any project that uses cmake to compile Lua for android... and it must be between lua version 5.1 - 5.3 oh and it must be the normal lua cause the game i want to port is written in c++

Please help me guys :D does anyone know about a projejct or something?

I won't be able to answer for the next 1 or 2 hours...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Using AI for development

Hey folks,
I was wondering what you are using for your project when you got stuck, is stack overflow still your favorite resource, or are you using Studio Bot or Chat GPT?
I recently startet a little side project which included Bluetooth communication, something I have not used before. I used ChatGPT to get some ideas and it provided me code snippets how the communication works, and honestly the result was okay, it had some little bugs that I needed to find by myself, but the fist 80% where th...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Playconsole ban appeal.How long does this message take to be reviewed?

I have submitted about 4 appeals after being banned.Hopefully this is my last before i give up. How long will this take?


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AndroidDev - Reddit

How to use asymmetric encryption with Android Keystore?
mobileatexxeta/how-to-use-asymmetric-encryption-with-android-keystore-013de5cdc745" rel="nofollow">

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Managing State for Large Forms in Android Best Practices? (XML and Jetpack Compose)

I am currently working on a project involving a form with 25+ input text fields, and I am curious to know how others manage state in such situations.

I am facing some challenges, such as the validation of each input being different, with some fields being required and others optional.

Has anyone faced a similar situation? What approaches or patterns have you used to effectively manage a large number of form inputs?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Urgent: Unexpected delay in app update review - Need advice

Hey all,

I'm facing an unexpected issue with my app update review and could use some advice. My app is only a few weeks old, and I'm used to updates being approved within 30 minutes max. However, this latest update has been pending for most of the day now.

The situation is critical because I discovered that fresh installs of the latest version I pushed yesterday are getting stuck on the splash screen, while existing users are fine. I pushed an emergency fix earlier today, hoping for a quic...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Pet Project Ideas for Android Devs

Hello, guys! I have learned Kotlin and Android Development, and I gonna get a job. I wanna make a couple of projects for my portfolio but I can't find interesting ideas for it. In the majority of cases, people tell about really simple projects such as Currency App or Weather App, that I have done in the beginning. And it doesn't look good enough for potential employer.

Please, share some interesting points for pet projects from your experience or just interesting ideas for Android Apps...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Graphine vs lineage vs something else, why and how to contribute

Hi y'all,

I am an android dev, and recently got interested in custom android operating systems.

I love both the idea of contributing to a project that extends the lifetime of devices, as well as one that increases privacy

Two things I'd like your input to:

1. Why choose graphine, lineage, or any other project?
2. How can I do so? Where can I find what the needs of said project are?


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Developer profile (Individual) identity verification (finally) complete after 5 failures

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Is there any benefit to using a Google business email for a business developer account?

It sounds more professional to use a business email for a business developer account but it costs $10 a month. I don't wanna waste money if I don't have to....

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Canary 7 now available

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running a monopoly

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Understanding what to build to move the needle

Hey, I’m Jack.

I’ve worked on and built mobile apps my whole career. From WhatsApp to Dyneti to HalloApp (500K downloads). I also know how app companies with impressive downloads can fail. It happens when they don’t listen to their customers enough. It seems so simple, and yet so many startups fail because of this.

We spent weeks and months testing out different ideas, developing MVPs, marketing - the works. It was really fun. But ultimately we were guessing and didn’t get lucky. We got a ton ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android historical logs

Hi everyone,

Im kinda new in development so im sorry if this is a dumb question.

So, i have a samsung s20 smartphone and i want to know if it is possible to have access to all logs of my phone in the past monday.
Someone stole my phone and i recover and i would like to know what this person had access to, in terms of apps, conversations (whatsapp), photos, banks, etc.

I know samsung has a "well being" activity in which i could check the amount of time the person used each application and how ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Composition over Inheritance in Kotlin

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Would you use this pagination library?

Hi all,

Would you use this pagination library over Paging 3?

I've been working on it for a while now, and so far the Compose Multiplatform Community seem to like and support it.

It can also be used on Android if you want to.

Let me know what you think of the APIs


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Play Testing Requirements


I am an independent hobbyist Android developer.

The new testing requirements can be a bit difficult for me. Does anyone else have the same difficulties where it can be hard to find people to test and app?

View Poll...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Experienced devs, what was your experience with ADT and Ant?


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Getting an error while uploading the signed version of .aab to playstore

I'm using `r0adkll/sign-android-release` my github action to sign my Android release bundle, but when uploaded to playstore it gives an error -

I've opened an issue, could somebody with experience building Android bundles and deploying on the playstore help me?

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AndroidDev - Reddit

API level 34 or higher required at end of month - What about all the Android 10 and 11 TV's??

Hello all,

I'm a quite confused about Google requiring API level 34 for all new apps or app updates. I have a less than 8 month old Sony Android TV that runs Android 11, and a 16 month old TCL TV that runs Android 10. What is going to happen to them?

Thanks for your thoughts!...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Singular: yet another reactive tool.

Hi, my name is Andrew Andrade, I've created Singular as an exercise and as a lightweight alternative to components such as the LiveData reactive component, at least that was my original plan.

Singular is not a 'Stream'-like reactive component, this means that

unlike those:

Concurrent emissions will not be queued.
Producers are not bound by Consumer processing speed.

Consumption will not callback the upstream, asking for more production.


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