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Android Studio - icon cache

Howdy all,

I'm not toooo bothered about having to wait a few extra seconds to choose the Material rounded icon option, however I'm wondering whether there's a way to cache these icons locally so that Android Studio doesn't have to download it every time I open this context menu.

Is it possible to cache them? Or are the icons already cached, and it just takes that long to get all the icons locally from storage.

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Hidden botnet in Andriod apps sending spam/fraud texts. Plausible or far-fetched?

Hi, I'm an engineer in the telco space. I've been researching a strange phenomenon where seemingly normal devices are sending P2P spam and fraud messages, snowshoeing as to avoid velocity filters and trying to remain undetected. Typically, I see this behavior from SIM Farms and am able to shut them down. But this is different. I've been reading the Android developer documentation and curious if you think this is plausible or far fetched:

If I were a criminal and wanted to create a hidden botnet...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Is GPU computing on Android even possible?

I need to perform some intensive computations on a large set of independent points, which makes it a nice task to optimize with a GPU. I've never done this before, but I'm already familiar with OpenGL and understand the basics of shader programming. However:

OpenGL doesn't seem to provide an option to extract data directly unless it's the result of graphical rendering, which makes sense.
OpenCL seems to be abandoned already.
RenderScript is deprecated in favor of Vulkan.
Vulkan is very ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Scrcpy 3.0 released with virtual display feature, OpenGL filters

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AndroidDev - Reddit

AndroidStudio Profiler Java/Kotlin Allocation "yellow overlay" meaning?

Does anyone know what does this yellow overlay (next to I) means, in android studio profiler for Java/Kotlin allocations?


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AndroidDev - Reddit

How to create such scrollable tab row in jetpack compose

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AndroidDev - Reddit

$300 Bounty For Killing A Payment Bug In App

Payments seem to be getting reset lately and I need someone who can do a quick fix...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Play Console verification madness

After more than a decade of having Play Developer accounts, I am facing Google's lack of support and incompetence.
We all know they've lost their minds, but honestly I'm at a loss.

They are asking for Tax registration letter for my company and I am submitting the Tax registration certificate and it keeps getting rejected.
I've been in contact with their support and have 10 emails back and forth.
I am asking them if an official tax certificate issued by the government isn't valid, what is.

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Simple android app made from javascript code that would allow civilians to evade drone strikes carried out by the United States Armed Forces. Entire HTML/javascript inside.

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Please review my resume for an Android Dev position

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AndroidDev - Reddit

If my app is paid on the App Store, should it be paid on the Play Store too?

I have heard Android users are less willing to spend money on paid apps than iOS users. Should I make my android app free and put admob banners in it, or should I make it ad-free and charge same acount of money as iOS app?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 Canary 3 now available

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Offered to distribute my game to prisons for

I posted that I’m making a football android game on a Facebook group and I got a message that someone wanted to distribute my app build to prisons in the US to get me downloads and would pay me 5 to 7 dollars per download. I’m sure that this is a scam, but what would someone gain from me giving them my app build? Is there sensitive data in my app build if I include it in my code? And has anyone else experienced this or any have knowledge of this kind of thing?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Cancellation in Kotlin Coroutines - Internal working

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AndroidDev - Reddit

what's correct way to access preference datastore value in broadcast receiver?

I have searched a lot, didn't any satisfactory anwser?

it's fairly simple app i want to trigger a alarm when battery at certain % given by the user which is stored in preference datastore

// at the top in my MainActivity.kt
val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore(name = "battery_level")

class BatteryReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
// Get battery status

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Mounting Android 7.0 userdata.img

I am trying to recover user data from a bricked Oukitel K3. The device had Android 7.0 and a MediaTek MT6750T processor.

SP Flash Tool enabled me to download the full contents of the EMMC. Then I extracted the userdata.img and decrypted it. (I found the decryption info and keys in metadata.img)

I'm now attempting to mount the decrypted image in order to access the files, but I am getting the following error:

$ mount -v -o ro,loop userdata.img /mnt/user_data/
mount: /mnt/user_data: wro...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Open source tool to understand data collection in Android apps

I am doing my PhD in Software Engineering at Paderborn University (Germany). We are studying how Android app developers report collected data through Google Play's data safety section, and how that impacts privacy. Based on this, we are developing an open source tool, AutoPRICE, which assists app developers in automatically categorizing the data their app collects as privacy-relevant (wrt GDPR). This tool also automatically completes the data safety section of an app. Please take a quick survey ...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Google Play verification - will you keep your account as a small-timer dev?

I was actively publishing apps in 2019. Just some simple tools and I did my best to keep them updated, but I had so much issues because new versions of app that would fix a typo or button placement would get rejected by the AI that Google used for verifying for "Your app is not compliant with Google Play Policies" . Doing exact upload the next day would get the new version approved 🤷‍♂️

Do you guys that just share some stuff for free on the Play Store, verify and keep your personal account? I l...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Need help with maintaining Jetpack Compose LazyVerticalGrid scroll state

I have a LazyVerticalGrid that displays a few types of items. Items can occupy different column span as well. Users can click on an item and navigate to a different screen. When they come back, the scrolled state should not be reset to the top item.

For example, this LazyVerticalGrid automatically maintains the scroll state, I don't have to do anything.

columns = GridCells.Adaptive(120.dp),
) {
items(contentList) { content ->

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android Faithful - Interview with Jesse Wilson from Cash.App / Block - Droidcon NYC

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Help LINE App deep linking nightmare: All URL schemes returning errors, Any Experts here?

Developers, I'm desperate for help with LINE deep linking! 😫
I've spent days trying to make a simple helper app for Thai dating sites, but LINE's URL schemes are driving me crazy! 😭

What I'm trying to do seems so simple:

User selects a LINE ID in a text message
Shares to my app
App should open LINE and search for that ID automatically

But after countless hours and attempts, the best I could do is:

Open the Add Friends screen
Put the ID in clipboard
Ask users to paste it manually

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AndroidDev - Reddit

"Declaration" required by Google Play on using Exact Alarms 🙄;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=7588dde15bf51b10fd62aae2e26dce5b265a90ef

My app is a essentially a "task manager" where each task has its own task timer, and (obviously) relies on the "pomodoro-style" timer to run on that particular task. So yes, being an "alarm clock," is a vital and "core" functionality of my app. Of course, this becomes a gray area, and is open to interpretation.

The issue is that If I don't use Exact Alarm, then dozing occurs, an...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

How Can I Bring Back the Pre-Android 12 Color Scheme to My Phone?

I'm looking for a way to customize my phone's theme to replicate the color scheme used in Android versions before Android 12 (before Material You and Dynamic Color). Specifically, I want to bring back the classic Material Design.

Does anyone know the exact color palette (with hex codes) from the pre-Android 12 era?

I am using a custom rom(CRDroid ), I tried with the dynamic color settings and it didn't work, I also used ColorBlender app but it didn't have the color scheme I wanted However, I c...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

CI/CD tool for solo indie developer in 2024

What do you (especially small developer teams or solo developers) use as CI/CD?

There are some older posts, but I would like to get an up-to-date opinions/answers.

I started using Jenkins a few months ago. It's a matter of taste, I'm a bit old fashioned... Is anyone using it too? Do you think it's a dead-end technology?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

[UI in Android Studio] How can I hide all text here? I like Classic UI but I can't fit everything I want on these ribbons because of the text

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AndroidDev - Reddit

HTTP - client able to stop uploading file while getting server response

Currently in normal file upload process, we're using java's HTTPUrlConnection, file is being uploaded via OutputStream and then call getResponse() to get server's response for uploaded file status.

But there is a big issue in error cases such as the requests need to be throttled or file is too large, or server is unavailable etc that client would upload the whole file and lost of bytes are wasted. In this case, we need client to stop the upload early, the ideal case is client to listen to serve...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Making an AAC app that runs a local LLM

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Is it easy to implement web sockets in react native? Or should I use kotlin? ...

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Building a Clean, Multi-Module Application with Compose Multiplatform | Introduction to the Series

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AndroidDev - Reddit

kotlin book

hello devs, i was looking for a kotlin book that focuses on oop, lambdas,flows and coroutines. Would be good if it isn't old and available as pdf :). ...

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